This project was about a self balanced machine using an ESP32 board to coordinate, manage the control system and host a webserver responsible for the GUI using a webpage. The Tunning of the PID controller was done in real time while the system worked to see the changes. Another reason to do it like this was to test the communications between the GUI on the webpage and the ESP32.
To do list A. Create PID controller a. The value of reference: 0.5 if normalized sensor, around 9.8 if not normalized b. The normalized sensor range is -5 to +5 c. The equilibrium position is not 0, it is around 0.5 B. Create a pretty webpage a. Display general information of the sensor readings i. Aceleration in all axis ii. Angular speed b. Make a plot for the inclination c. Make an animation (optional) i. Use the reference model found C. Optimize for speed a. Use timers for the pid control to guarantee a constant fs b. Keep LED indicator for users in operation mode