smessage data {
string name = 1;
repeated node nodes = 2;
repeated animation animations = 3;
animation_metadata metadata = 4;
message runtime_data {
repeated node nodes = 1;
repeated node selected_nodes = 2;
string select_mode = 3;
string editor_mode = 4;
repeated animation selected_animations = 5;
repeated animation_key selected_animation_keys = 6;
repeated node hidden_nodes = 7;
map<string, transform> runtime_world_transforms = 8;
timeline_runtime timeline_runtime = 9;
message timeline_runtime {
double current_animation_time = 1;
bool is_playing = 2;
bool is_loop_playing = 3;
bool is_reverse_playing = 4;
double play_speed = 5;
message transform {
double position_x = 1;
double position_y = 2;
double position_z = 3;
double rotation_x = 4;
double rotation_y = 5;
double rotation_z = 6;
double scale_x = 7;
double scale_y = 8;
double scale_z = 9;
double size_x = 10;
double size_y = 11;
double size_z = 12;
double pivot_x = 13;
double pivot_y = 14;
double pivot_z = 15;
string pivot = 16;
string parent = 17;
message node {
string node_id = 1;
string parent = 2; // Parent node id
string node_type = 3; // One of "box", "text", "pie", "template", "spine", "particlefx",
bool enabled = 4;
bool visible = 5;
string layer = 6;
bool inherit_alpha = 7;
uint32 node_index = 8;
// General
double position_x = 9;
double position_y = 10;
double position_z = 11;
double rotation_x = 12;
double rotation_y = 13;
double rotation_z = 14;
double scale_x = 15;
double scale_y = 16;
double scale_z = 17;
double size_x = 18;
double size_y = 19;
double size_z = 20;
double slice9_top = 21;
double slice9_bottom = 22;
double slice9_left = 23;
double slice9_right = 24;
double color_r = 25;
double color_g = 26;
double color_b = 27;
double color_a = 28;
// Text Nodes
string text = 29;
string font = 30;
double font_size = 31;
bool line_break = 32;
double text_leading = 33;
double text_tracking = 34;
double shadow_r = 35;
double shadow_g = 36;
double shadow_b = 37;
double shadow_a = 38;
double outline_r = 39;
double outline_g = 40;
double outline_b = 41;
double outline_a = 42;
// Images
string texture = 43; // Format is {texture_name}/{image_name}. Example "game/character"
string pivot = 44; // One of "pivot_center", "pivot_n", "pivot_ne", "pivot_e", "pivot_se", "pivot_s", "pivot_sw", "pivot_w", "pivot_nw"
string blend_mode = 45; // One of "alpha", "add", "multiply", "screen"
string size_mode = 46; // One of "auto", "manual"
// Clipping
string clipping_mode = 47; // One of "none", "stencil"
bool clipping_visible = 48;
bool clipping_inverted = 49;
// Pie node
string outer_bounds = 50;
double inner_radius = 51;
double perimeter_vertices = 52;
double fill_angle = 53;
// Template node
string template = 54;
message animation {
string animation_id = 1;
double duration = 2; // In seconds
string initial_state = 3; // The animation id to copy the initial state from
repeated animation_key animation_keys = 4;
message animation_key {
uint32 id = 1;
string node_id = 2;
string property_id = 3; // Property id to animate, example: "position_x", "rotation_z", "size_x", "color_r", "text"
string key_type = 4; // One of "tween", "trigger", "event" or "animation"
double start_value = 5;
double end_value = 6;
double start_time = 7;
double duration = 8;
string easing = 9; // One of "linear", "inbounce", "inoutquad", "outcirc", "outinquint", etc
string start_data = 10;
string data = 11;
string event_id = 12;
message animation_metadata {
string gui_path = 1;
gizmo_steps gizmo_steps = 2;
uint32 fps = 3;
message gizmo_steps {
double position = 1;
double scale = 2;
double rotation = 3;
double size = 4;
double time = 5;