The following Python Script is a simple Script.
The main goal of the script is to retrieve information about all the crypto exchanges identified by
We are acessing the Website by using the Requests Library
import requests
Define the base_url
base_url = ""
An then using requests to acess the information from get and saveit in a variable.
req = requests.get(base_url + "/exchanges/list")
Because the information that we are getting is a JSON file, i.e., dictionaires, several keys and respective values we need to transform this data into a dataframe so we can work it later.
req = requests.get(base_url + "/exchanges/list") res = json.loads(req.text) df_exchange_symbols = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(res)
Let's not forget to give a proper name to our index column, in this case we can just keep it simple and name it index so it wont be empty = 'index'
Dont forget we need to save our output directory to save the file, for this example the folder will be called "Output".
output_folder= "Output" if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder)
And finnaly just save the file to any location at your choice!
df_exchange_symbols.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'AllExchanges_CoinGecko_{}.csv'.format(str('%Y%m%d')))))
This method is a little bigger because we are adding the current date to the file name!
We are also returning an Dataframe that contains this information.
To check the CSV created please look at the file inside of the Output table