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EVE - A Discord Bot

See the Kanboard for upcoming and planed features.

Setup - Development


  • Docker & Docker-Compose

Copy the .env.example to .env. Some values are already prefilled and will work with the docker-compose.development.yml other need to be set manually. Important: When the environment variables are changed the eve-cli container must be restart for the changes to take effect.

Infos for all environment variables
  • DISCORD_TOKEN: Discord-Bot token. Goto and create an Application to obtain one.
  • CLIENT_ID: User Id of the discord bot account.
  • DB_HOST: Hostname of the MariaDB server.
  • DB_USER: Username for the MariaDB server.
  • DB_PASSWORD: Password for MariaDB server.
  • DB_DATABASE: The MariaDB Database to use.
  • ELASTIC_HOST: Hostname of the ElasticSearch. Default is http://elasticsearch:9200.
  • ELASTIC_USERNAME: Username for Elasticsearch, if it has one.
  • ELASTIC_PASSWORD: Password for Elasticsearch, if it has one.
  • REDIS_URL: Hostname of the Redis server.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOST: Url to Eve's for the frontend of the panel. Must be publicly accessible.
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_URL: Url to start the OAuth2 login process. Goto OAuth2 Page of your bot application and in the "OAuth2 URL Generator" select scopes "identify" & "guilds"
  • INTERNAL_API_HOST: Url to Eve's Api for the backend of panel. Can be the Api's docker container name.
  • CORS_DOMAIN: Used in the Eve-Panel-Api, should be the domain of the Api or * for development.
  • CLIENT_SECRET: Client Secret found in OAuth2 Page of your bot application.
  • REDIRECT_URI: Must be added in the OAuth2 Page of your bot application. For development use: http://localhost:3000/doLogin.
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: Client ID of the Spotify-Application. You can create an app here:
  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET: Client Secret of the Spotify-Application.
  • GUILD_ID: Id of the Guild/Server you want to deploy SlashCommands. Only needed for development.

Start by cloning the repository. Then you can start the database and node.js container using:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.development up -d

Wait until the everything is up and running. Then you can start Eve's services. Eve is split into multiple services, all of them have to be started independently using:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml exec eve-cli nx run <service>

You should create an alias to make starting services more convenient. For example: alias dcd="docker compose -f docker-compose.development.yml" works great for me.

Eve's Services are:

Name Command Info
Bot bot:dev Starting the bot will automatically setup the database
Api api:dev Api will start on port 3030
Panel panel:server The panel will start on port 3000 and depends on the api

e.g. starting the bot: docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yml exec eve-cli nx run bot:dev

Setup - Production


  • Docker & Docker-Compose

Copy the .env to .env.example and change all values accordingly. This is explained in depth in the Setup - Development above.

The production image includes all of Eve's services. You only need to provide an argument with the service to start. Valid arguments are: bot, api & panel.

Example docker-compose.yml to start the bot:

    image: itstreason/eve:latest
    // This defines which service to start
    command: ["bot"]
    env_file: ".env"