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This example demonstrates updating the device firmware using the Over-The-Air (OTA) feature of Amazon FreeRTOS.


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AWS IoT and FreeRTOS for PSoC 6 MCU: OTA

This code example demonstrates Over-the-Air (OTA) firmware update of PSoC® 6 MCU running FreeRTOS. This example bundles two applications:

  • Bootloader app: Implements an MCUboot-based basic bootloader application run by the CM0+ CPU. The bootloader handles image authentication and upgrades. When the image is valid, the bootloader lets the CM4 CPU boot/run the image by passing the starting address of the image to it. See the MCUboot-based Basic Bootloader example first to understand the basics.

  • OTA app: This application executed by the CM4 CPU connects to the network and establishes an MQTT connection to the AWS MQTT broker. The OTA Agent on the IoT device regularly checks for an OTA update job notification. Once the device is notified about the update, the device submits a request to download the firmware image. The AWS server streams the update, which is then stored locally on the device, verified with a code-signing certificate, and the firmware updated.

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Install the following additional software if you are using CMake. This code example was tested with CMake version 3.17.3 and Ninja version 1.10.0.


  1. openssl, which is used for generating private keys and signing certificates, is provided as part of the ModusToolbox installation at C:/Users/<user_profile_name>/ModusToolbox/tools_2.1/modus-shell/bin.

  2. The python module imgtool, which is used for signing the image to include the header needed by the bootloader for authenticating the image, is provided as part of the amazon-freertos repository at <amazon-freertos>/vendors/cypress/MTB/port_support/ota\scripts.

Supported Toolchains (make variable 'TOOLCHAIN')

  • GNU Arm® Embedded Compiler v7.2.1 (GCC_ARM) - Default value of TOOLCHAIN

Note: ModusToolbox FreeRTOS SDK supports Arm compiler v6.11 and IAR C/C++ compiler v8.42.2 toolchains, but MCUboot supports the GCC_ARM compiler only.

Supported Kits (make variable 'TARGET')

Note: This example requires PSoC 6 MCU devices with at least 2 MB flash and 1 MB SRAM. Therefore, only the following kits are supported:

Hardware Setup

This example uses the board's default configuration. See the kit user guide to ensure that the board is configured correctly.

Software Setup

Install a terminal emulator if you don't have one. Instructions in this document use Tera Term.

Configure Python 3.8.3

  1. Install Python 3.8.3 if you don't have it installed on your PC.

  2. Change your directory to <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts.

  3. Install the packages listed in requirements.txt.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: <amazon-freertos> refers to the path of the FreeRTOS directory in your computer.

Configure AWS CLI

AWS CLI is installed as part of the steps in the Configure Python 3.8.3 section. This example requires AWS CLI to be configured on the local machine to start the OTA update job.

  1. Enter the following command to configure your Identity and Access Management credentials with AWS CLI:

    aws configure --profile <name_of_profile>

    If no profile name is provided, the credentials are stored with the profile name as default.

  2. Enter your Access Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Region, and Output format.

    Ensure that you have the Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key details or ask your AWS account administrator.

Note: You can also submit the OTA job manually through the web console. See the "OTA Update Prerequisites" and "OTA Tutorial" sections in FreeRTOS Over-the-Air Updates documentation.

First Steps

  1. Clone recursively or download the FreeRTOS SDK from GitHub:

    git clone --recursive --branch 202007-MTBAFR2041
  2. Go to <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress directory. Clone or download this code example, or copy it if you already have it.

    git clone --recurse-submodules --branch latest-v1.X

    Alternatively, you can clone the example outside of the <amazon-freertos> directory. However, you must make sure that CY_AFR_ROOT in bootloader_cm0p/, and AFR_PATH in ota_cm4/CMakeLists.txt point to the correct path of the <amazon-freertos> directory.

    If you use Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox, you must clone the code example under <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress because Eclipse project files use relative paths to link to the files under <amazon-freertos>.

  3. Connect the board to your PC using the provided USB cable through the KitProg3 USB connector.

  4. Open a terminal program and select the KitProg3 COM port. Set the serial port parameters to 8N1 and 115200 baud.

Using the Code Example

This document expects you to be familiar with MCUboot and its concepts. See MCUboot documentation to learn more.

This example bundles two applications - the bootloader app run by CM0+ and the OTA app run by CM4. You need to build and program the applications in the following order. Do not start building the applications yet: follow the Step-by-Step Instructions.

  1. Build and program the bootloader app - On the next reset, CM0+ runs the bootloader and prints a message that no valid image has been found.

  2. Build and program the OTA app (factory image) - On the next reset, the bootloader will let CM4 run the OTA app from the primary slot. This application connects to an AP, and then connects to the AWS MQTT broker and registers for OTA notifications. If BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA is 0 (default), the LED blinks at 1 Hz.

  3. Build the OTA app by changing the value of BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA and incrementing the application version in include/aws_application_version.h. - Upload the signed image to AWS S3 Bucket and start an OTA job using scripts/ The device downloads the update image to the secondary slot and resets itself. The bootloader app then copies the image to the primary slot and enables the CM4 CPU to start executing from the primary slot. This application connects to an AP and establishes a connection with the AWS MQTT Broker. If the application version was higher, the device updates the status of the OTA job as successful in AWS, and registers for OTA notifications. The LED blinks at 4 Hz if BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA is 1.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Configuring bootloader_cm0p

Memory Layout

Note that MCUboot and the OTA application must have the same understanding of the memory layout. The default memory layout is specified in the file <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/bootloader_cm0p/

If using the make build flow, the memory map is shared between the two projects through If you are using CMake, specify the memory layout in the <amazon-freertos>/vendors/cypress/boards/<TARGET>/CMakeLists.txt file.

Location of the Update Image

The update image is stored in the secondary slot which can reside in either the internal flash or the external flash. The bootloader_cm0p project uses the external flash by default.

To override this setting, change the value of USE_EXT_FLASH to '0' in <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/bootloader_cm0p/

Building and programming bootloader_cm0p

Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox:

  1. Go to File > Import.

  2. Choose Existing Projects into Workspace under General and click Next.

  3. Click the Browse button near Select root directory, choose the code example directory <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/bootloader_cm0p, and click Finish.

  4. Select the application project in the Project Explorer.

  5. In the Quick Panel, scroll down, and click bootloader_cm0p Program (KitProg3).

Using CLI:

  1. Open a CLI terminal and navigate to <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/bootloader_cm0p.

  2. From the terminal, execute the make program command to build and program the application using the default toolchain to the default target. You can specify a target and toolchain manually:

    make program TARGET=<BSP> TOOLCHAIN=<toolchain>


    make program TARGET=CY8CPROTO_062_4343W TOOLCHAIN=GCC_ARM

Configuring ota_cm4

Ensure that AWS CLI is set up as described in Configure AWS CLI.

If you haven't created a Thing:

  1. Update configure.json in <amazon-freertos>/tools/aws_config_quick_start with the following details:

    • Name of your Thing
    • SSID, password, and security details of the AP.
  2. Open a command prompt and run the following command: setup

    Your details will be updated automatically in aws_credential.h and aws_credentialkeys.h at <amazon-freertos>/demos/include.

  3. Copy these files into <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include.

If you already have created a Thing:

  1. Open aws_credential.h in <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include and update the following:

    • SSID, password, and security details of your AP
    • Name of your Thing
    • Endpoint address
  2. Open aws_credentialkeys.h in <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include and update the security certificates for your Thing.

Generate a Signing Key-Pair

The OTA job needs a signing profile to sign the image before streaming it to the kit. The signing process is handled by AWS.

Do the following to generate a new signing key-pair and register it with AWS:

  1. Open a command prompt and change the directory to <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts.

  2. Generate the private key using the following command:

    openssl genpkey -algorithm EC -pkeyopt ec_paramgen_curve:P-256 -pkeyopt ec_param_enc:named_curve -outform PEM -out <filename>.pem

    Replace <filename> with a name of your choice.

  3. Create a new file named "cert_config.txt" in the same directory with the following contents. Modify <user_name> and <domain> to match your credentials.

    [ req ]
    prompt             = no
    distinguished_name = my_dn
    [ my_dn ]
    commonName = <user_name>@<domain>.com
    [ my_exts ]
    keyUsage         = digitalSignature
    extendedKeyUsage = codeSigning
  4. Generate a code-signing certificate using the following command:

    openssl req -new -x509 -config cert_config.txt -extensions my_exts -nodes -days 365 -key <filename>.pem -out <filename>.crt
  5. Paste the contents of <filename>.crt in aws_ota_codesigner_certificate.h at <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include.

    Follow the format explained in the file. This is used to verify the signature generated by AWS and streamed with the image to the kit.

  6. Register the certificate and private key with AWS Certificate Manager (ACM).

    aws acm import-certificate --certificate fileb://<filename>.crt --private-key fileb://<filename>.pem --profile <profile_name> > ./certarn.json

    Note: Make sure that you include the output redirect symbol '>' between file names.

If you are building the factory image:

No files need to be edited when building the factory image. The example distinguishes between update images through application version and the blinking rate of the LED. APP_VERSION_MAJOR, APP_VERSION_MINOR, and APP_VERSION_BUILD determine the application version. The blinking rate is 1 Hz or 4 Hz if the value of BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA is 0 or 1 respectively. The default values are as follows:

  • Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox or the 'make' Build System: The application version and blinking rate are specified in aws_application_version.h at afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include and the Makefile at <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4 respectively.

  • Using the CMake Build System: The default application version is set in aws_application_version.h at afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/include. The blinking rate is set by BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA in CMakeLists.txt in afr-example-ota/ota_cm4.

If you are building the update image:

Increment the OTA update image version to replace the existing image. Alternate the value of BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA between successive OTA update images. This will change the blinking rate of the LED, thereby providing a visual indicator for a successful OTA update.

  • Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox or the 'make' Build System:

    Set the the version of the example in aws_application_version.h and BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA in the Makefile.

  • Using the CMake Build System:

    Set the version of the example in aws_application_version.h and BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA in the command line as explained in Using CMake.

Application version when using a TAR archive (Optional)

The example generates a TAR archive in addition to the binary signed image, which can be uploaded to AWS. If you are using the TAR archive for an OTA upgrade, you can make use of the feature to check for the application version before starting the download. Note that this requires that the version numbers here and in aws_application_version.h match. This will create compile warnings such as follows:

warning: "APP_VERSION_MAJOR" redefined
  • Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox or the 'make' Build System:

    Set the the version of the example and CY_TEST_APP_VERSION_IN_TAR in the Makefile.

  • Using the CMake Build System:

    Set the version of the example and CY_TEST_APP_VERSION_IN_TAR by exporting them to the environment variable such as follows:

    export APP_VERSION_MAJOR=1
    export APP_VERSION_MINOR=2
    export APP_VERSION_BUILD=3

Building and Programming ota_cm4

In Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox:

  1. Go to File > Import.

  2. Choose Existing Projects into Workspace under General and click Next.

  3. Click the Browse button near Select root directory, choose the code example directory <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4, and click Finish.

  4. Select the application project in the Project Explorer.

  5. In the Quick Panel, scroll down, and click ota_cm4 Program (KitProg3).

    Do not program the binary if it is the OTA update image. Instead, build the application by clicking Build ota_cm4 Application.

To program a target board different from the default one defined using the TARGET variable in the Makefile, you need to generate the launch configurations for the new target. See Running FreeRTOS Code Examples - KBA228845 for details.

Using Command-line Interface (CLI):

  1. Open a CLI terminal and navigate to the code example directory.

  2. From the terminal, execute the make program command to build and program the application using the default toolchain to the default target. You can specify a target and toolchain manually:

    make program TARGET=<BSP> TOOLCHAIN=<toolchain>


    make program TARGET=CY8CPROTO_062_4343W TOOLCHAIN=GCC_ARM
  3. Do not program the binary if it is the OTA update image. Instead, build the application using the default toolchain to the default target with the make build command. You can specify a target and toolchain manually:

    make build TARGET=<BSP> TOOLCHAIN=<toolchain>



Using CMake:

  1. Run the following command from the code example directory to configure and generate CMake build files using Ninja as the generator, <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4:

    cmake -DVENDOR=cypress -DBOARD=CY8CPROTO_062_4343W -DCOMPILER=arm-gcc -S . -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../../../../tools/cmake/toolchains/arm-gcc.cmake -DAFR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH=<Path to GCC_ARM compiler bin directory> -DBLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA=0
  2. Optionally, change the LED blink frequency by changing the value of BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA in CMake generate command in Step 1.


    • The post-build steps use arm-none-eabi-objcopy to convert afr-example-ota.hex to afr-example-ota.bin, which fails when using IAR or Arm toolchains. Therefore, add the path to the binary directory of the GNU installation on your PC to the PATH environment variable.

    • AFR_TOOLCHAIN_PATH is not required if you have already added the binary directory path of the compiler installation on your PC to the PATH environment variable.

  3. After CMake has generated the configuration, run the following command:

    cmake --build ./build

    In the post-build step, is used to add the image magic in the image header field and convert the signed image to a .bin file, which should be uploaded to AWS.

  4. Use Cypress Programmer to program afr-example-ota.hex. The hex file is generated under <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/build.

Note: Do not program the binary if it is the updated version of the application.


After the image is verified by the bootloader, the application starts executing. The application connects to the AP and establishes a connection to the AWS MQTT Broker. It waits for OTA job notifications. The LED on the board blinks at 1 Hz if BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA is '0'. A sample serial output terminal is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Factory Image Terminal Output

  1. Edit the version of the example and set BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA to '1' as described in Configuring ota_cm4.

  2. Build the update image as explained in Building and Programming ota_cm4.

  3. Run the Python script at <amazon-freertos>/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts to create the OTA job. Replace <name_of_profile>, <name_of_thing>, <name_of_role>, <name_of_s3_bucket>, and <name_of_signing_profile> to match your credentials.

    cd dev/amazon-freertos/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts
    python3 --profile <name_of_profile> --name <name_of_thing> --role <name_of_role> --s3bucket <name_of_s3_bucket> --otasigningprofile <name_of_signing_profile> --appversion <version_in_the_form_3-2-1>

    Once the device receives an OTA notification, it requests the updated image. AWS creates a stream and transfers the image to the device.

Figure 2. OTA Notification Terminal Output

After the transfer of the image is completed, the following occur:

  • The OTA Agent on the device verifies the signature provided by AWS with the image.

  • The bootloader validates the image with the public key.

  • After successfully validating, the bootloader overwrites the image in the primary slot (which contains the factory image) with the secondary slot (which contains the update image).

  • The LED now blinks at 4 Hz. A sample serial output is shown in Figure 3.

Note: After booting the update image, the version of the image is checked by the OTA Agent. If the version is older than that of the factory image, the OTA Agent rejects the image and forces a reset of the device. Because the factory image is lost after overwriting, the device boots the update image again. Therefore, you must ensure that the version of the update image is always newer than the factory image.

Figure 3. Running the Update Image

Design and Implementation


As explained at the beginning of this document, this example bundles two applications - a bootloader app and an OTA app. The bootloader app and the OTA app need to be programmed only once. Subsequent updated images of the OTA app needs to be converted to either a BIN or TAR archive before uploading it to AWS. The conversion of the built ELF file to BIN or TAR files is handled as part of post-build step.

The MCUboot repo in GitHub also includes two apps - MCUBootApp and BlinkyApp - for PSoC 62 devices. The functionality of the bootloader app is exactly the same as the MCUBootApp bundled with MCUboot; it reuses several source files (see bootloader_cm0p/ for the exact list of files). This code example uses ModusToolbox resources such as BSPs and psoc6make to provide a rich development experience that aligns well with other ModusToolbox-based code examples.

Figure 4. Bootloader App Flow

In this example, the OTA app is always programmed to the primary slot and the update image is stored in the secondary slot. See MCUboot design documentation for details.

Flash Map/Partition

Figure 5 shows a typical flash map or partition used with MCUboot. The partitions need not be contiguous in memory because it is possible to configure the offset and size of each partition. However, the offset and the size must be aligned to the boundary of a flash row or sector. For PSoC 6 MCUs, the size of a flash row is 512 bytes. Also, the partition can be in either internal flash or external flash.

The memory partition is described or defined through a flash map (a data structure). It is important that the bootloader app and the bootable app (i.e., OTA app in this example) agree on the flash map. This example uses a shared file (bootloader_cm0p/ between the two apps so that they can use the same set of flash map parameters. See Configuring the Default Flash Map for details.

Figure 5. Typical Flash Map

Default Flash Map

Figure 6 illustrates the default flash map used in this example.

  • Placing secondary slots in external flash is supported when USE_EXT_FLASH=1.

  • The starting address of the scratch area is:

    • 0x101D8000 when the secondary slot resides in the external flash.

    • 0x101FF000 when the secondary slot resides in the internal flash.

  • The starting address of the secondary slot in the external flash is offset by 0x40000 (256 KB) because the erase sector size of the S25FL512S NOR flash (available on most PSoC 6 MCU kits) is 256 KB.

See Bootloader App Variables for details on configuring these parameters.

Figure 6. Default Flash Map in this Example

Customizing the Flash Map

A default flash map is defined through the boot_area_descs variable in the libs/mcuboot/boot/cypress/cy_flash_pal/cy_flash_map.c file; this variable is constructed using the macros defined in the libs/mcuboot/boot/cypress/MCUBootApp/sysflash/sysflash.h file.

You can either configure the parameters such as the bootloader size and slot size that constitute the default flash map or completely override the default flash map as described in the following sections.

Configuring the Default Flash Map

A simplified way to configure the default flash map is to configure the parameters in the bootloader_cm0p/ file. These are used to set the values of the macros in sysflash.h through the DEFINES variable in bootloader_cm0p/Makefile.

In this method, all the slots are set to the same size using the MCUBOOT_SLOT_SIZE variable. These parameters are also passed to the linker using the LDFLAGS variable; the linker scripts use those parameters and define the memory regions accordingly. See Common Variables for details on configuring these parameters. Figure 7 illustrates how the flash map configuration flows from the file to other files.

Figure 7. Flash Map Configuration

Overriding the Default Flash Map
  1. Add DEFINES+=CY_FLASH_MAP_EXT_DESC in bootloader_cm0p/Makefile.

  2. Define and initialize the struct flash_area *boot_area_descs[]variable. The default definition of this variable is available in the libs/mcuboot/boot/cypress/cy_flash_pal/cy_flash_map.c file.

Configuring make Variables

This section explains the important make variables that affect the MCUboot functionality. You can either update these variables directly in the Makefile or pass them along with the make build command.

Common Make Variables

These variables are common to both the bootloader and OTA apps and are configured via the bootloader_cm0p/ file.

Variable Default Value Description
USE_EXT_FLASH 1 When set to '1', the bootloader app supports placing the secondary slot on the external flash.
MCUBOOT_IMAGE_NUMBER 1 Number of images supported in the case of multi-image bootloading. This example supports only one image.
SIGN_KEY_FILE cypress-test-ec-p256 Name of the private and public key files (the same name is used for both the keys)
BOOTLOADER_APP_FLASH_SIZE 0x18000 Flash size of the bootloader app run by CM0+.
In the linker script for the bootloader app (CM0+), LENGTH of the flash region is set to this value.
In the linker script for the OTA app (CM4), ORIGIN of the flash region is offset to this value.
BOOTLOADER_APP_RAM_SIZE 0x20000 RAM size of the bootloader app run by CM0+.
In the linker script for the bootloader app (CM0+), LENGTH of the ram region is set to this value.
In the linker script for the OTA app (CM4), ORIGIN of the ram region is offset to this value and LENGTH of the ram region is calculated based on this value.
MCUBOOT_SCRATCH_SIZE 0x1000 Size of the scratch area used by MCUboot while swapping the image between the primary slot and secondary slot
MCUBOOT_HEADER_SIZE 0x400 Size of the MCUboot header. Must be a multiple of 1024 (see the note below).
Used in the following places:
1. In the linker script for the OTA app (CM4), the starting address of the.text section is offset by the MCUboot header size from the ORIGIN of the flash region. This is to leave space for the header that will be later inserted by the imgtool during post-build steps.
2. Passed to the imgtool while signing the image. The imgtool fills the space of this size with zeroes (or 0xFF depending on internal or external flash) and then adds the actual header from the beginning of the image.
MCUBOOT_SLOT_SIZE 0x1C0000, when the secondary slot is placed in the external flash.
0xF3800, when the secondary slot is placed in the internal flash.
Size of the primary slot and secondary slot, i.e., the flash size of the OTA app run by CM4.
MCUBOOT_SLOT_SIZE refers to sizes of both the primary and secondary slots in this example.
MCUBOOT_MAX_IMG_SECTORS 3584, when the secondary slot is placed in the external flash.
2000, when the secondary slot is placed in the internal flash.
The maximum number of flash sectors (or rows) per image slot or the maximum number of flash sectors for which swap status is tracked in the image trailer. This value can be simply set to MCUBOOT_SLOT_SIZE/FLASH_ROW_SIZE. For PSoC 6 MCUs, FLASH_ROW_SIZE=512 bytes.

Used in the following places:
1. In the bootloader app, this value is used in DEFINE+= to override the macro with the same name in mcuboot/boot/cypress/MCUBootApp
2. In the OTA app, this value is passed with the -M option to the imgtool while signing the image. imgtool adds padding in the trailer area depending on this value.

Note: The value ofMCUBOOT_HEADER_SIZE must be a multiple of 1024 because the CM4 image begins immediately after the MCUboot header and it begins with the interrupt vector table. For PSoC 6 MCU, the starting address of the interrupt vector table must be 1024-bytes aligned.

Number of bytes to be aligned to = Number of interrupt vectors x 4 bytes

i.e., 1024 = 256 vectors x 4 bytes (32-bit address) per vector.

PSoC 6 MCU supports up to 240 external interrupts in addition to the 16 system exceptions provided by CM4. See the description of the CPUSS_CM4_VECTOR_TABLE_BASE register in PSoC 6 Register Technical Reference Manual and the description of the Vector Table Offset Register (VTOR) in Cortex-M4 (ARMv7-M) Architecture Technical Reference Manual for details.

Bootloader App make Variables

These variables are configured via bootloader_cm0p/Makefile.

Variable Default Value Description
USE_CRYPTO_HW 1 When set to '1', Mbed TLS uses the Crypto block in PSoC 6 MCU for providing hardware acceleration of crypto functions using the cy-mbedtls-acceleration library. This library is cloned as a sub-module within MCUboot.

OTA App make Variables

These variables are configured via ota_cm4/Makefile. They are needed to demonstrate OTA upgrades.

Variable Default Value Description
BLINK_FREQ_UPDATE_OTA 0 Valid values: 0, 1
0: The LED blinks at a rate of 1 Hz when this parameter is 0.
1: The LED blinks at a rate of 4 Hz when this parameter is 1.
Change the definition of this build parameter between successive firmware upgrades to get a visual indication of successful OTA upgrade.
OTA_USE_EXTERNAL_FLASH USE_EXT_FLASH It is set to the same value as USE_EXT_FLASH. Set this to '0' when the secondary slot of the image resides in the external flash. This affects the value used for padding by imgtool. The padding value is '0' for the internal flash and 0xff for the external flash.

The following variables are not required to demonstrate OTA updates, but provide optional features that you can enable:

Variable Default Value Description
CY_TEST_APP_VERSION_IN_TAR 0 If this is enabled, the application version in the TAR archive is checked before downloading. If the application version is older, it is not downloaded.
0.9.0 The application version provided by the user is used if CY_TEST_APP_VERSION_IN_TAR is '1'. Ensure that the version matches with aws_application_version.h. It is passed to imgtool with the-v option in MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD format while signing the image. Ensure that the value of application version is incremented between successive firmware upgrades; otherwise, the OTA job will be marked as failed by the OTA Agent when the device executes the update image.

Secondary Slot on External Flash

This code example supports configuring the secondary slot (to place the upgradable image) on either the external flash or internal flash. You will have to decide the secondary slot location before starting the build. By default, the secondary slot is on the external flash. To change it to internal flash, set USE_EXT_FLASH=0 in afr-example-ota/bootloader_cm0p/ If you are using CMake to build, run the export OTA_USE_EXTERNAL_FLASH=0 command.

Note: When the internal flash is selected for the secondary slot, the size of the application is restricted to 974 KB. As a result, the amount of memory available to you to add additional functionality to the OTA functionality is very low. Therefore, it is recommended to store the secondary slot in the external flash.

See the MCUboot-based Basic Bootloader code example to learn more about MCUboot slots and upgrade processes.


Note: This example performs a rudimentary check of whether the correct IMAGE_MAGIC is present in the MCUboot header. It does not implement root of trust (RoT)-based secure services such as secure boot and secure storage (to securely store and retrieve the keys). You must ensure that adequate security measures are implemented in your end-product. See the PSoC 64 Line of Secure MCUs that offer those advanced security features built-in, and read this whitepaper that compares the security features between PSoC 64 Secure MCU and PSoC 62/63 MCUs.

This example disables image authentication by commenting the following lines in the bootloader_cm0p/config/mcuboot_config/mcuboot_config.h file:

#define MCUBOOT_SIGN_EC256
#define NUM_ECC_BYTES (256 / 8)

Pre- and Post-Build Steps

Bootloader App: Pre-Build Steps

The pre-build steps are specified through the PREBUILD variable in bootloader_cm0p/Makefile. This step generates the cycfg_qspi_memslot.c./h files under the bootloader_cm0p/COMPONENT_CUSTOM_DESIGN_MODUS/TARGET_<kit>/GeneratedSource directory. This step is required because QSPI is not enabled in design.modus. This is done to avoid initializing the QSPI block in the generated source because it is initialized in SFDP mode by the bootloader app in main.c. psoc6make auto-generates the source files from the configurator tools only if the peripheral is enabled in design.modus.

OTA App: Post-Build Steps

These steps generate a signed version of the image in HEX format using the imgtool Python module. The CY_SIGNING_KEY_ARG variable holds the arguments passed to the imgtool. The final image is in HEX format so that PSoC 6 MCU programmer tools can directly program the image into the device. Additionally, the signed hex files are converted to BIN format and TAR archives which is used to perform OTA upgrades.

  • Using Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox or the 'make' Build System:

    The post-build steps are specified through the POSTBUILD variable in ota_cm4/make_support/ The step provides the file names and signing arguments to the bash file sign_script.bash at <amazon-freertos>/vendors/cypress/MTB/port_support/ota/scripts, which does the following:

    1. Converts the generated ELF file to a HEX file i.e., ota_cm4.unsigned.hex.

    2. Signs ota_cm4.unsigned.hex using the script. The signed HEX file, ota_cm4.hex, is used to program the device.

    3. Converts the signed HEX file to a BIN file.

    4. Creates a components.json file to be used during creation of the TAR archive. the JSON file stores the application version.

    5. Creates a TAR archive and prints the list of files created at the end of the script.

  • Using the CMake Build System:

    The functions cy_sign_boot_image and config_cy_mcuboot_sign_script in cy_create_exe_target.cmake at <amazon-freertos>/vendors/cypress/MTB/psoc6/cmake contain the post-build steps.

    config_cy_mcuboot_sign_script does the following:

    1. Converts the generated ELF file to a HEX file i.e., ota_cm4.unsigned.hex.

    2. Takes as a template and substitutes the file names with the ones provided by the application and outputs a file in the build directory.

    cy_sign_boot_image runs a post-build command where is run, which does the following:

    1. Signs the ota_cm4.unsigned.hex file using the script. The signed HEX file, ota_cm4.hex, is used to program the device.

    2. Converts the signed HEX file to a BIN file.

    3. Creates a components.json file to be used during the creation of the TAR archive. The JSON file stores the application version.

    4. Creates a TAR archive and prints the list of files created at the end of the script.

Bootloader App: Custom Device Configuration

The bootloader app overrides the default device configuration provided in libs/TARGET_<kit>\COMPONENT_BSP_DESIGN_MODUS with the one provided in COMPONENT_CUSTOM_DESIGN_MODUS/TARGET_<kit> for the supported kits. The custom configuration just enables the Serial Communication Block (SCB) in UART mode with the alias CYBSP_UART. libs/mcuboot/boot/cypress/MCUBootApp/cy_retarget_io_pdl.c uses this block to implement redirecting printf to UART.

Design Notes

  1. Both the bootloader app and the OTA app implement redirecting printf to the serial port (UART). Both the apps use the same SCB (UART) block to communicate with the USB-to-UART bridge provided by KitProg3. The bootloader app runs first, initializes the UART block, prints the messages, and then boots the OTA app, which then again initializes the same UART block and prints messages. There is no conflict currently because the apps do not print simultaneously.

  2. HAL drivers do not support CM0+. All the code written for the bootloader app use only the PDL drivers.

  3. The bootloader app does not initialize the system clocks and resources; call init_cycfg_system() to let CM4 initialize them.

FreeRTOS OTA Overview

The data flow for FreeRTOS OTA involves the following three entities:

  1. Customer:

    The customer develops a new firmware for the target and sends it to AWS. The customer is you, the person reading these instructions.

  2. Amazon Web Services (AWS):

    • S3

      • AWS S3 is a storage service. The new firmware developed by you must be uploaded to a S3 Bucket. The image in S3 is then used by the OTA Update Manager Service.
    • OTA Update Manager Service

      • The OTA Update Manager service provides a way to do the following:

        • Create an OTA update.
        • Get information about an OTA update.
        • List all OTA updates associated with your AWS account.
        • Delete an OTA update.
      • An OTA update is a data structure maintained by the OTA Update Manager service. It contains the following:

        • An OTA update ID.
        • An optional OTA update description.
        • A list of devices to update (targets).
        • The type of OTA update: CONTINUOUS or SNAPSHOT.
        • A list of files to send to the target devices.
        • An IAM role that allows access to the AWS IoT Job service.
        • An optional list of user-defined name-value pairs.
      • After the files have been digitally signed, you need to create a stream to transfer the update. The service breaks up your files into blocks that can be sent over MQTT to your devices. The size of the blocks can be adjusted in the FreeRTOS OTA Agent code.

  3. Target that receives the OTA update:

    For the target to receive OTA updates, the OTA agent must be running in it. The OTA Agent enables you to manage the notification, and download and verify firmware updates for FreeRTOS devices. By using the OTA Agent library, you can logically separate firmware updates from the application running on your devices. The OTA Agent library allows you to define application-specific logic for testing, committing, or rolling back a firmware update.

Figure 8. FreeRTOS OTA Data Flow

Script to Automate OTA Job Creation

This example bundles a Python script,, which provides an alternative to creating an OTA job through AWS IoT Web Console. It uses the following parameters:

  • profile: The same as the profile name you had provided in the Configure AWS CLI section. If you had not provided any name, the value to be passed to the parameter is default. This parameter will help in obtaining information about the account ID by opening a session under the profile.

  • name: The name of the Thing that you want to send the updated image to.

  • role: The name of the role that has the required policies to perform an OTA update. If the role name is not present in the list of roles, a new role will be created for you. Ensure that you have the 'IAMFullAccess' policy attached to your IAM account to create a role using this script. Sample role policies that need to be attached can be found in dev/amazon-freertos/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts.

  • s3bucket: The name of the bucket that stores the updated image. If the name of the S3 bucket is not present in the list of buckets, a new bucket will be created for you. Note that the name of the bucket must be globally unique.

  • otasigningprofile: The name of the signing profile that contains the code-signing certificate and private key that were generated in the Generate a Signing Key-Pair section. If the name is not present in the list of signing profile, a new signing profile is created for you. The profile is used by AWS to generate a signature for the binary image that is streamed to the target device. The signature is verified by the OTA Agent before the bootloader can initiate swap between primary and secondary memory slots.

  • appversion: The application version. It should be of the format APP_VERSION_MAJOR-APP_VERSION_MINOR-APP_VERSION_BUILD. The default value is 0-0-0.

  • buildlocation (Optional): This value points to the directory where afr-example-ota.bin is present. The default value is ../build/ota_cm4/CY8CPROTO-062-4343W/Debug.

  • signingcertificateid (Optional): While creating a new key-pair, the ARN generated for adding the certificates to AWS is stored in certificatearn.json at dev/amazon-freertos/projects/cypress/afr-example-ota/ota_cm4/scripts. The script uses this ARN when creating a new signing profile.

  • region (Optional): The region used by the IAM account, which can also be obtained from the profile parameter.

  • account (Optional): The account ID of the IAM account, which can be obtained from the profile parameter.

  • devicetype (Optional): The default value is thing. If you are deploying the updated image to a group, provide this parameter with the value set as group.

Figure 9 shows the operations performed by the Python script.

Figure 9. Flowchart of

To summarize, the script will create the S3 Bucket and Role if they have not been created already. Creating a role requires the IAMFullAccess policy to be attached to your IAM account. Contact your administrator to attach the policy to your account. If your account administrator doesn't provide you with IAMFullAccess, ask your administrator to create a role for you using the script.

Before starting the OTA Job, the script picks the binary image, creates a copy, renames it to include the version information, and uploads it to the S3 Bucket. Then, it creates a signing profile if it isn't already present, and creates an OTA Job with the latest version of the file in the S3 Bucket.

Related Resources

Application Notes
AN228571 – Getting Started with PSoC 6 MCU on ModusToolbox Describes PSoC 6 MCU devices and how to build your first application with ModusToolbox
AN227910 – Low-Power System Design with PSoC 6 MCU and CYW43012 Describes how to implement a low-power system design.
Code Examples
Using ModusToolbox Using PSoC Creator
Device Documentation
PSoC 6 MCU Datasheets PSoC 6 MCU Technical Reference Manuals
Development Kits Buy at
CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 PSoC 62S2 WiFi-BT Pioneer Kit CY8CPROTO-062-4343W PSoC 6 Wi-Fi BT Prototyping Kit
PSoC 6 Peripheral Driver Library (PDL) and docs psoc6pdl on GitHub
Cypress Hardware Abstraction Layer Library (HAL) and docs psoc6hal on GitHub
Middleware Middleware libraries are distributed on GitHub
Low Power Assistant (LPA) lpa on GitHub
CapSense® library and docs capsense on GitHub
Links to all PSoC 6 MCU Middleware psoc6-middleware on GitHub
Eclipse IDE for ModusToolbox The cross-platform, Eclipse-based IDE for IoT designers that supports application configuration and development targeting converged MCU and wireless systems.
PSoC Creator™ The Cypress IDE for PSoC and FM0+ MCU development.

Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help you to select the right device, and quickly and effectively integrate it into your design.

For PSoC 6 MCU devices, see How to Design with PSoC 6 MCU - KBA223067 in the Cypress community.

Other Resources

Cypress provides a wealth of data at to help you to select the right device, and quickly and effectively integrate the device into your design.

For the PSoC 6 MCU devices, see KBA223067 in the Cypress community for a comprehensive list of PSoC 6 MCU resources.

Document History

Document Title: CE228905 - AWS IoT and FreeRTOS for PSoC 6 MCU: OTA

Revision Description of Change
v1.0.0 New code example

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