A simple filter for rewriting angular locale resource requests.
When building a localized angular application there are 2 recommended approaches:
- Cat the contents of the core angular javascript with the desired angular locale javascript file and then serving the file based on some criteria, perhaps using the 'Accept-Languge' header.
- Serve the angular javascript and the desired locale javascript file as 2 requests.
In both cases we would most likely be required to implement server side templating logic. This filter helps keeps logic out of the angular templates by rewriting a request for a generic javascript resource to a request for an angular locale javascript resource.
- Reference the core angular javascript file and a generic javascript file in your angular shell page:
<script src="scripts/angular.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/a-locale-resource-that-does-not-exist"></script>
Include this ng-locale-filter artifact in your web application or at the container level. i.e., configured as a filter for all web apps.
Configure the filter in your web.xml:
<!--The path to the angular js locale files-->
<!--The name of a cookie containing the user selected locale overriding the "Accept-Language" header-->
When a request is made for a resource matching the "rewritePath" parameter the filter will first look for a locale specified in a cookie in the form of langcode-country code. If not found the "Accept-Language" header will be used. The filter then forwards the request to the resource at the following path "resourcePath" + "/angular-locale_" + langcode[-countrycode] + ".js".
The releases for this project can be found in our Maven repository