// [Project] FlexSEA: Flexible & Scalable Electronics Architecture
// [Sub-project] 'flexsea-user' project-specific user code.
// Copyright (C) 2016 Dephy, Inc. http://dephy.com/
// Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL-3.0)
// [Lead developper] Jean-Francois (JF) Duval, jfduval at dephy.com.
// [Origin] Based on Jean-Francois Duval's work at the MIT Media Lab
// Biomechatronics research group http://biomech.media.mit.edu/
Note 1: This repository is part of the FlexSEA project. All the directories
that were under JFDuval/FlexSEA now have separate repositories.
Note 2: Most (or all) projects will require /flexsea-comm, /flexsea-system,
/flexsea-shared, and /flexsea-user to compile.
Documentation available at http://flexsea.media.mit.edu. It is recommended to
start learning about the system by reading the two IEEE BioRob papers.
Please reach out to jfduval at dephy.com if you have questions, or if you'd
like to get involved!