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AfterShock XE Changelog

2022-05-21 [Revision 330]

  • Increased vote screen choices to six
  • Removed several cvars from SERVER_INFO to avoid exceeding info string length
  • Locping:
    • Spatialised sound
    • Limit use to once every 450 ms
    • Additional locping (locping_danger) with different icon and sound
    • Variable transparency dependent on view angle
  • Backport from OA/ioq3: "fix hit acc. stats for LG and SG kills"
  • HUD scores always in RED/BLUE - left/right order
  • New team overlay, with coloured bars representing player health
  • BUGFIX: implemented movement prediction for non-vq3 rulesets
  • New cvars to control item respawn times:
    • g_respawn_[armor/health/ammo/holdable/megahealth/powerup]
  • BUGFIX: incorrect crosshair position when changing viewsize
  • Tweaks to default hud configuration file
  • Auto projectile nudge, according to average player ping:
    • cg_projectileNudge > 0 : auto proj. nudge up to 350 ms
    • cg_projectileNudge = 0 : no proj. nudge, except for the snap delay
    • cg_projectileNudge < 0 : sets max. proj. nudge value allowed
  • Option to draw player's bounding boxes: cg_drawBBox=1 (cheat protected)
  • Countdown timer replaced with new field HUD font (Bebas Neue, oss)
  • Fade-out/fade-in transition during elimination countdown
  • Override sound option for all weapons: cg_soundOptionForce
  • Tweaked font settings in HUD config files included in AS

2021-03-04 Revision 329

  • Added sha256 implementation from Linux kernel.
  • Implemented minigames, simple action-based games to be optionally played during warmup. First minigame: collect spawn points and gain quad when completed (timed), g_minigame <0|1> to disable or enable.
  • Added cv alias for callvote command.
  • Fixed a bug when player names were wrongly displayed in multiview when focused by crosshair.
  • Fixed a bug when coinflip didn't return properly randomised results.
  • Added practice mode (backport from AfterShock XE EX). This is a new mode that will switch between infinite ammo and no damage to limited ammo and damage enabled. Note that the effect of practice mode will only apply to freshly spawned clients.
    • practice toggles practice mode.
    • g_practice <0|1> sets practice mode on the server:
      • 0 - off = infinite ammo and no damage,
      • 1 - on = limited ammo and damage enabled.
    • g_practiceDefault <0|1> - sets default mode for practice mode on every map restart.
    • g_practiceLock <0|1> - when set, will disable the client's ability to toggle practice mode.
  • Added g_newTeleportHeight <0-64> (backport from AfterShock XE EX). Setting it above 0 will raise the teleport height position after going through a teleport.
  • Added Two new shotgun pellet patterns: gaussian and circle. Available through cvar g_sgPattern (votable if included in g_voteNames). Default is circle, a compromise in terms of damage between the vanilla OA shotgun pattern and the previously available AS one, while providing a better distribution than vanilla OA.
  • Added a way to tame g_thrufloors splash damage. Previously this took values of 0 and 1 (disabled and enabled). Four new fixed values are now accepted:
    • full - walls ignored for splash damage, previous 1 value),
    • high - overall reduction to 66% damage relative to full,
    • medium - overall reduction to 50% damage wrt full,
    • low - overall reduction to 37.5% damage wrt full.
  • Weapon accuracies are now displayed on the scoreboard for all gametypes except Duel and CTF. Only own stats are shown, except at the end of the match or while spectating.
  • Added location ping feature. Players can bind a key to locPing and use the command to place an icon as a means of communication in team matches.
  • Added GUID info to the server stats (GUID is buggy, but a fix exists and could be accepted in ioq3/OA in the near future).

2019-02-12 Revision 328

  • Fixed a bug when the server would crash when a player enters the minefield on ra3mp7 map.
  • switchserverforce now supports * to move all clients to another server at once.
  • Fixed a bug when the timer would get offset for clients after a timeout
  • Added Bench mode. Set g_bench to 1 to activate it. If teams are uneven, it will leave players dead next round to have equal sized teams. Players get a message when they dont get to play a round.
    There's a priority list for players to play next round:
    • players that survived last round,
    • players that did not play last round, the longer not played the more preferred,
    • players that survived longest last round.

So the first person on the team to die will sit on the bench (spectate) next round. If the whole team survived the benched player remains on the bench.
Bench mode was currently only tested on g_gametype 8 so leave it at 0 on other gametypes for now.

  • Added a number of alternative ways to calculate sensitivity depending on the FOV.
    • cg_zoomSensitivityASmode selects what algorithm is used:
      • 0 (default) - old Quake 3 and OA algorithm based for calculating zoom sensitivity based on vertical FOV,
      • 1 - calculates zoom sensitivity based on the formula from this page:,
      • 2 - based on the above formula but also calculated when unzoomed for people with a different FOV for each weapon,
      • 3 - similar to the old Q3/OA algorithm but based on horizontal FOV instead and also calculated when unzoomed.
    • g_zoomSensitivityAScorrection sets the factor applied after the algorithm to do fine tuning (default is 1.0).
    • cg_fovbase - assumes the sensitivity is set for this horizontal FOV.
  • Fixed a bug when .html stats files would not get saved on CTF and TDM.
  • Now after a map was voted and played, the rotation resumes from the same point.
  • It's now possible to add the same map to the rotation several times or add several arenas from the same RA3 map.
  • Added TAB completion for GTV commands.
  • Added an option for map selector at the end of a map. Set g_useMapcycle to 2 to activate it. It will present players with 5 maps from the mapcycle section of mapcycle config. Players should use vote <1-5> to cast their vote for a next map.
  • Crosshair is now shown in multiview mode.

2019-01-21 Revision 327

  • Fixed a bug when One Flag Capture's white flag was displayed in other modes on some maps.
  • Fixed a number of multiview bugs.
  • Added TAB completion for a number of console commands.
  • Added coinflip command to flip a coin.
  • Fixed a bug when players would get disconnected from a server after callvote shuffle
  • Fixed a bug when spectators would accumulate extra deaths.
  • A map will no longer reload instead of restarting when there's no rotation or next map on the rotation is the same map.
  • Added switchserverforce command to forcibly switch a client to another server.
    Usage: switchserverforce <client number> <ip:port>.
  • Added Rocket Arena 3 multi-arena maps support.
    • Use teleporters in the lobby arena on a RA3 map to access other arenas or arena <number>.
    • g_lockArena <number> allows forcing everyone into the same arena and locking it. If it's set to 0 (the default) people will spawn in the lobby arena and there will be no lock.
      g_lockArena is votable by default (included in g_voteNames).
    • callvote <RA3 map name> <arena number> to vote for a particular arena (it automatically sets g_lockArena to the <number> you chose), for example callvote map ra3map20 4.
      If you just do callvote <RA3 map name> without specifying a number of the arena it will keep g_lockArena on the same value it used to have.
    • RA3 map's arena can be added to mapcycle config with <RA3 map name> <minimum number of players> <maximum number of players> <arena number>, for example ra3map20 6 10 4.
  • Added a posibility to use custom votes without the word custom. So instead of callvote custom <vote name> you can do callvote <vote name>. For example callvote ctf instead of callvote custom ctf.
  • Now on callvote <map name> a map image is displayed in the top-left corner.

2018-12-22 Revision 326

  • Added g_legacyWeaponAmmo cvar.
    • When set to 0 weapons you pick up will always add the "standard" amount of ammo and all ammo you picked up before picking up a weapon will be kept.
    • When set to 1 (default) weapon pickups will fill up the ammo of a player to "standard" amount and add 1 bullet if already reached the "standard" amount and if you picked ammo before picking a weapon it will add 1 bullet.
  • Added g_allowKill -1 that allows kill during warmup but disables it during the game.
  • g_gametype 5 (One Flag Capture), 6 (Overload) and 7 (Harvester) names are now properly displayed on the map loading screen.
  • On instagib the scoreboard now shows Railgun accuracy instead of damage done and received.
  • Death and award count are now kept when switching team or joining spectators. When joining spectators it adds 1 more death unless a player was already dead.
  • Backported g_timestamp from OpenArena gamecode.
  • Fixed a bug when powerups would run out during a timeout.
  • Fixed a bug when sound cues for flag dropped/taken would not play.

2018-10-27 Revision 325

  • Added cvars to change weapon properties:
    • g_gauntletRate, g_gauntletDamage,
    • g_machinegunRate, g_machinegunDamage, g_machinegunDamageReduced, g_machinegunDamageTeam, g_machinegunSpread,
    • g_shotgunRate, g_shotgunDamage, g_shotgunCount, g_shotgunSpread,
    • g_plasmaRate, g_plasmaDamage, g_plasmaSplashDamage, g_plasmaSplashRadius, g_plasmaVelocity,
    • g_lightningRate, g_lightningDamage, g_lightningDamageReduced, g_lightningRange,
    • g_grenadeRate, g_grenadeDamage, g_grenadeSplashDamage, g_grenadeSplashRadius, g_grenadeVelocity, g_grenadeLifetime,
    • g_rocketRate, g_rocketDamage, g_rocketSplashDamage, g_rocketSplashRadius, g_rocketVelocity,
    • g_railRate, g_railDamage, g_railDamageReduced,
    • g_bfgRate, g_bfgDamage, g_bfgSplashDamage, g_bfgSplashRadius, g_bfgVelocity.
  • Now during a warmup "Warmup" sign is shown instead of bogus round time.
  • The round timer in Elimination mode now stops during a timeout.

2018-10-08 Revision 324

  • Speaker sounds are no longer played if s_ambient is set to 0.
  • Fixed a bug when the "quad factor" was applied twice to Machinegun.

2018-09-12 Revision 323

  • Added an option for spectators to see when players use zoom:
    • cg_spectatorZoom 1 (default) - on,
    • cg_spectatorZoom 0 - off (old behavior).
  • Improved demos compatibility with q3mme by moving changes to the bottom of the event and item list so that the other elements are in the same order as in vanilla Quake 3.

2018-08-31 Revision 322

  • Added an experimental ASXE ruleset based on AS one with a very light version of air control. This ruleset will be shaped with community feedback to create a better default ruleset for the mod.
  • Added CPM and QW rulesets with g_ruleset cvar that replaces g_aftershockPhysic.
    Available options are:
    • as (default),
    • asxe,
    • vq3,
    • cpm,
    • qw.
  • Added callvote ruleset.
  • Removed unused movement checks.

2018-08-13 Revision 321

  • Added g_furthestTeamSpawns, default is0.
    If g_furthestTeamSpawns is 1 and the mode is CA/Elimination, a random spawn point will be picked for one team and the other team will be spawned at the furthest away spawn point. The same two spawn points will be used every round but the teams will switch between them alternatingly.
  • Global sounds and ET_MOVER loop sounds are no longer played when s_ambient is 0.
  • Spawn and teleport bug fixes.

2018-08-09 Revision 320

  • Flag icons on the HUD are now properly displayed for spectators.
  • Fixed a bug when players would still get stuck on the same spawn point on some maps.

2018-07-29 Revision 319

  • Improved spawn behavior in team modes.
  • Added g_spawnPush cvar for improved spawn behavior.
    • If g_spawnPush is set to 1, a player that spawns inside of a team member will get pushed forward and spawn in front of him.
    • If g_spawnPush is set to 0, a player that spawns inside of a team member will get stuck (default OA behavior).
  • Added g_telefragTeamBehavior cvar for improved telefrag behavior:
    • g_telefragTeamBehavior 0: if a player teleports into a team member, they both will get stuck (default OA behavior),
    • g_telefragTeamBehavior 1: if a player teleports into a team member, the player wil be pushed forward and spawn in front of him,
    • g_telefragTeamBehavior 2: if a player would teleport into a team member, the teleport will not work and the player will stay at the teleport entry until the team member moved.
  • Added support for projectile teleportation sound (in/out).
    The new sound files can be put in:
    • sound/world/teleinProjectile.wav,
    • sound/world/teleoutProjectile.wav.

2018-07-27 Revision 318

  • Fixed a bug when the projectiles would get stopped mid air in some places on some maps.

2018-07-27 Revision 317

  • Added support for shooting projectiles through teleports with two new cvars.
    • g_allowProjectileTeleport is a bitmask:
      • bit 0 - rockets,
      • bit 1 - plasma,
      • bit 2 - grenades.
      • 7 - allow all three (default),
      • 1 - allow only rockets,
      • 3 - allow rockets and grenades.
    • g_projectileTeleportKeepAngle controls the angle of the projectile.
      • If this is set to 1 (default), the projectile will go out of the teleport at the same angle it entered,
      • If this is set to 0, the projectile will always exit the teleport straight. This is the behavior that players entering a teleport have.

2018-07-25 Revision 316

  • Fixed a number of scoreboard bugs.
  • Now when the scoreboard key is pressed down the scoreboard will update once a second.

2018-07-22 Revision 315

  • Fixed a bug when the scoreboard disappears with 6v6 and more.
  • Frags are now shown instead of the score as kills on the scoreboard in CTF.
  • Kills are now shown in warmup.
  • The time on the scoreboard is now always printed with 5 characters and the font with the same width as for damage done and received is now used for time and ping.
  • "You have lost the lead" sound cue can never play twice in a row anymore.
  • Various other bug fixes.

2018-07-21 Revision 314

  • Added g_damagePlums and cg_damagePlums (both default to 1).
    These allow displaying damage plums on hit, g_damagePlums is a server-side variable and cg_damagePlums is client-side.
  • Added g_crosshairNamesFog, default is 0.
    Setting this to 1 will allow names to be seen in the fog.
  • Renamed plasmaSpark shader to plasmaSparkAs, because OpenArena 0.8.8 has a shader with the same name.
  • Changed time format on the scoreboard from hh:mm to mm:ss.
  • Various other improvements and bug fixes.

2018-07-17 Revision 313

  • Added support for sorting servers by the number of human players.
  • Removed flood protection for admin commands.

2018-07-16 Revision 312

  • Fixed vote passed/vote failed bug completely.
  • Fixed a bug when flood limit would have false positives.
  • Added cg_fastforward and cg_fastforwardSpeed.
    • cg_fastforward gives the seconds a demo should be forwarded.
    • cg_fastforwardSpeed gives the speed of the forwarding (like timescale).

So if you set cg_fastforwardSpeed 100 and cg_fastforward 600, the demo will forward 10 minutes (600 seconds) with 100x speed.

  • Fixed powerup disappearing bug (that happens on ps37ctf-mmp map).
  • Fixed a bug when maplist wouldn't be displayed if it got over 1024 characters.
  • Players no longer drown in water after a timeout is over.
  • The timer now shows the correct time during a timeout.
  • The flags can no longer disappear during a timeout.

2018-07-07 Revision 311

  • added cg_soundOption <0-9> to alter between sound packs, default value is 1.
    A value of 0 sets all sounds to default. A value of X(with X = 1-9) loads option X for all sounds. A sound S.wav with option X has to have the name S_optX.wav in the .pk3.
    If S_optX.wav does not exist it falls back to S.wav.
  • Added cg_soundOption* <-1-9> to alter between individual sounds for weapons:
    • cg_soundOptionGauntlet,
    • cg_soundOptionLightning,
    • cg_soundOptionMachinegun,
    • cg_soundOptionShotgun,
    • cg_soundOptionRocket,
    • cg_soundOptionGrenade,
    • cg_soundOptionPlasma,
    • cg_soundOptionRail,
    • cg_soundOptionBFG.

cg_soundOption* can override the sounds set by cg_soundOption.
If the option does not exist it falls back to cg_soundOption (which falls back to the default sound).

2018-07-07 Revision 310

  • Teams can never end up the same after shuffle anymore.
  • cg_blood 0 now turns all the blood off including the splatters of blood on the screen when you get hit.
  • Mapcycle now relies on the number of players in game instead of the total number of clients on the server.
  • The vote string for callvote nextmap now displays the name of the map in the brackets instead of the current map.
  • Added colors to the vote string, now "yes" votes are shown in green and "no" votes in red.
  • Increased a maximum count of maps in mapcycle config from 64 to 128.

2018-07-01 Revision 309

  • Fixed a bug when a player could rename themselves to "vote passed" and "vote failed" and the corresponding sounds were played.
  • Changed to xx.xk format for the damage on the scoreboard.
  • If a player accidentially joins a team he is already is on, he can join a new team immediately and does not have to wait 5 seconds anymore.
  • Now a new line is started if spectator names don't fit in a single line.
  • Various other bug fixes.

2018-07-01 Revision 308

  • Disabled dropping Machinegun with dropweapon command.
  • Added droppowerup command.
  • Fixed a bug with flags disappearing from the scoreboard on CTF.
  • Extended CA and CTF scoreboards with full damage done and received, kills and deaths.
  • Extended CTF scoreboard with amount of captures, assist and defend rewards.
  • "<name> is the new team leader" info message is now always white.
  • Fixed a bug when spectator name inherits color from a spectator whose name is displayed before them.
  • Fixed !mute command not working.
  • Added support for flood limiting.

2018-06-28 Revision 307

  • added g_reduceMachinegunDamage <0|1>.
    • 0 (vanilla) - Machinegun does 7 damage for all modes except Team Deathmatch where it's 5.
    • 1 (default) - Machinegun does 6 damage for all modes except Team Deathmatch where it's 5.
  • Added g_rocketVelocity <integer>. Specifies rocket speed in UPS, default value is 1000, vanilla used to be 900.
  • Added g_gravityModifier <float>. Sets a multiplier for g_gravity, default value is 1.
  • Removed 125 FPS lock.
  • Removed "not logged in" message since the AfterShock site is long gone.
  • Now compiles with GCC-4.8+.