Ths bot aims to automate much of the moderation and upkeep of the Women Only discord server. It's code can be applied to any server as long as the settings.example.json is adapted to fit the scheme used (and the file should be renamed to settings.json upon completion). redQueen is run via a remote server and accessed using FileZilla and PuTTY.
- Python 3.5.3 or higher (Required by the python library)
python3 -m pip install -U
(Discord updates frequently break the library so the most up to date version is recommended)
The previously mentioned package(s) can be installed onto either the global path or a virual environment. After activating the environment run the entrypoint of the bot
and it should boot, printing a message to the console.
Much of this project references ID's. Viewing of these can be enabled in the client via Settings > Appearance > Advanced > Developer Mode
and right-clicking elements of discord (Users, Channels, Messages, etc.). Most of these elements will have a context menu option that says "Copy ID". These are used throughout redQueen's commands and settings.json file.
The chat filter ignores a handful of characters. Entries into the black/greylists should account for these (or have their call adapted to account for them). It's encouraged to look at the functionality of simplify() in /utilities/ to understand what should be included in settings.json. Black/greylist entries should not include spaces, capitilization, or trailing "s" on a word (i.e. use "test" instead of "tests" if you wanted to blacklist both). Non alphabetic-symbols (including numbers) are ignored or translated by the program so they shouldn't be included in the entries.