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Roadmap Meeting August 05 2016 11:30 am AST

gabrielaatmac edited this page Aug 15, 2016 · 13 revisions
  • Chair: Nick Ruest
  • Notetaker: Gabriela Mircea

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Gavin Moriss, Jean Philips, Jennifer Eustis, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, David Wilcox, Rosie Le Faive, Donald Moses, Mark Jordan, Mark Baggett, William Panting, Daniel Lamb, Brian Harrington, Melissa Anez, Carell Jackimiek, Nick Ruest, Gabriela Mircea

  • Apologies: Noah Smith, Jordan Fields


Old Business

New Business

  • Welcome to Danny

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa):
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer):
  • IR interest group (Mark):
  • Security Interest Group (Will):


Islandora Camps

  • iCampMO:
  • Islandoracon:

Round Table

Next meeting: August 19

  • Chair: Gabriela Mircea
  • Notes: Kirsta Stapelfeldt


Old Business

  • Previous meeting notes - no comments - approved
  • New module for LSAP: Islandora Default Thumbs - passed

New Business

  • Welcome to Danny
    • 3 hats
      • Islandora community - issues come around and need to be taken care quickly, will do next release
      • CLAW - push the software forward
      • grant project working on for UBC

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa):

    • Collaborative writing meeting to work on the release documentation guidelines - polished the doc outlining the roles for documenters, testers. document will be added to the islandora git
  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan):

    • no substantive updates, meeting next week
  • Metadata IG (Jennifer):

    • last meeting canceled
  • IR interest group (Mark B):

    • met last week, talked about the open tickets and hosting a 2 day islandora IR camp
  • Security Interest Group (Will):

    • Proposal
    • at the last meeting we talked about the feedback from the roadmap committee
    • Questions: how people join; qualify the skills needed to be part of the group; members do not have to be committers but we do need committers in the team; for now working on 1.x with possibly extending it to claw; voting criteria - not directly codified - homework for the group;
    • vote called - passed unanimous - Melisa will follow up with the absentees


Updates provided by Nick as project director (unless otherwise noted)

  • July sprint

    • Sprint Milestone
      • proposal for security audits for claw
      • UTSC working on documenation
      • in August will have more focused sprints led by Danny
  • CLAW Calls:

    • June 27
    • August 3
      • Danny introduction, Q&A, priorities, MVP
      • testing and QA
      • Danny:
        • only support for Fedora 4, no support for earlier versions of Fedora
        • look into modeling content a bit differently
        • shift priority and focus to Drupal 8
        • MVP - standards to prevent scope creep
        • small work packages, easier to manage and work on
  • Cross community discussion

    • API-X

      • August 4
        • focused on URIs in API-X - document done
    • Performance/Scaling

      • July 18
        • no updates, test still going asking for volunteers
      • JMeter tests
      • Next meeting, August 15, 11AM EST
    • PCDM 2.0

      • still going on, looking for use cases
      • CLAW will support PCDM 2.0
    • Fedora Tech meetings: Every Thursday, 11am EST.

      • July 28

        • mostly around updates around update on performance/scaling
        • consensus on whether or not we should support gzip compression of responses via Jersey filters
        • Fixity specification update
        • updates on Fedora 4.6.0 - probably Aug 26
      • August 4

        • Jena 3.x support
        • proposal for Fedora transform
    • Import/Export

      • Design
      • July 29
      • August 5
        • finalize the use cases
        • sprint Aug 8 to Aug 19 - goal to get the Import/Export done
  • Project Plan

    • looking for feedback from the committee, check out the project plan

Islandora Camps

  • iCampMO:

    • 10 people so far
    • instructors selected: Melissa and Sandie, Rosie and Jereck
  • Islandoracon:

    • we have a planning group
    • meeting on August 17

Round Table

Next meeting: August 19

  • Chair: Gabriela Mircea
  • Notes: Kirsta Stapelfeldt

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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