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This sample essay provides examples showing how maps can be incorporated into an essay. Various features are used in the examples. The most basic map tag is <param ve-map>. Inserting this tag into an essay will result in a map at the default location and zoom level using the standard base map. The map center defaults to 25 (latitude) and 0 (longitude). The zoom level defaults to 2.5. The standard base map is OpenStreetMap.

<param ve-map>

Setting the base map

By default, OpenStreetMap (OSM) is used for the base map. Other base maps are available and can be used by adding the basemap attribute to the ve-map tag.

<param ve-map basemap="Esri_WorldPhysical">

A map with custom center and zoom

Maps can be customized in many ways but the most common customizations are to set a center point and zoom level. The center point can be set using the latitude and logitude values or by specifiying the Wikidata QID for the location in which case the visual essay tool will query Wikidata for the corresponding lat/lon coordinates. In this example, centering the map on Rome, the lat/lon coordinates are explicitly set.

<param ve-map center="41.893,12.483" zoom="10">

A map with custom center using Wikidata entity for coordinates

This map should look identical to the previous one. The difference is that we're using the Wikidata identifier (Q2201) for Rome as the center attribute in the map tag. When a Wikidata identifier is use the geographic coordinates are automatically retrieved from Wikidata.

<param ve-map center="Q220" zoom="10">

A map with a marker {#marker}

In this example we're again using Rome as the center point. We've also added an entity tag for Rome (<param ve-entity eid="Q220">) and a mention in this paragraph text which will result in a location marker automatically added to the map.

<param ve-entity eid="Q220">
<param ve-map center="Q220" zoom="10">

A map with a circle marker and labels opened on map display

The default behavior is to display location labels only when the mouse hovers over the marker. If the show-labels attribute is addded to the ve-map tag labels will be automatically displayed when the map is opened, as is the case for Rome in the example.

<param ve-entity eid="Q220">
<param ve-map center="Q220" zoom="10" show-labels marker-type="circle" radius="8">

Displaying GeoJSON shapes instead of markers {#geojson}

Many location entities in Wikidata can automatically be associated with a GeoJSON region in addition to the latitude and longitude coordinates. Adding the prefer-geojson attribute to the ve-map tag will result in the GeoJSON shape being used for Rome on the map instead of a marker.

<param ve-entity eid="Q220">
<param ve-map center="Q220" zoom="10" prefer-geojson>

Example map showing Central America and Nicaragua with a map title, custom base layer, 2 GeoJSON layers and an auto-generated marker with a Fontawesome icon and custom color.

<param ve-entity title="Nicaragua" eid="Q811" fill="#92086D" marker-symbol="user">
<param ve-map title="Girolamo Benzoni's Accounts Refer to Cacao Being Grown in Nicaragua" center="12.316683, -84.946184" zoom="5" basemap="Esri_WorldPhysical">
<param ve-map-layer geojson active title="Central American Neotropics" url="Neotropics.geojson">
<param ve-map-layer geojson active title="Nicaragua" url="Nicaragua.geojson">

Using custom GeoJSON map layer

One or more external GeoJSON files can be used as map layers. Each file is specified in a separate ve-map-layer tag.
The tag includes a geojson attribute identifying it as a GeoJson layer with a url attribute identifying the location of the GeoJSON file. In this example markers are displayed for the 100 largest cities in the world based on population data obtained from Wikidata.

<param ve-map zoom="2">
<param ve-map-layer geojson title="Worlds most populated cities" url="cities.json">

By default, points in a GeoJSON layer are displayed as standard markers. In some cases alternate syling may be desired, especially in cases where may points are displayed. In this example the same GeoJSON layer is used but the marker styling is customized in the ve-map tag.

<param ve-map
<param ve-map-layer geojson title="Worlds most populated cities" url="cities.json">

Controlling visibility of map data using time {#time-dimension}

Using external GeoJSON map layer with time dimension

For GeoJSON data that is time tagged a time dimension extension is available for filtering and animatating location data based on date/time. The time dimension control is activated by including the time-dimension attribute in the ve-map tag. The time dimension control can configured using a number of optional attributes. The supported attributes can be seen on the help page.

<param ve-map 
<param ve-map-layer geojson
       title="Worlds most populated cities"

US States Entry

For GeoJSON data that is time tagged a time dimension extension is available for filtering and animatating location data based on date/time. The time dimension control is activated by including the time-dimension attribute in the ve-map tag. The time dimension control can configured using a number of optional attributes. The supported attributes can be seen on the help page.

<param ve-map 
       center="39.833333, -98.583333"
<param ve-map-layer geojson title="US States" url="us-states.json">

Using a georeferenced image overlay {#mapwarper}

This map of the county of Kent in the UK uses the standard OSM basemap overlaid with a georeferenced topographic survey map from 1860.

<param ve-map center="51.254, 0.876" zoom="10">
<param ve-map-layer mapwarper active mapwarper-id="44832" title="Kent Topo Survey 1860">

Map with flyto actions in essay text {#flyto}

flyto actions can be used in the essay text to trigger an update in the map viewer. The action is triggered by a user mouse click or hover interaction with text that is "wrapped" with an HTML span tag defining the action. This paragraph used a map of Italy and includes actions causing the map to flyto Rome or Venice when the mouse hovers over the text.

`flyto` actions can be used in the essay text to trigger an update in the map viewer.  The action is triggered by a user mouse click or hover interaction with text that is "wrapped" with an HTML `span` tag defining the action.  This paragraph used a map of <span data-mouseover-map-flyto="43,12.3,6">Italy</span> and includes actions causing the map to flyto <span data-click-map-flyto="41.893,12.483,10" data-mouseover-map-flyto="41.893,12.483,11">Rome</span> or <span data-mouseover-map-flyto="45.440, 12.332, 13">Venice</span> when the mouse hovers over the text.
<param ve-map center="43,12.3" zoom="6">

Map with heatmap overlay {#heatmap}

This example uses the Leaflet Heatmap Layer Plugin to add a heatmap overlay on a map.

<param ve-map center="-2, 118" zoom="4">
<param ve-map-layer heatmap 

ve-map-layer options:

  • heatmap - required
  • url - required URL to dataset file, currently assumes this is a TSV tile.
  • radius - optional (integer, default 15) Defines the radius of your datapoints. If scaleRadius is false, radius is measured in pixels. If scaleRadius is true it's measured in the scale of the map
  • max-opacity - optional (float, default 0.6)
  • scale-radius - optional (boolean, default false) Defines whether the radius should be scaled to accordingly to zoom level.
  • use-local-extrema - optional (boolean, default false) Defines whether the heatmap should use a global extrema set via setData/addData OR a local extrema (the maximum and minimum of the currently displayed viewport)
  • max - optional (integer, default 10) Sets the upper bound of your dataset

Map with custom markers or images {#custom-markers}

This example uses a Leaflet Icon to put an image on the map.

<param ve-map center="2, 40" zoom="4">
<param ve-map-marker
       coords="17.188263050774324, 52.28406397248149"
       size="38, 95"
       iconAnchor="22, 94"
       shadowSize="50, 64">
<param ve-map-marker
       coords="-7.182405194219532, 35.05200886854757"
       size="129, 170"

The tag is <param ve-map-marker> and the options are:

  • url - required URL to image.
  • center - required latitude and longitude coordinates for the image placement, in that order, separated by a comma. For example: "39, 20"
  • size - required the size of the image in pixels, separated by a comma.
  • circle - when set to "true", the image is cropped to an icon-sized circle
  • square - when set to true, the image is cropped to an icon-sized square
  • iconAnchor - The coordinates of the "tip" of the icon (relative to its top left corner). The icon will be aligned so that this point is at the marker's geographical location. Centered by default.
  • shadowUrl - the URL to a shadow image.
  • shadowSize - the size of the shadow image in pixels, separated by a comma.
  • shadowAnchor - The coordinates of the "tip" of the shadow (relative to its top left corner) (the same as iconAnchor if not specified).
  • className - A custom class name to assign to both primary and shadow images. Used for custom CSS styling.