This is an unofficial collection of extension APIs for Autodesk Inventor. The goal is to present developers and iLogic users with the following:
- Code that promises to be routinely and consistently useful,
- Additional API functionality that is not included in Inventor's public APIs, or
- Improved functionality of stock API objects/methods. This may include:
- simplified access to API objects, functions, and values,
- functions designed to reduce boilerplate code,
- more advanced management of API objects, and
- better error handling outcomes. E.g. an example is an iproperty access method that will not throw an exception when a non-present property is accessed.
The minimum supported version of Inventor will be 2020.
Find the detailed API Documentation at InventorShims API Docs. This documentation is built using DocFX; the documentation source is at /docfx/.
For general documentation see the Quick-Start Guide.
First off, you'll want to download or build a copy of the InventorShims.dll file. There are several options available:
- Include the InventorShims nuget package in your .net project.
- Visit the Releases page and downld the compiled InventorShims.dll and referenceit in your Inventor iLogic or add-in code. This will allow you to access the entirety of the InventorShims API.
- Clone this repo and building the dll yourself.
- Copy out the methods, classes, or modules that are useful and including those in your own code.
- Use the code in this package as reference material or examples.
For iLogic, add the following code in your iLogic rule header:
AddReference "C:\Path\To\File\InventorShims.dll" Imports InventorShims 'Add your code here, include InventorShims API functions as you need...
For add-in development, add the InventorShims.dll as a reference to your project.
Visit the InventorShims API Documentation for a more detailed guide.
This code is under an MIT license.