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LZ Training Data Viewer

Reversing LZ training data into commented sgf files.

This is my personal repo to share some analysis I have done on Leela Zero training data. As a way to learn to use Github.

Fresh beginner in Python and in object oriented programing, I chose as a toy problem to write a python script that reverses Leela Zero training data into self-play games sgf files, embedding some statistics on the search policy:



Empirically, I have found that LZ training data files consist in a series of training samples corresponding to successive positions in a series of self-play games. Currently, each training data chunk wraps 32 such games.

By taking advantage of this property (successiveness of positions) and comparing the input planes of a given position with the input planes of the next position, it is possible to deduce the move that was actually picked by temperature (T=1) in that given position. And to check what were the policy value (p_picked) and the rank in the search (picked_rank) for that move. In turn, this allows to reconstruct the whole game and to generate a sfg file with comments on the search policy distribution.

This script also outputs an additional .csv table in which each line corresponds to a training position, with meta data and the basic statistics:

    # Position meta-data:
    chunk_id:          chunk number within training file
    game_id:           game number within the chunk (start at 1)
    game_len_raw:      game length, raw
    game_length:       game length, floored by 20
    move_count_raw:    move count, raw
    move_count:        move count, floored by 20
    side_to_play:      color to play (Black/White)
    played_by:         move belongs to winner/loser of the game
    picked_move        board coordinate of move picked by temperature
    # Policy statistics:
    p_picked_raw       policy of picked move, raw
    p_picked           policy of picked move, floored by 0.02
    picked_rank        the rank of the move picked by temperature in the search policy (best move rank = 1)
    p_pass_raw:        policy probability of pass move
    p_pass:            policy probability of pass move, floored by 0.02
    pass_rank:         the rank of the pass move in the search policy 
    p_max_raw:         policy max (=policy of best move), raw
    p_max:             policy max (=policy of best move), floored by 0.02
    p_best5_raw:       cumulated policy probability of top  5 moves, raw
    p_best5 :          cumulated policy probability of top  5 moves, floored by 0.02
    p_best10_raw:      cumulated policy probability of top 10 moves, raw
    p_best10:          cumulated policy probability of top 10 moves, floored by 0.02
    p_pass_raw:        policy probability of pass move
    p_pass:            policy probability of pass move, floored by 0.02
    norm_cost_raw      normalized computing cost of genrating the next move in current position = tree reuse ratio
    norm_cost          normalized computing cost of genrating the next move in current position, floored by 0.02
    # Commented sgf:
    chunk_XXXX_game_YYYY.sgf : a text file in FF4 format of the game ID YYYY of chunk ID XXXX

Sample files: chunk n°1000


Preliminery observations on the training data


Data used

LZ177-generated training data uploaded on 18-Sep-2018 (network hash dec5b9d8, promoted on 15-Sep-2018).

Since I did analysis with Excel (1M lines limit), I took arbitrary slices of 100 consecutive chunks, each corresponding to ~3200 games or ~550k to 600k positions. I analysed chunks 0 to 99, then chunks 1000 to 1099 to check that the conclusions were standing and independent from chunks sampling.

Found weird data !

I quicly spotted weird policy values in both slices of chunks, not looking like multiples of 1/600th., like here:


Suspecting some flaw in my code (although a priori it does not do any arithmetic processing on the values p_picked_raw, p_max_raw and p_pass_raw, just a conversion to float, a sorting step before conversion back to string), I checked the raw training data and found the weird data were already there:


0.737846 = 368923/500000, 0.5M not really a reasonable number of visits ...

Note that when the policy contains such a weird value, all non-zero policy values are weird in the training sample. As a shortcut, I here after inaccurately designate such values as non-fractional, as they look more like real numbers than like fractions of any reasonable number of visits.

I did an in depth sanity check of the chunks 1000-1099 and found a surprising high proportion of positions containing such non-fractional values: 40592 / 609087, ie 6.7% (not a pee in the ocean ... ).

Then I spotted another kind of weirdness, namely positions where p_picked_raw = p_max_raw = 1 during very long sequence in the game, particularly early in the game. Such games exhibit a clearly different distribution in terms of p_picked_raw or p_best_10_raw:

Although p_best_10_raw = 1.000000 is of course not impossible, it turns out that in most cases we lso have p_max_raw = p_picked_raw = 1, which may not be strictly impossible, but a series of such values seems almost impossible.

I initially suspected fake data. But when I replayed a few sfg with Sabaki (LZ177, 1600v, no randomness) I found that LZ177 almost always agreed with the game trajectory.

This second issue is affecting less training samples (1731 / 609087, or 0.28%).

I then discovered that these two issues affect the very same games and are probably one and a single issue. In such games, either p_picked_raw = p_max_raw = 1 and the rest of the policy is de facto 0, or all values are not multiples of 1/1600th and these values display unsually sharp policy (p_best_5 close to 1 if not equal, p_max quite high)

Overall, the proportion of training samples affected by this issue is 6.9%.

Since these data doesn't look synthetic (not indentical games; they seems to follow LZ177 inclination), there must be some rational explanation. Highly concentrated policy and non-fractional values made me think of genuine self-play games but played with temperature parameter much lower than 1. However, I found that not all games with non-factrional policy exhibit obvious out of distribution policy and long series of p_max = 1 ... Herebelow, for example, all games have all their positions exhibiting non-fractional policy values (but for the 1 and 0 when p_max=1), although they all look normal, but for game 1003_19 ! image. See sgf:;;

Thus, it would take to assume some client not only tinkering with his leela code and but toying with different temperatures. Hopefully, there is a much less fancy explanation than this variable temperature theory. Eager to know it!

Update - 21 Oct 2018

There is indeed a simple explanation for policy values non-multiple of 1/1600, as explained by @Ttl here: "next branch uses no-pruning time management during the self-play game that stops the search if the best move can't change anymore (Pull Request #1497)."

The other two issues described here above, 1) p_picked=0, 2) policiy very concentrated of a few moves,if not a single move, plus another one found in LZ181 traing date and described here are still unexplained.

Update - 10 Nov 2018

p_picked=0 issue now explained by a bug in train2sgf python script. Due to a pecularity in coding of input planes respect to 361st intersection, move of board coordinate T19 was wrongly interpreted as Pass move. No more p_picked = 0 position found after bug correction.

train2sgf python script updated.


Reversing LZ training data into commented sgf files






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