This respository contains the case studies and their solutions for the #8WeekSQLChallenge by Danny Ma.
Thank you to Danny for the excellent case studies, you can find him at the following link here.
- Case Study 1 - Danny's Diner
- Case Study 2 - Pizza Runner
- Case Study 3 - Foodie-Fi
- Case Study 4 - Data Bank
- Case Study 5 - Data Mart
- Case Study 6 - Clique Bait
- Case Study 7 - Balanced Tree Clothing Co.
- Case Study 8 - Fresh Segments
Danny wants to use the data to answer a few simple questions about his customers, especially about their visiting patterns, how much money they’ve spent and also which menu items are their favourite. He plans on using these insights to help him decide whether he should expand the existing customer loyalty program - additionally he needs help to generate some basic datasets so his team can easily inspect the data without needing to use SQL.
Click here to view the original case study. Click here to view my solutions on Github.
Because Danny had a few years of experience as a data scientist - he was very aware that data collection was going to be critical for his business’ growth.
He has prepared for us an entity relationship diagram of his database design but requires further assistance to clean his data and apply some basic calculations so he can better direct his runners and optimise Pizza Runner’s operations.
Click here to view the original case study. Click here to view my solutions on Github.
Danny created Foodie-Fi with a data driven mindset and wanted to ensure all future investment decisions and new features were decided using data. This case study focuses on using subscription style digital data to answer important business questions.
Click here to view the original case study. Click here to view my solutions on Github.