Online-Food-Ordering-System-using-PHP The Online Food Ordering System Project, this system can be defined as software web application or mobile app that allows to accept order placed over the online for hungry customers to view the food restaurant.Not only that we can see the Restaurant in a Map in a page.We have added functionality of autheddication of admin /manager and customer where there is a function of CRUD based on responsibility.
Name of Project: Online Food Ordering System
Used Language: PHP
Used Database: MySQL
Interface Design: JQuery, bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax,
Browser: Google Chrome IE8, Opera Mozilla ...
- Open PHPMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin)
7.Run the script http://localhost/Online-Food-Order
Try live demo :
admin: chulindra /Chulin@123
user: chulindra / Chulindra