This update provides support for Gif images!
You can now create a new (infinite or not) Gif, with a specific delay and your images.
Here's an example code that'll generate a gif:
(Background changing to a random color infinitely)
set {_img::1} to new image with size 100, 100
set {_img::2} to new image with size 100, 100
set {_img::3} to new image with size 100, 100
set {_img::4} to new image with size 100, 100
set {_img::5} to new image with size 100, 100
set {_gif} to new infinite gif manager with new image with size 100, 100 with delay 1 and store it in file "test.gif"
set {_offset}
loop 5 times:
set {_r} to random integer between 0 and 255
set {_g} to random integer between 0 and 255
set {_b} to random integer between 0 and 255
change background of {_img::%loop-number%} to color from rgb {_r}, {_g}, {_b}
add {_img::%loop-number%} to images of {_gif}
close gif {_gif}