A binary domain classifier based on positive labels and an active learning algorithm.
For more information, go to the documentation pages.
The dockerfile contains all the instructions to generate a docker image, a template to build a docker container which contains the application.
- Base image: the base image for the application is ubuntu+python
- Directories architecture: the application will be in the /app directory inside the container, and the /shared_data directory will contain shared data with host.
- Application: copy application info to current directory (/app)
- Execution: the command in CMD is the default option when executing the container and can be overwritten by the user.
Use the following command to create a docker image.
The flag -t specifies the name of the image that will be created with an optional tag (for example its version).
docker build <-t NAME:tag> <Dockerfile location>
docker build -t dom-class .
- The name of the image in this case is dom-class, with no specific version.
- The location of the
is the current directory.
To run a container with the previous configuration, the following command is needed:
docker run <--rm> -i <--name CONTAINER-NAME> -v path/to/local/data:/data/data IMAGE-NAME
- --rm: remove the container when execution ends. (optional)
- -i: set interactive mode. It is required to use standard input
- --name: a name for the container. (optional)
- v: volume binding. It maps a local directory to a directory inside the container so that local files can be accessed from it. The format is:
Create a container and access the CLI, as specified in Dockerfile
docker run --rm -i --name container-name -v path/to/local/data/:/shared_data/ dom-class
docker run --rm -i --name container-name -v path/to/local/data/:/shared_data/ dom-class --help
docker run --rm -i --name container-name -v path/to/local/data/:/shared_data/ dom-class python main_dc_single_task.py --p /shared_data/projects/docker_proj --source /shared_data/datasets --task
Alternatively, the command to execute the CLI can be executed first, and then the main command:
python run_dc_task.py --p /shared_data/projects/docker_proj --source /shared_data/datasets --task