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Fullstack Software Engineering Bootcamp course at Moringa and the Flatiron School.

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S.E-Bootcamp-Moringa-Flatiron-school - Features my experience during a coding bootcamp by Moringa school and the Flatiron school



Topics covered

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, DOM & DOM Manipulation,React EJS, body-parser, Ruby,Sintra API, Ruby on rails, SQLite,PostgreSQL,dotenv, md5, bcrypt, cookies and essions, JWT, API, JSON, Authentication and Authorization,Build REST API from scratch, deployment- Heroku, Railway, Vercel, Netlify.

Phase 0: Programming Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Git, GitHub and the concept of version control
  • Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Phase 1: Introduction to JavaScript and ES6

  • JavaScript fundamentals (Variables and Data Types, Operators and Control Flow)
  • Functions in JavaScript
  • Scope
  • Working with Data Structures in JavaScript
  • Array Iteration
  • JavaScript Advanced Syntax - Destructuring & Spread Operator
  • JavaScript and the DOM
  • Object-Oriented JavaScript

Phase 2: Frontend Mastery With ReactJs

Phase 3: Object Oriented Programming With Ruby

  • Ruby Fundamentals
  • Data Structures in Ruby: Arrays and Hashes
  • Regex in Ruby
  • Introduction to Object-Orientation in Ruby
  • Class Variables and Methods in Ruby
  • Object Inheritance in Ruby
  • Metaprogramming in Ruby
  • Getting Started with SQL (Introduction to SQL, Setting up SQLite, Database Basics)
  • Table Relations in SQL
  • Object-Relational Mapping
  • Using Active Record
  • Active Record Associations
  • Getting Data from Remote Sources (Working With API's)
  • Web Scrapping With Nokogiri
  • Web APIs with Sinatra
  • End of phase Project -

Phase 4: Backend Programming with Ruby on Rails

  • Rails Fundamentals
  • CRUD with Rails
  • Validations
  • Client-Server Communication
  • Active Record Associations
  • Serialization
  • Auth(Authentication and authorization)
  • Deploying backend applications
  • End of Phase project -

Phase 5: Final Project

  • Final Project In a team of 4 other developers, we created an alumni community for Moringa School. I was mainly responsible for backend development but I also assisted in fixing bugs on the frontend. Here are the repositories showing my contribution:

Tools used


Fullstack Software Engineering Bootcamp course at Moringa and the Flatiron School.






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