Face recogn is program, that recognize your facial expression by 7 categories like:
- Angry
- Disgust
- Fear
- Happy
- Neutral
- Sad
- Surprised
By using your webcam and scanning your face it in real time.
To start using Face recogn you have to install Python 3.x, then using comamnd line install packages from requirements.txt
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
Then move to project folder and just run python main.py
In project there are 4 files like main.py, model.py, face_recogn.h5 and haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml
This is main file, which use our saved neural network model and implement it to our camera. The haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml is used for finding face and face_recogn.h5 for figure out and display our current expresion.
Neutral face:
Happy face:
Surprised face:
Here we have our CNN (convolutional neural network) model, there are training and validation images to get best accuracy