These are the technologies that we may want to focus on using. It depends on what your focus is going to be, but it would be better if we can communcate on some of these similar topics rather than all do something different.
Note: Don't be overwhelmed by everything. Learning this will take time. Find a driving factor. Find out what kind of project you want to do, then start. Don't get hung up on if you chose the right tool for the job or not. Pretty much everything is possible with this stack, some aspects might require a different tool. We will cross those bridges as we come across them.
Building web applications involves having to use different technologies and tools, dealing with database manipulation, server side operations, and also client side handling and displaying of the data that comes from the server. Before starting a new project, all the tools and project structure has to be setup, which is a time consuming task. Using a framework or a stack for this task can speed up development and ease the work for the developer.
Here is what I recommend.
As you can see, MEAN brings together four of the most used and appreciated technologies for JavaScript development, laying down the foundation for easily building complex web applications.
- AppJS - Chrome Web Frame Desktop Applications. YES, this means you can bring your web development background and make awesome cross platform Desktop applications!
- C# (See Sharp)
- Github usage
- Yeoman Generator - Starting projects is hard, Yeoman can start it for you. Now, it's up to you to Finish!