Thank you for your interest in my project. This project is to build a community website using the Symfony Framework. This is part of my Php/Symfony training from OpenClassrooms.
Please let me know what you think about my project. All thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
comment function
Clone the repository of this page.Open the folder "P6SnowTricks" Open .env file and modify line22 ( symfony/mailer) and line 29 (database URL) with your own detail. Install Composer if you do not have it yet. All dependencies should be installed in a vendor directory. Create a new database using the command below:
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
You can import fixture by running the command below:
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load You can now sign up for an account and confirm your sign up with e mail confirmation, then you are ready to go! Or you can simply browse the website as a visiter!
ChingYi P.C
P.S if you would like to have a quick look of this project, you can go to the link below: