There is a very handy cmdline tool for this called saml2aws. Installing saml2aws (
cinst saml2aws
brew tap versent/homebrew-taps
brew install saml2aws
Then you have to configure the tool:
saml2aws configure
This will ask you a number of questions, you will need to know:
URL: (obviously whatever your sign on link is but this is a rough guide)
Username: (Be best to use your own details for this)
Provider: ADFS (if thats what you have)
MFA: Auto
Profile: saml (or whatever you want to call it)
Then when you need the credentials:
saml2aws login
You can test this using:
aws s3 ls –-profile saml
And you'll see the buckets in your account that you can see.
Neither. You need to add this credential helper (see
sudo pip install git-remote-codecommit
pip install git-remote-codecommit
Then you can clone a repository using:
git clone codecommit://saml@<repo-name>
(replacing <repo-name>
with the name from codecommit not the git or https reference)