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Commands & Usage
With a vast and robust set of Commands available to everyone using Commons, it's fair to find their proper usage, purpose, and available arguments in an organized list. Below is a list of all the available commands and options inside of Commons.
/addcurrency <player> <amount>
- Used to give players some of the servers premium currency, which is included as part of Commons.
- Permission:
- commons.command.addcurrency
/armor <type>
<type> | leather, iron, gold, chain, diamond.
- Used to equip yourself with a shimmering set of armor!
- Permissions:
- Command Permission - commons.command.armor
- Armor Set Permissions:
- All - commons.armor.*
- Leather - commons.armor.leather
- Iron - commons.armor.iron
- Gold - commons.armor.gold
- Chain - commons.armor.chain
- Diamond - commons.armor.diamond
- Used to teleport yourself back to the previous teleport location. Same functionality as found in Essentials /back command.
- Coming: Multiple locations to iterate through when doing /back.
- Permission:
- commons.command.back
/blocktext <material> <text>
<material> - Material to draw the text with!
<text> - Text to draw with blocks! You can include spaces in the text
- Usage
/blocktext 1 Hello World!
- Used to draw a line / string of text using blocks! Simple!
- Permission:
- commons.command.blocktext
- Currently there's no implementation for rollback, though that's soon to come! Command is very volatile at the moment, so be careful.
/buypremium <player>
<player> - Who you're giving premium status to!
- Used to give the
premium in the Commons Database! Much like giving them a rank! - Permission:
- commons.command.buypremium
/clean items <radius>
<radius> - Cleans all the items
/clean items --all
- The '--all' flag assures that all dropped items in your current world are cleared.
/clean mobs [radius] [-a] [--world WORLD]
- Slay all the mobs in a radius around you after executing the command -
- Flag to clear all the mobs in a given world! (Default, your current world) -
[--world WORLD]
- Flag to execute the command on another world and slay mobs there. Should be used in conjunction with the-a
- Permission:
- commons.command.clean
- commons.command.clean.entities
- commons.command.clean.mobs
/ci [player]
[player] - Optional argument to clear the inventory of another player
- By default, doing /ci will clear the executors inventory.
- Clears the inventory of either the executor, or target!
- Permission:
- commons.command.clearinventory
- commons.command.clearinventory.other
- Used to change the time on the executors current world!
- Permission:
- commons.command.time
/debug ? <page>
- Page of the menu to view! (Default: 1)
- View a menu of all the debug-commands included in the debugger.
/debug on
- Enter into debug mode!
/debug off
- Exit debug mode!
/debug [action] [arguments...]
- The debugger action to execute. -
- Arguments to pass to the debug action, potentially used in execution.
- Permission:
- commons.debugmode
- Note: If no arguments have been added to the execution of this command, it's essentially the same as toggling your debug mode.
/enchant <Enchantment> <Level>
- Enchantment to add to the item in your hand! -
- Level to set the Enchantment on the item being enchanted.
/enchant list
- List all of the enchantments available to enhance an item with!
- Permission:
- commons.command.enchant
- Enchant the item in your hand with a specific enchantment, and a level.
/feed [Player]
- Optional argument. If included you'll heal the target player!
- Permission:
- commons.command.feed
- Feed yourself, or your target to full health!
- Create a show of fireworks to light up the sky with!
/fw [-a Amount] [-d Delay]
- Flag argument that accepts the amount of fireworks to spawn. -
Flag argument that accepts the delay between each firework going off! - Note: All flag arguments are optional.
- Permission:
- commons.command.fireworks
- Allow a player (or the target) to enter fly mode.
/fly [player]
- Player to set flying! If blank, the command executor will enter fly mode. - Note: Using the command while in fly mode will toggle the players fly status to off. Again, will put them back into fly mode.
- Permission:
- commons.command.fly
- Either open the gadgets menu or retrieve a gadget by its given id!
- Open the gadgets menu, allowing you to select and retrieve an instance of the chosen gadget. Will not open (and will say an error happens) if there are no gadgets registered.
/gadgets get <id>
- ID of the gadget to retrieve! - View the gadgets ID in the gadget menu!
- Permission:
- commons.command.gadgets
- Change the gamemode of yourself, or a target player upon execution!
/gm <gamemode> [player]
- Gamemode to enter, or assign the player into! -
- Player to change the gamemode of.
- Permission:
- commons.command.gamemode
God Mode
- Enter yourself into God mode, negating all damage taken in all possible ways!
- Permission:
- commons.command.god
- (Re)Grow grass in an area! Includes growing flowers, pumpkins, melons, shrubs, and more... Gives your land a very full and flourished feeling!
/grass <radius> [density]
- Radius around your target location which to spawn the grass in. -
- The density of which to spawn grass. Default is 37.
- Permission:
- commons.command.grass
- Wear a fancy hat; I do say my good sir!
/hat [item]
- What to assign yourself to wear as a hat!
- Note: If you don't enter an item argument, and have an item in your hand, your hand (item) will become your hat!
- Permission:
- commons.command.hat
- Heal either yourself, or another player back to full health!
/heal [player]
- Target player to heal. Requires the heal-other permission. - Permission:
- commons.command.heal
- commons.command.heal.other
- Retrieve the ID of an item via its name.
/id [item name]
[item name]
- Name of the item to retrieve the ID for.
- Note: If you don't include the item name argument, you'll receive the id of the item in your hand.
- Permission:
- commons.command.id
- Perform various operations from generating items, serializing to save, and load, renaming, and lore modifying on ItemStacks.
/i <item> [amount]
- Item to create. By name, material, id, or id:data string. -
- Amount of which to set the created itemstack to. - Creates an itemstack and gives it to the command executor (you).
/i save <file name>
<file name>
- Name of the file which to store your item in! - Save the item in your hand to the given file name! Serializing it into an XML File.
/i load <file name>
<file name>
- File name which to load the itemstack from. - Load an item from file, and give yourself a copy of the itemstack which was serialized.
/i list
- List all the items saved to files.
/i rename <name>
- New name to assign to the item in your hand. - Rename the item in your hand. Has formatting for colorcodes by default.
/i lore
- Compact help menu for lore commands
/i lore add <text with spaces>
- <text with spaces>
- Line of lore to add to the item in your hand! - Add lore to the item that's currently in your hand!-
/i lore set <line> <text with spaces>
- Line number which to replace! -
<text with spaces>
- Text to assign at the given line. - Set a specific line of lore to what you specify.
/i lore clear
- Clear the item in your hands lore.
- Permission:
- commons.command.item
- Toggle the server into Maintenance mode, restricting it to Operators, and players with permissions to join. Allows you to perform critical actions on the server without having to stop / restart or whitelist then kick all. Simple & easy!
/maintenance [on/off/toggle]
- Option which to set maintenance mode by.
- By default, if no argument is included then maintenance mode will be toggled.
- Permission:
- commons.maintenance.toggle
- commons.maintenance.join (Allows players to join while the server is in maintenance mode!)
/msg <player> <message>
- Player to receive the message you're sending! -
- Message to send to the player!
- Permission:
- commons.command.message
- Send a private message to the player!
- Note: You can quick respond using /r
Give yourself more of the item in either your hand, or optionally all items in your inventory (via the -a flag)
/more [-a]
- Optional flag to set all the stacks in your inventory to max size!
- commons.command.more
/night [world]
- World to change the time in!
- Permission:
- commons.command.time
- Apply a potion effect to yourself of the given type and amplification!
/potion <type> <effect-level>
- Potion effect to apply to yourself. -
- Amplification of the potion to assign to yourself.
- Permission:
- commons.command.potion
Quick-Response (For Messaging)
- Quickly respond to the last person who sent you a private message
/r <message>
- Message to send to the player who last sent you a PM. - Permission:
- commons.command.message
- View the recipe of the item in the command argument, or your hand. Currently unstable. Works sometimes?
/recipe [item]
- Item which to view the recipe for! If no argument is entered, the item in your hand will have its recipe shown.
- Permission:
- commons.command.recipe
Remove Premium
- Remove premium status from a player! Can be executed from console (for people using shop plugins that execute commands upon purchase, or after a duration)
/removepremium <player>
- Player to remove premium from.
- Permission:
- commons.command.removepremium -Repair - Repair an (or all) item(s) to its maximum durability.
/repair [-a]
- With this flag, all items in the players inventory will be repaired to their fullest durability.
- Note: Without the -a flag enabled, only the item in your hand will be repaired.
- Permission:
- commons.command.repair
- All commands related to managing rules on the command.
- View all the rules listed for the server!
- View all the rules listed for the server!
/rules add <rule>
- Rule to add to the list of server rules! (Allows spaces)
/rules reload
- Reload the rules file, importing all changes made in the file to the server.
- Permission:
- commons.command.rules
- Manage item sets, either save loading listing or retrieving!
- Change your inventory to the item set of the given name!
/set <name>
- Name of the item set to retrieve.
/set list
- List all the available item sets.
/set save <name>
- Name of which to save the item set as! Save your current inventory as an item set with the given name!
- Permission:
- commons.command.set
Set Spawn
- Change the spawn of your current world to your location!
- Permission:
- commons.command.setspawn
Set Warp
- Create a warp at your current location, and save it under your given name!
/setwarp <name>
- Name the warp at your current location.
- Permission:
- commons.command.setwarp
- Silence the chat, disallowing anyone who doesn't have the permission to bypass it from chatting.
- Permission:
- commons.command.silence
- Retrieve a player skull of the given player name!
/skull <player>
- Name of the player to retrieve a skull of!
- Permission:
- commons.command.skull
- Slay mobs (and optionally players) in the given radius around the command executor.
/slay [-p] <radius>
- Flag to also slay players within the radius, instead of the regular mobs-only approach. -
- Radius around you of which to slay mobs at! Permission:
- commons.command.slay
- Permission:
- commons.command.spawn
- Teleport a player to the spawn of their world.
Spawn Mob
- Spawn in and customize a mob to your absolute likings! Modifying most / all options of how they're spawned!
/spawnmob <type> [amount] [-baby] [-age Age] [-size Size] [-villager] [-powered] [-helmet Item] [-chest Item] [-legs Item] [-boots Item] [-hand Item]
- Entity Type of which to spawn! -
- Optional amount argument, allows spawning of more than one mob at a time. -
- Boolean flag to spawn the entity as a baby if applicable. - [-age AGE] - Integer flag to assign a specific age to the spawned entity if they're ageable.
[-size SIZE]
- Integer flag to assign a slime / magma cube to a specific size. -
- Boolean flag to assign a zombie as a villager-zombie. -
- Boolean flag to spawn a creeper powered if applicable. -
[-helmet ITEM]
- ItemStack flag to equip the mob with a helmet as! -
[-chest ITEM] -
ItemStack flag to equip the mob with a chest as! -
[-legs ITEM]
- ItemStack flag to equip the mobs leggings as! -
[-boots ITEM]
- ItemStack flag to equip the mob with boots as! -
[-hand ITEM]
- ItemStack flag to set the mobs wielding item as.
- Permission:
- commons.command.spawnmob
- commons.command.spawnmob.enderdragon
- (Assign to player if you wish to allow them to spawn in ender dragons... Warning, it's a mess!)
- Change your walk and or fly speed to the desired value! Gotta go fast! (or slow..)
/speed [speed]
- Number between 1 and 7.8 to change your speed to! - Note: If the speed argument isnt included, then the players speed will be reset.
- Permission:
- commons.command.speed
Teleport All
- Permission:
- commons.command.tpall
- Teleport all players on the server to your current location.
- Teleport yourself to another player!
/tp <player>
- Target player to teleport yourself to. Permission: commons.command.teleport
Teleport Here
- Teleport another player to your current location!
/tphere <player>
- Player to bring to your current location.
- Permission:
- commons.command.tphere
Teleport Menu
- Using the tpmenu command allows players to toggle whether or not they'll receive a menu upon teleport request, or if they'll receive a message in their chat stating they've received a request!
/tpmenu [enable/on/disable/off]
- Either enable or disable the menu which is displayed when you receive a teleport request.
- Permission:
- None!
Teleport Other
- Teleport one player to another!
/tpo <player> <target>
- Player to teleport to the target -
- Target to teleport the player to.
- Permission:
- commons.command.teleportother
Teleport Position
- Teleport yourself to a set of co-ordinates in the world!
/tppos <x> <y> <z>
- X co-ordinate to teleport to! -
- Y co-ordinate to teleport to! -
- Z co-ordinate to teleport to!
- Permission:
- commons.command.tppos
Teleport Request(s)
- Submit and manage teleport requests.
/tpa <player>
- Player to request a teleport to!
/tpahere <player>
- Player to request to teleport to you!
- If you don't have the teleport menu enabled, using tpaccept will allow you to accept the teleport request which you've been prompted with!
- If you don't have the teleport menu enable, using tpdeny will allow you to decline the teleport request you've been prompted with!
- Used to enable, or disable your teleport menu. Refer to its entry above for more information.
- Permission:
- commons.command.tpa
- Change the time in your world, or another world to the given time.
/time <time> [world]
- Day, night, dawn. Time to set the world to! -
- Optional argument to change the time in a different word.
- Permission:
- commons.command.time
- Spread the beauty of nature and generate trees at your own will!
/tree [--cursor] <tree type>
- Whether or not to spawn the tree at the location your cursor targets. If not included, it will be spawned at your current location. -
<tree type>
- Type of tree to spawn!
- Permission:
- commons.command.tree
- Permission:
- None!
- Used to view the amount of premium currency that you currently have. To be soon obsoleted / replaced with a more customizable option.
- Used to unsilence the chat from being in silenced mode! Allows everyone who doesn't have the bypass permission to now chat.
- Permission:
- commons.command.silence
- *Teleport yourself to a warp of the given name! bzzzzz... POOF!
/warp <name>
- Name of warp to teleport to!
- Permission:
- commons.command.warp
- Open the Warps GUI (if enabled), or the text based warps menu to view and select a warp to teleport yourself to.
/warps [page]
- Page of warps to show in the text based menu. If the warps menu is enabled in the configuration, this option is entirely obsolete. - Permissions:
- commons.command.warps
- Open the workbench menu to craft on the fly!
- Permissions:
- commons.command.workbench