Universal x86 Tuning Utility V2.0.0 - Beta 4
Pre-releaseChanges made:
• Added update checking and downloading system
• Various bug fixes and optimisations!
• Due to the backend rewrite, Dragon Range and Intel CPUs are currently unsupported!
• Magpie FSR and a few other features are missing in this build.
• Source code will be made public on the first stable release.
Windows Download
Fan Control Notes:
• The test menu will only be around however necessary to test fan control in UXTU. Once the test is over, fan control will be integrated into the custom preset menu.
• It is currently limited to controlling one fan at a time and works off CPU temperature.
• There are five configs built as of this release.
• Configs are stored within the Fan Configs
folder within the UXTU install directory.
• Configs must be named after the device manufacturer and model, e.g. AYANEO_AYANEO 2.json
• Configs must follow this formatting:
"MinFanSpeed": 0,
"MaxFanSpeed": 100,
"MinFanSpeedPercentage": 0,
"FanControlAddress": "0x44A",
"FanSetAddress": "0x44B",
"EnableToggleAddress": "0x1",
"DisableToggleAddress": "0x0",
"RegAddress": "0x4E",
"RegData": "0x4F"