BO1 Reimagined v0.3.0
Pre-releaseRelease Notes
Corrected World at War weapon materials and images
Fixed issue on certain maps where crouching or going prone in certain areas would kill the player
Fixed issue where using teleporters or other map specific objects would kill the player
Fixed bug where Mystery Box could move back to the same location sometimes at the end of a Mystery Box location cycle
An effect now plays when the Mystery Box is moving if it is the last Mystery Box location of a Mystery Box location cycle
Turrets now properly target the closest zombie
Turrets now properly target a new zombie quicker
Turrets now properly do no attack the team that activated the turret in Versus modes
Placeable mines can now be repurchased to refill ammo
Fixed issues with zombie respawns when using the elevator or teleporting on Five
Added new viewarms to Castro on Five
Spikes on Shangri-La now do not activate when crouch or prone
Richtofen now does now get the full sidequest reward until the end with everyone else
Changed which powerups are in Versus modes
No longer have to kill the rest of the spawned in zombies to win a round in Search & Rezurrect
Fixed issue that caused a team to get 2 round wins when they should have received 1 in Search & Rezurrect
Powerup voicelines do not play for the team that did not receive the powerup in Versus modes
Renamed some zone names