{The website is a simple interactive platform for users to fill in data and get to know their Akan Names}, {5th Oct 2020}
{This simple web application enables its users to interact and have fun by providing and interactive platform where they input their personal data and then the application computes for them their akan Names had they been of Ghanian heritage}
- Stable internet connection
- A browser prefferably google Chrome
- The link to the website
- No need for a server, because the website is hosted in gh pages
{There are no bugs, any bugs that may come up will be resolved from time to time}
{The website is developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap programming language, it has been carefully developed with special media query features to ensure that all screens are supported}
{Incase of any questions or queries regarding the code kindly reach out to CELL:+ 254 700 502 304. Email jalochfelix@ gmail.com}
{MIT Lincene.} Copyright (c) {2020} Felix Omondi and Sam Tomashi my TM