JNMultipleImages can be used to display multiple images in single view, it can be used in a newsfeed or posts. A single post can contain up to 4 displayed images, while showing a number with the remaining images if they are more than 4.
- iOS 11.0+ / macOS 14.4+
- Xcode 15.3+
- Swift 5.10+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate JNMultipleImages into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'JNMultipleImages'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Put some UIView and change the class to "JNMultipleImages"
Add refrence for it in the view controller.
Change Attributes:
- You can change count label attributes by accessing it directly from the JNMultipleImages reference.
- delegate : this delegate confirm to JNMultipleImagesViewDelegate.
- Call setup method:
Setup with JNImage array
setup(images: [JNImage], countLabelPosition: JNMultipleImagesCountLabelPosition = JNMultipleImagesCountLabelPosition.lastItem, placeHolderImage: UIImage? = nil, itemsMargin : CGFloat = 2.0, style: JNMultipleImagesView.style = .collection, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0)
Setup with array of any which might be Url String or UIImage
func setup(images: [Any], countLabelPosition: JNMultipleImagesCountLabelPosition = JNMultipleImagesCountLabelPosition.lastItem, placeHolderImage: UIImage? = nil, itemsMargin: CGFloat = 2.0, style: JNMultipleImagesView.style = .collection, cornerRadius: CGFloat = 0)
- images : The images array to load.
- countLabelPosition : The position for the count label (Fill view or fill last item).
- placeHolderImage : The placeholder image to use for failed images.
- itemsMargin : The margin between items.
- style : The style of the view, it can be collection or a stack(horizental).
- cornerRadius : corner radius for images.
The library will adjust the UIImageViews content mode automatically like the follows :
- If the image dimensions is smaller than the image view dimensions then the content mode is aspectFill
- If image width and height ratio less than the image view width and height ration then the content mode is aspectFill
- If the image is landscape and the image height is less than the image view height then the content mode is topRight
- Other than this it is aspectFit.
Jayel Zaghmoutt & Mohammad Nabulsi
JNMultipleImages is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.