# Leap Motion ## Leap Motion SDK installation on Linux . Download the https://developer.leapmotion.com/v2[V2 Desktop SDK] (registration needed) . Run the _scripts/setup-leapsdk-linux.sh_ script: `$ sudo ./setup-leapsdk-linux.sh __` ** This will untar and install leap motion SDK and placed native libraries in */opt/leapmotion* folder. . Start / Stop Leap deamon: `$ service leapd [start | stop]` ### Usage in Java projects * To use LeapMotion SDK from Java add the _/usr/leapmotion/LeapSDK/lib/LeapJava.jar_ to the project build path. ## Related sites * https://developer.leapmotion.com/documentation/index.html?proglang=current[Developer documentation] * http://blog.leapmotion.com/hardware-to-software-how-does-the-leap-motion-controller-work/[How does it work] * http://www.cs.put.poznan.pl/wjaskowski/pub/theses/LeapGesture_BScThesis.pdf[Related thesis] ## Known issues: * https://community.leapmotion.com/t/crash-in-libleap-dylib-when-calling-controller-addlistener/905[jvm crash caused by listener]