We just need to add 'data-validate' attribute to our 'form' tag, or pass an array of 'formId' to our jvalidator.
We can call our validation:
// *** Initialize our validator and makes de magic :) *** //
// You can set validation to a list of forms
//jvalidator.validateUsingThisConfig(config, ["#form"]);
// You can set validation to forms that apply 'data-validate' attribute
// You can use default configuration calling:
// or calling:
We can use configuration, just like:
var config = {
// our custom message when 'required' validation fails
valueMissingMessage: "You must enter some value brow",
//badValueMessage: message,
//patternMismatchMessage: message,
//rangeOverflowMessage: message,
//rangeUnderflowMessage: message,
//stepMismatchMessage: message,
//tooLongMessage: message,
//tooShortMessage: message,
//typeMismatchMessage: message
inputErrorClass: {
border: value,
color: value
messageErrorClass: {
border: value,
color: value
// does not validate on blur
//preventValidationOnBlur: true,
// tell wich event will be used to validate some fields
validateOn: [
event: "keyup",
fields: ["#customInput"]
event: "blur",
fields: ["#inputToDisable"]
// specify some custom validations
customValidations: [
key: "myCustonValidationFunc", // this key is used on 'data-validate-using' attribute
validate: myCustonValidationFunc,
customInvalidMessage: "you must enter 'let me pass brow'"
// disable some components ('#inputToDisable') when '#customInput' validation fails
disableRules: [
whenErrorIn: "#customInput",
disableFields: ["#inputToDisable"],
//callFunction: value (this not exist yet =/ )
In html, if you want to use custom validation, just do it:
<input type="text" id="customInput" data-validate-using="myCustonValidationFunc" />