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RackHD InfraSIM integration tip multiple nic in same sub network

ForrestGu edited this page Apr 24, 2017 · 7 revisions

problem description:

The 3 yellow(as below) NIC in InfraSIM OVA will share the same MAC in RackHD OVA’s “arp -a”.

RackHD OVA NIC (control network) <--> vSphere vSwtich <--> both InfraSIM OVA NIC 2(vBMC) and NIC 3 (br0 and QEMU NIC1) and NIC 4(br1 and QEMU NIC2)

Which causes problem to RackHD, any BMC relevant operation (example: power cycle) will encounter error :

NotFoundError: Lookup Record Not Found (macAddressToIp)

Like below, 3 IP shares on same MAC.The 3 IP are InfraSIM OVA’s br0, br1, ens192.

# arp -a
? ( at 00:50:56:bc:4a:85 [ether] on ens33
? ( at 00:50:56:bc:4a:85 [ether] on ens33
? ( at 00:50:56:bc:4a:85 [ether] on ens33

Three possible ways to address it:

  • Post OBM setting w/ ip address instead of Mac like below:
curl -k -X PUT  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'    -d '{ "nodeId": "<nodeid>", "service": "ipmi-obm-service", "config": { "user": "admin", "password": "admin", "host": "52:54:be:ef:9d:3d" } }'     https://localhost:9093/api/2.0/obms
  • Connect vBMC and Qemu NIC1 together with br0 and attach VM NIC to br0 and ultimately connect to RackHD control network

  • Fix arp flux issue by this utility, on the environment host InfraSIM