- prerequisites
- setup
- operations
- cleanup
- gotcha
- Rancher Desktop:
- Kubernetes:
- kubectl
- Helm:
- dbmate
- golang-migrate
tl;dr: bash scripts/up.sh
nerdctl --namespace=k8s.io build -t my/dbmate -f Dockerfile .
kubectl create namespace zoons --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl create namespace chns --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
follow the bitnami zookeeper chart to install zookeeper.
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm upgrade --install my-zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper --namespace zoons -f zookeeper/values.yaml
verify the installation
kubectl get pods --namespace zoons
my-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 41m
follow the altinity clickhouse operator to install clickhouse
install the Custom Resource Definition(crd)
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/master/deploy/operator/clickhouse-operator-install-bundle.yaml
the following results are expected
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallations.clickhouse.altinity.com created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseinstallationtemplates.clickhouse.altinity.com created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/clickhouseoperatorconfigurations.clickhouse.altinity.com created
serviceaccount/clickhouse-operator created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/clickhouse-operator-kube-system created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/clickhouse-operator-kube-system created
configmap/etc-clickhouse-operator-files created
configmap/etc-clickhouse-operator-confd-files created
configmap/etc-clickhouse-operator-configd-files created
configmap/etc-clickhouse-operator-templatesd-files created
configmap/etc-clickhouse-operator-usersd-files created
deployment.apps/clickhouse-operator created
service/clickhouse-operator-metrics created
verify the installation
kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
clickhouse-operator-78f59f855b-pqntt 2/2 Running 0 57s
install the clickhouse via the operator
attention: it takes around 10 mins for a 2 replica + 2 shards cluster to be ready.
kubectl apply -f clickhouse/ -n chns
verify the installation
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SHOW DATABASES"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS test ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' DEFAULT ROLE ALL IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'admin'"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u test --password admin --query="SELECT 1"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="DROP USER IF EXISTS test ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT name, auth_type FROM system.users"
attention: we need to specify the engine type Atomic for cluster;
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' ENGINE=Atomic"
migrate using dbmate
known caveats
- no multiple statements
- no cluster mode out of box: the migration metadata is stored in only one node
- can manually create the migration metadata in the cluster first
dbmate status
didn't work >= v1.14.0 due to this prError: sql: expected 0 arguments, got 1
run all migrations
kubectl run dbmate-migrate -n chns -ti --rm --restart=Never --image=my/dbmate --overrides='
"spec": {
"name": "migrate",
"image": "my/dbmate",
"args": ["-db", "test", "migrate"],
"stdin": true,
"tty": true,
"env": [
],"volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/app/databases","name": "store"}]
"volumes": [{"name":"store","hostPath":{"path":"'$PWD/databases'","type":"Directory"}}]
create new migration
kubectl run dbmate-migrate -n chns -ti --rm --restart=Never --image=my/dbmate --overrides='
"spec": {
"name": "migrate",
"image": "my/dbmate",
"args": ["-db", "test", "new", "-p", "new one"],
"stdin": true,
"tty": true,
"env": [
],"volumeMounts": [{"mountPath": "/app/databases","name": "store"}]
"volumes": [{"name":"store","hostPath":{"path":"'$PWD/databases'","type":"Directory"}}]
install migration tools
brew install dbmate
port forward the clickhouse pod
kubectl port-forward svc/clickhouse-repl-05 -n chns 9000:9000
create the replicated migration metadata table
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.schema_migrations ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="CREATE TABLE test.schema_migrations ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
version String,
ts DateTime DEFAULT now(),
applied UInt8 DEFAULT 1
ENGINE = ReplicatedReplacingMergeTree('/clickhouse/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}', '{replica}', ts)
ORDER BY version;"
migrate the database
dbmate --url clickhouse://analytics:admin@ up
migrate using golang-migrate/migrate
- very buggy
- poor documentation, it didn't work the way described in the docs
- claim support the multiple statements, but I didn't make it work
- still hard to use migrate in some multi server environment
create the replicated migration metadata table
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="CREATE TABLE test.schema_migrations ON CLUSTER '{cluster}'
version UInt32,
dirty UInt8,
sequence UInt64
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{installation}/{cluster}/tables/{database}/{table}/1', '{replica}')
ORDER BY version;"
port forward the clickhouse pod
kubectl port-forward svc/clickhouse-repl-05 -n chns 9000:9000
migrate the database
migrate -source file://./golang-migrate/migrations -database "clickhouse://analytics:admin@" up
attention: it takes sometimes for the eventual consistency between different replicas.
insert data into the replicated table
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="INSERT INTO test.events_local SELECT today(), rand()%3, number, 'my title' FROM numbers(100);"
select data from the test database via all servers
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.events_local;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.events_local;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-1-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.events_local;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-1-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.events_local;"
attention: it takes sometimes for the eventual consistency between different replicas.
insert data into the test database
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="INSERT INTO test.sales_distributed SELECT today(), rand()%10, 'ON', rand(), rand() + 0.42, rand() FROM numbers(100);"
verify the data
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_local;"
select data from the test database via another replica
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-1-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-1-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_local;"
select data from the test database via another shard
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_local;"
we can only truncate the local tables rather than the distributed proxy tables
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="TRUNCATE TABLE IF EXISTS test.sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
insert data into the test database
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="INSERT INTO test.sales_distributed SELECT today(), rand()%10, 'ON', rand(), rand() + 0.42, rand() FROM numbers(100);"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="
INSERT INTO test.products_distributed
uniq_products AS (
SELECT DISTINCT PRODUCT_ID FROM test.sales_distributed
products AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn, PRODUCT_ID FROM uniq_products
names AS (
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn, randomString(20) as PRODUCT_NAME FROM numbers(1000)
products_with_names AS (
FROM products
LEFT JOIN names ON products.rn = names.rn
where PRODUCT_ID > 0
SELECT * FROM products_with_names;"
global join
attention: GLOBAL
keyword is required, but be careful when using it
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="
FROM test.sales_distributed as s
GLOBAL LEFT JOIN test.products_distributed as p
LIMIT 10;"
create the temp local and distributed tables
- we cannot use
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.temp_sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' AS test.sales_local"
b/c the zookeeper path must be unique. - b/c distributed table is the proxy point to the previous local table, we need to overwrite the ENGINE to point to the temp local table.
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.temp_sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' (
WEEK Date32,
COUNTRY_ID Decimal(38, 9),
REGION String,
PRODUCT_ID Nullable(Decimal(38, 10)),
UNITS Nullable(Float64),
DOLLAR_VOLUME Nullable(Decimal(38, 10))
) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{installation}/{cluster}/tables/{shard}/{database}/{table}', '{replica}')
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.temp_sales_distributed ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' AS test.sales_distributed ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}', test, temp_sales_local, rand())"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.temp_sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.temp_sales_local;"
cleanup the original tables with the truncate above
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="TRUNCATE TABLE IF EXISTS test.sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
insert dummy data into all tables: 500 rows for original tables, 300 rows for temp tables
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="INSERT INTO test.sales_distributed SELECT today(), rand()%10, 'ON', rand(), rand() + 0.42, rand() FROM numbers(500);"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-0-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="INSERT INTO test.temp_sales_distributed SELECT today(), rand()%10, 'ON', rand(), rand() + 0.42, rand() FROM numbers(300);"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.temp_sales_distributed;"
attention: you just need to exchange local tables, b/c the distributed table points to a hard coded local table
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="EXCHANGE TABLES test.temp_sales_local AND test.sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
# kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="EXCHANGE TABLES test.temp_sales_distributed AND test.sales_distributed ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.sales_distributed;"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SELECT count() FROM test.temp_sales_distributed;"
drop the temp tables
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.temp_sales_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.temp_sales_distributed ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';"
kubectl exec chi-repl-05-replicated-1-0-0 -n chns -- clickhouse-client -u analytics --password admin --query="SHOW TABLES IN test;"
tl;dr: bash scripts/down.sh
kubectl delete -f clickhouse/ -n chns
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Altinity/clickhouse-operator/master/deploy/operator/clickhouse-operator-install-bundle.yaml
helm uninstall my-zookeeper -n zoons
kubectl delete pvc --all -n zoons
kubectl delete pvc --all -n chns
kubectl delete namespace zoons
kubectl delete namespace chns
Error: code: 253, message: There was an error on [chi-repl-05-replicated-0-1:9000]: Code: 253. DB::Exception: Replica /clickhouse/repl-05/replicated/tables/test/events_local/replicas/chi-repl-05-replicated-0-1 already exists. (REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_EXIST) (version (official build))
due to the nature of the replication setup, migrations up and down very quickly can cause the above issue.
the solution is to have SYNC
on the down sql statement, which will wait for the replica to be removed before proceeding.
the final solution is to delete all the information regarding the replication on Zookeeper
zkCli.sh deleteall /clickhouse/repl-05/replicated/tables/test/events_local
cat examples/cte_join.sql | curl --data-binary @- "http://analytics:admin@localhost:8123/?database=test"
Code: 60. DB::Exception: Received from chi-repl-05-replicated-1-1:9000. DB::Exception: Table default.entity_category_local doesn't exist. (UNKNOWN_TABLE) (version (official build))
this query fails on 2 replicas x 2 shards
and 1 replicas x 2 shards
setup, but works on 2 replicas x 1 shards
and 1 replicas x 1 shards