Jwt Token authentication / auothorization client side implementation for web apps
To install the package run npm package manager:
npm install forge-xecurity-jwt-client-web --save
The first step is to configurate the system. Normally the default values are ok.
The options are available in class 'Options'.
a, TokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions All settings for the 'fetch' requests.
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.mode = 'cors';
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.cache = 'no-cache';
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.credentials = 'same-origin';
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.contentType = 'application/json';
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.redirect = 'follow';
Options.getTokenizedApiCommunicationServiceOptions.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer';
Check this url for details: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Fetch_API/Using_Fetch
b, JwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions Settings of authentication service (Url and Uri settings), etc
// Gets or sets the base address of the request. Leave it empty, if the current domain is used
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.baseAddress = "";
// Default URI settings:
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.authenticationUri = "api/auth/login";
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.logoutUri = "api/auth/logout";
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.validateTokenUri = "api/auth/validate-token";
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.refreshUri = "api/auth/refresh-token";
// Gets or sets the additional data for token generator. It is better, if the client can provider
// more data, which is unique and help identify the client.
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.secondaryKeys = [];
// Client side token refresh service will attempt to renew the accessToken before the expiry time reached
Options.getJwtClientAuthenticationCoreOptions.refreshTokenBeforeExpirationInMilliseconds = 15000;
You will optionally register the client-side storage for the given jwt token, to persist it for next time the browser starts with your web app.
// Use browser localStorage
// Use browser localStorage
// Use memory storage, which does not persist any information
// This is the default, it does not neccessary to invoke it explicit
Finally, the additional services need to configured:
For a complete working example, please visit my Forge.Yoda repository: https://github.com/JZO001/Forge.Yoda The solution conatins a project, called 'Forge.Yoda.Apps.Web.React'. Please feel free to check, how it is configured and used.
Please also check the following projects in my repositories:
- Forge.Yoda
- Forge.Security.Jwt.Service
- Forge.Security.Jwt.Service.Storage.SqlServer
- Forge.Security.Jwt.Client
- Forge.Security.Jwt.Client.Storage.Browser
- Forge.Wasm.BrowserStorages
- Forge.Wasm.BrowserStorages.NewtonSoft.Json
- Forge.Security.Jwt.Client.Web.React