Play the classic Sudoku puzzle game with an interactive and user-friendly interface. Challenge yourself to solve the puzzle while keeping track of your errors. Strive for a high score by minimizing mistakes and achieving a faster completion time.
- Game Board: An initial Sudoku puzzle is provided for you to solve.
- Number Buttons: Select a number from 1 to 9 to fill in the empty tiles.
- Grid Lines: Visual guides to help identify rows and columns.
- Error Counter: Keep track of the number of mistakes made during the game.
- High Score: Challenge yourself to beat your best error count.
- Click on a number button to select the desired digit.
- Click on an empty tile on the game board to place the selected digit.
- If the digit matches the solution, it will be placed on the board.
- If the digit does not match the solution, an error will be recorded.
- Strive for the lowest error count and fastest completion time.
- Winning the Game: Once you successfully complete the Sudoku puzzle, a congratulatory message will appear.
- Reset Game: Clear the board and reset variables to start a new game.
Feel free to explore and modify the code to enhance the game, add new features, or customize the appearance. Enjoy the challenge of Sudoku!