International Crypto Peace
Prepared for The People
Ukrainian Russian Peace token
My name is Raymond Dew, (The Doctor),
I Am The soon to be CEO of International Crypto Peace and the creator of this Token.
We will be officially Incorporating ASAP within 7-11 months
My Business Partner and 40% owner of this company Is: Dylan Clarke
We live at 4 Tabrett street, West Kempsey, NSW 2440, Australia. We both Have Asperger's and care about all people no matter where they are from and the future of this planet.
URP - is designed to provide relief for civilians during the war and the recovery after, people do not deserve to suffer we're all equal. 30% of sales will be sent to #helpbothsides 15% to Ukraine and 15% to Russia of all profits
My Personal Facebook page is
I have a part of my ID and my whole Home Address On There :) this is as trustworthy as it gets, visit my website to read more and hopefully, we can help heal the world a bit together.
Hopefully, we can help heal the world a bit together. We want to teach people How to address issues by talking and I want to get involved with conflict resolution and show the world that you can go through hell and still be kind
The Token is on TRON Blockchain
(UPC) is for a very good cause, people are people and Russian lives are just as valuable as anyone’s, they do not deserve to starve, because of their government and in my opinion cruel sanctions put on them by the west, people are suffering people just like you, not the military or Putin, the people who are brainwashed by their government like all people in every country.
The Ukrainians are suffering a brutal and unprovoked attack on a scale of which hasn’t been seen since world war 2, the fear they would feel trying to get to sleep thinking they could die at any time or lose their children, this is not only military forces fighting each other it’s military killing children and innocents, that fear would be beyond anything, I will #helpbothsides as much as I can, by providing anything they ask me for within the budget.
I want the rest of the world to adopt this coin as it will go to great public services and make you a lot of money too :)
I want to be completely transparent so much so that I have supplied all my personal details that can be verified but please respect my privacy and honesty.
We look forward to working with Our Community and supporting as many people as we can. We are confident that we can meet the challenges ahead and stand ready to partner with you in delivering an effective Currency and Charity.
So to The MOON…
Raymond Dew –
Dylan Clarke –
#helpukraine #russia #crypto #helpbothsides #ukraine
I have seen suffering in this world that I can no longer Ignore, us as well, having autism and severe anxiety, We must act now
30% of everything we ever earn will go to helping others
We are extremely dedicated to this goal
I (Raymond Dew) have incredible skills in Cryptocurrency and anything Technology related
We Will Teach people How to address issues by talking and i want to get involved with conflict resolution. All of the problems on this planet are caused by us and can easily be solved, if we dont change we will never make it as a species.
The Token is on TRON Blockchain
It's Now Available to trade The contract address is :
30% of our profit from all of our business ventures will go toward charitable causes all over the world and recipts for these donations will be posted on my website
We believe with sound calculation our Token Will reach the value of between $0.001-$0.03 per token by 2023 and up to $1 per token within 10 years.
There are 100,000,000,000 Minted and they have a 1% slippage Both ways.
I want to be completely transparent so much so that I have supplied all my personal details that can be verified but please respect my privacy and honesty, let’s help the world together :)
So to The MOON…
Our Website:
Technical/Project Approach
Currently we have 3 backers for this project, not including Dylan and myself, the Token is complete and on the market.
If you would like to become a backer, you will get a massive dicount:
We believe this Token will take off within the year 2022 and reach at least $0.001 per URP By 2023
Description Start Date End Date Duration Project Start 28th March 2022 ----- ----- Created The Token 19th April 2022 19th April 2022 15 mins Finished website and This White paper 28th March 2022 19th April 2022 22 days Phase 1 Complete. List on Exchanges and Advertising Sites TBA Reach Great Popularity an Adoption and incorperate 1st November 2022 8-12 months Phase 2 Complete Collect 30% of earnings so far and Donate 1st March 2023 Every 12 months 1 year Help Humanity in every way We can 1st March 2023 Until My Death N/A Always be kind, evolve as one! Backers/Investors The following people have helped Dylan and I get off The Ground and start our company Supported by: Action Luke F. $300 pledge $5000 loan. Deal R. TBA Bruce B. $1500 pledge *We cannot be responsible for any loss of investment if our Token does not perform as expected. Pricing The following table details the pricing for what it has cost to make this dream so far: Services Cost Category #1 Price in AUD Website Design $70.00 Domains $60.00 Token Contract TBA Services Cost Category #2 Incorperate $568.00 License Fees $300.00 Transfers $30.00 Liquidity so far $800.00 Other $500.00
Services Cost Category #3 Expected Donations 2023 $150,000 Expected Donations 2024 $1,000,000 - $3,000,000
Disclaimer: The prices listed in the preceding table are an estimate for the services discussed. This summary is not a warranty of final price. Estimates are subject to change.
We look forward to working with Our Community and supporting as many people as we can. We are confident that we can meet the challenges ahead, and stand ready to partner with you in delivering an effective Currency and Charity.
Raymond Dew – Dylan Clarke –