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Open source op & kernel for GetMinibatchSplitsWithPhysicalReplica
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PiperOrigin-RevId: 565837005
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hyeygit authored and tensorflower-gardener committed Sep 16, 2023
1 parent 162463f commit 4aac306
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Showing 6 changed files with 449 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/core/tpu/kernels/BUILD
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,8 @@ cc_library(
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/core/tpu/kernels/sparse_core_ops_stats_handler.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ limitations under the License.

enum class StatsType {

class SparseCoreOpsStatsHandler {
Expand Down
360 changes: 360 additions & 0 deletions tensorflow/core/tpu/kernels/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ limitations under the License.
#include "absl/log/log.h"
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "highway/hwy/base.h" // from @com_google_highway
#include "highway/hwy/contrib/sort/order.h" // from @com_google_highway
#include "highway/hwy/contrib/sort/vqsort.h" // from @com_google_highway
#include "xla/stream_executor/tpu/tpu_api.h"
#include "xla/stream_executor/tpu/tpu_ops_c_api.h"
#include "xla/util.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,4 +522,360 @@ REGISTER_KERNEL_BUILDER(

GetMinibatchSplitsWithPhysicalReplicaOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx)
: OpKernel(ctx) {
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("table_name", &table_name_));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("num_replica", &num_replica_));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("sample_count", &sample_count_));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("table_vocab_size", &table_vocab_size_));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("feature_width", &feature_width_));
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->GetAttr("num_sc_per_chip", &num_sc_per_chip_));
OP_REQUIRES(ctx, sample_count_ % num_sc_per_chip_ == 0,
"sample_count ", sample_count_,
" is not divisible by the number of sparsecores per chip ",
device_name_ = ctx->device()->name();

// Create default instance of stats handler. May get overwritten by subclass.
sprase_core_ops_stats_handler_ =

void GetMinibatchSplitsWithPhysicalReplicaOp::Compute(OpKernelContext* ctx) {
// TODO(patn): Allow clients to provide the max_ids and max_uniques directly
// making program_key optional. This would be useful if there's a need to
// use this op without the bridge.
const Tensor* program_key_t;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->input("program_key", &program_key_t));
tstring program_key = program_key_t->vec<tstring>()(0);

int64_t per_sparse_core_batch_size = sample_count_ / num_sc_per_chip_;

int64_t max_ids_per_partition = -1;
int64_t max_unique_ids_per_partition = -1;

GetMaxIdsAndUniques(ctx, program_key, table_name_, per_sparse_core_batch_size,
feature_width_, &max_ids_per_partition,

max_ids_per_partition, device_name_,
StatsType::MAX_UNIQUE_IDS_PER_PARTITION, max_unique_ids_per_partition,
device_name_, table_name_);

const Tensor* row_ids;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->input("row_ids", &row_ids));
const Tensor* col_ids;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->input("col_ids", &col_ids));
const Tensor* gains;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->input("gains", &gains));

const int32 total_id_count = row_ids->NumElements();

const int32* row_ids_ptr = row_ids->flat<int32>().data();
const int32* col_ids_ptr = col_ids->flat<int32>().data();
const float* gains_ptr = gains->flat<float>().data();

const int num_sc_per_replica = 4;
const int num_physical_replica = num_replica_ * num_sc_per_replica;

OP_REQUIRES(ctx, sample_count_ % num_sc_per_replica == 0,
absl::StrCat("Sample_count has to be multiply of "
"num_sc_per_replica which is 4, but got ",
sample_count_, " samples.")));

int32 per_sc_sample_count = sample_count_ / num_sc_per_replica;

const int max_division_level = GetMinibatchMaxDivisionLevel();

const int32 kMaxDivisions = 1 << max_division_level;

// The id counts tensor is the running sum of the number of ids for all
// buckets for all the replicas on each SparseCore.
// This is used in later minibatch forming op to craft each minibatch.
Tensor* id_counts_tensor;
{kMaxDivisions * num_sc_per_replica * num_physical_replica + 1}),
int32* id_counts_tensor_ptr = id_counts_tensor->flat<int32>().data();
*id_counts_tensor_ptr = 0;

const int32_t division_size =
(table_vocab_size_ + kMaxDivisions - 1) / kMaxDivisions;

// Index pointers into the original row_ids/col_ids/gains arrays.
uint32_t index = 0;
// Splits which should be interpreted as binary format.
// E.g. splits = 11 with table size 1024 indicates:
// 0001011 -> 0001 01 1
// which mean split at level 0 section 0, level 1 section 0 and level
// 2 section 0. the split points are [128, 256, 512].
int64 pre_merge_splits = 0;
int64 after_merge_splits = 0;
// Vector of uint64_t storing the col ids in the upper 32 bit and the index
// to the original id array in the lower 32 bit.
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> col_ids_index_list(
num_sc_per_replica, std::vector<uint64_t>());

// Vector stores the mapping between the index of the id which it can be
// deduped.
// For example:
// [0, 1, 1, 1] means that third and fourth id can be deduped with the
// second id.
std::vector<uint32_t> dedup_ids_index_mapping(total_id_count);

// The gains after the deduplication. If the same ids are in the same
// sample, we will remove that id and add the gains.
std::vector<float> gains_after_dedup(total_id_count);

// Array which stores the id counts and unique id counts for each minibatch
// bucket on all physical replicas.
std::vector<int32> total_id_counter(num_physical_replica *
(kMaxDivisions + 1));
std::vector<int32> total_unique_id_counter(num_physical_replica *
(kMaxDivisions + 1));
// Array which keeps track of the index of each physical replica.
std::vector<int32> per_physical_replica_index(num_physical_replica);

// Accumulated sum of the id count for each physical replica.
std::vector<int32> physical_replica_id_count((num_physical_replica + 1) *

// Id counts for each sc input.
std::vector<int32_t> per_sc_id_count(num_sc_per_replica, 0);

// Keep track of the maximum number of (unique) ids we see fo this current
// batch. If it gets too close to the configured max, we can increase
// the value in the FDO configs.
int32 this_max_ids = 0;
int32 this_max_uniques = 0;
// Row ids(sample ids) are already sorted.
for (int sc_id = 0; sc_id < num_sc_per_replica; ++sc_id) {
while (index < total_id_count &&
*(row_ids_ptr + index) < (sc_id + 1) * per_sc_sample_count) {
(static_cast<uint64_t>(*(col_ids_ptr + index)) << 32) + index);
// Perform high speed sorting based on col ids.
col_ids_index_list[sc_id].size(), hwy::SortAscending());

memset(, 0,
num_physical_replica * (kMaxDivisions + 1) * sizeof(int32));
memset(, 0,
num_physical_replica * (kMaxDivisions + 1) * sizeof(int32));

// Loop through the col ids to count the ids and unique ids.
int32_t previous_col_id = -1;
int32_t previous_row_id = -1;
uint32_t previous_id_array_index = 0;
for (uint64_t item : col_ids_index_list[sc_id]) {
int32 col_id = item >> 32;
uint32_t id_array_index = item & 0xffffffff;
int32_t row_id = *(row_ids_ptr + id_array_index);
// If the row ids and col ids are both same as the previous one,
// dedup the id by adding the gains.
if (row_id != previous_row_id || col_id != previous_col_id) {
dedup_ids_index_mapping[id_array_index] = id_array_index;
gains_after_dedup[id_array_index] = *(gains_ptr + id_array_index);
int32 replica_id = col_id % num_physical_replica;
int32 bucket_id = col_id / division_size + 1;
uint32_t id_counter_index =
replica_id * (kMaxDivisions + 1) + bucket_id;
if (col_id != previous_col_id)
} else {
// Dedup the id if both row id and col id is the same.
uint32_t parent_idx = dedup_ids_index_mapping[previous_id_array_index];
dedup_ids_index_mapping[id_array_index] = parent_idx;
gains_after_dedup[parent_idx] += *(gains_ptr + id_array_index);
previous_col_id = col_id;
previous_id_array_index = id_array_index;
previous_row_id = row_id;

for (int replica_id = 0; replica_id < num_physical_replica; ++replica_id) {
absl::Span<int32> id_counter = absl::MakeSpan( + replica_id * (kMaxDivisions + 1),
kMaxDivisions + 1);
absl::Span<int32> unique_id_counter = absl::MakeSpan( + replica_id * (kMaxDivisions + 1),
kMaxDivisions + 1);
for (int i = 1; i < kMaxDivisions + 1; ++i) {
// Check if the smallest division is larger than the max_ids and
// max_unique_ids.
id_counter[i] <= max_ids_per_partition &&
unique_id_counter[i] <= max_unique_ids_per_partition,
"Table ", table_name_, " has too many ids for replica ",
replica_id, " on sparse core ", sc_id,
". The max_ids_per_partition is ",
max_ids_per_partition, " but got ", id_counter[i],
" ids. The max_unique_ids_per_partition is ",
max_unique_ids_per_partition, " but got ",
unique_id_counter[i], " unique ids.",
" Consider making the max_division_level higher.")));
// Save the running sum of the id counts.
const int global_division_id =
sc_id * num_physical_replica + replica_id;
*(id_counts_tensor_ptr + global_division_id * kMaxDivisions + i) =
*(id_counts_tensor_ptr + global_division_id * kMaxDivisions + i -
1) +
id_counter[i] += id_counter[i - 1];
unique_id_counter[i] += unique_id_counter[i - 1];
this_max_ids = std::max(this_max_ids, id_counter[kMaxDivisions]);
this_max_uniques =
std::max(this_max_uniques, unique_id_counter[kMaxDivisions]);
physical_replica_id_count[sc_id * (num_physical_replica + 1) +
replica_id + 1] =
physical_replica_id_count[sc_id * (num_physical_replica + 1) +
replica_id] +
per_sc_id_count[sc_id] += id_counter[kMaxDivisions];

for (int level = 0; level < max_division_level; ++level) {
// Skip this level if the previous level doesn't split.
if (level > 0 && (pre_merge_splits >> ((1LL << (level - 1)) - 1)) == 0)
int32_t section_size = 1 << (max_division_level - level);
for (int section = 0; section < (1 << level); ++section) {
// Skip this section if the corresponding section on the previous
// level doesn't split.
int pre_start_bit_pos = level > 0 ? (1 << (level - 1)) - 1 : 0;
if (level > 0 && (pre_merge_splits &
(1LL << (pre_start_bit_pos + (section >> 1)))) == 0)
int32 id_count = id_counter[(section + 1) * section_size] -
id_counter[section * section_size];
int32 unique_id_count =
unique_id_counter[(section + 1) * section_size] -
unique_id_counter[section * section_size];
// If the number of ids or unique ids exceeds the limit, We need to
// split.
if (id_count > max_ids_per_partition ||
unique_id_count > max_unique_ids_per_partition) {
int start_bit_pos = (1 << level) - 1;
pre_merge_splits =
pre_merge_splits | (1LL << (start_bit_pos + section));
// Convert the binary representation of the splits into index of
// buckets.
std::vector<int> per_replica_splits = ConvertBinarySplitsToBucketSplits(
pre_merge_splits, max_division_level);

per_replica_splits.insert(per_replica_splits.begin(), 0);

std::vector<int> merged_per_replica_splits;
// Iterate through all the buckets and merge them greedly.
int start_index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < per_replica_splits.size(); ++i) {
if (unique_id_counter[per_replica_splits[i]] -
unique_id_counter[per_replica_splits[start_index]] <=
max_unique_ids_per_partition &&
id_counter[per_replica_splits[i]] -
id_counter[per_replica_splits[start_index]] <=
max_ids_per_partition) {
} else {
merged_per_replica_splits.push_back(per_replica_splits[i - 1]);
start_index = i - 1;
// Convert the indexes of the buckets back to the binary representation.
after_merge_splits |= ConvertBucketSplitsToBinarySplits(
merged_per_replica_splits, max_division_level);

int64_t updated_total_id_count = absl::c_accumulate(per_sc_id_count, 0);

Tensor* sorted_row_ids_tensor;
Tensor* sorted_col_ids_tensor;
Tensor* sorted_gains_tensor;
OP_REQUIRES_OK(ctx, ctx->allocate_output(
"sorted_gains", TensorShape({updated_total_id_count}),

int32_t* sorted_row_ids_tensor_ptr =
int32_t* sorted_col_ids_tensor_ptr =
float* sorted_gains_tensor_ptr = sorted_gains_tensor->flat<float>().data();

int32_t previous_index = 0;

for (int sc_id = 0; sc_id < num_sc_per_replica; ++sc_id) {
memset(, 0,
num_physical_replica * sizeof(int32));
for (uint64_t item : col_ids_index_list[sc_id]) {
uint32_t id_array_index = item & 0xffffffff;
// Skip deduped ids.
if (id_array_index != dedup_ids_index_mapping[id_array_index]) {
int32_t col_id = item >> 32;
int32_t replica_id = col_id % num_physical_replica;
int32_t main_index =
per_physical_replica_index[replica_id] + previous_index +
physical_replica_id_count[sc_id * (num_physical_replica + 1) +
*(sorted_row_ids_tensor_ptr + main_index) =
*(row_ids_ptr + id_array_index) % per_sc_sample_count;
*(sorted_col_ids_tensor_ptr + main_index) = col_id / num_physical_replica;
// Use the updated gains instead.
*(sorted_gains_tensor_ptr + main_index) =
previous_index += per_sc_id_count[sc_id];

StatsType::IDS_PER_PARTITION, this_max_ids, device_name_, table_name_);
this_max_uniques, device_name_,

CalculateHeadroom(this_max_ids, this_max_uniques, program_key,
max_ids_per_partition, max_unique_ids_per_partition);

Tensor* splits_tensor;
ctx, ctx->allocate_output("splits", TensorShape({}), &splits_tensor));
splits_tensor->flat<int64>()(0) = after_merge_splits;


} // namespace tensorflow

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