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Roadmap Meeting May 13 2016 11:30 am AST

Mark Jordan edited this page May 23, 2016 · 6 revisions
  • Chair: Brian
  • Notetaker: Rosie

Per: Schedule

  • Attending: Lydia Motyka, Brian Harrington, Carell Jackimiek, David Wilcox, Donald Moses, Jean Phillips, Jennifer Eustis, Jordan Fields, Kirsta Stapelfeldt, Mark Jordan, Rosie Le Faive, Nick Ruest, William Panting, Henry Adams

  • Apologies: Mark Baggett, Noah, Gabriella.


Old Business

Some delays; expected to be released in the week. Comment: Can there be more communication on the status of the release? Will the new release candidate require full testing? Melissa will follow up with the Release Manager.

New Business

Voting: 15 +1, 1 +0 including absentee votes via email.

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Melissa)

Will be meeting next week

  • Dev Ops (Mark Jordan)

Met Wednesday; effort will be refocused towared maintaining Islandora Vagrant. Email to come.

  • Metadata IG (Jennifer)

Notes Use of manuscript solution pack to display information side-by-side.

Next month, creater of the metadata analyzer module will lead a discussion.

  • IR interest group (Donald)

Nothing to report.


Islandora Camps

  • iCampFL

    • Very successful, 33 people, ~half from Florida.
    • information about CLAW very useful
  • iCampBC2

    • More than half of seats filled! Expected to sell out!
    • BC libraries conference - lots of interest in islandora.
  • iCampMO

    • Cautiously optimistic!
    • Promotion to start in earnest, soon.
  • Islandoracon

    • Nothing official to report.

Round Table

  • David Wilcox - upcoming OR conference - list of Fedora-related presentations: New Fedora t-shirts! Another Fedora Camp in the Fall...
  • Donald Moses - No updates
  • Eric - nothing to report
  • Jean - looking to contribute to CLAW. Found open discussions much more productive than formal presentations
  • Jennifer - nothing to report
  • Jordan Fields - creating a DPLA service hub
  • Kirsta - recruitment
  • Lydia - enjoyed Islandora Camp; looking to contribute to CLAW!
  • Mark Jordan - still ingesting and doing post-migration cleanup
  • Melissa - nothing to report. Thanks for offering Claw dev time
  • Nick - will be recruiting for a new CLAW developer. Will be full-time CLAW after the release.
  • Brian - nothing to report
  • Rosie - nothing to report
  • Will - nothing to report

Next meeting: May 27

  • Chair: Rosie
  • Notes: Mark B

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