Google Chrome extension that provides folders display, and a dark color theme to the Google apps script editor.
Note: Editing the code is not something in the scope of this extension.
So these are out of scope:
- Custom code autocomplete
- Code folding,
- Different code editor (--> use CLASP locally)
AppsScript Color provides other color themes for Apps Script developers.
These dark themes are more contrasted and comfy, allowing to code for hours ! Choose from the 'Colors' integrated menu one of the following themes :
3 dark themes are available in the IDE (themes only applies to the IDE, not to the full page)
Use the "Sun/Moon" icon to toggle the dark mode on and off, To select a different color theme, open the IDE action menu with [F1] (while focusing the IDE), then type either "theme" , or one of the following:
- Darcula
- Monokai
- BlackFoxConsole
For now the extension applies a color theme of your choice on Apps Scripts open on It works for standalone scripts and scripts linked to native Google documents.
AppsScriptColor also add a structured Folder view for a tidier file list ! To add folders, rename your files to include the path in their name: myFolder/some_subfolder/myfileName
- #39 Fix: issue with Chrome Update
- #31 Updated the extension to support Chrome Extension Manifest V3
- [Clean-up] Remove all Maestro related code
- #30 Fix: Navigating away from file does not remove light blue highlighting
- #22 Fix: Creating a New Project (script) with the Extension will crash Chrome
- #20 Fix: Duplicated entries in action menu
- #19 Mitigated: Color insertion fails when no function
- Fix #21
- Full support of the new GAS online IDE (not all theme are available)
- Fix some colors changes
- Custom theme editor allows to create theme derivated from the 3 default themes
Find the Theme Editor in the color menu
- Folder are grouped above files
- Folder color match their nesting level
- New Folder system: use the '/' character in your file names to display a structure Folder view This will allow great compatibility with the new CLASP command line tool (
- Fix adding or removing a folder work as expected again
- Fix Color not applied at page loading
- Fix GAS CSS update for font
- New scroll-bar color for Black fox console
- Smoother folder opening
- Added custom Folders to sort your files locally !
- Updated color schemes to account for the folders
- Minor bug fixes : the extension only run script edit page
- New color theme : Darcula, with bigger font
- Colors menu: Choose from the 2 existing themes or set to the default
- Added more suited color for HTML template tokens ( )