A Kubernetes operator built with operator-builder.
This respository and it's companion Resume serves two purposes:
- Backup of my resume for rapid deployment and development
- Showcasing some skills while I'm at it:
- Golang
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Operators
- GitHub Actions
- MakeFile
- Hugo Web Framework
- Writing Great Documentation
- Golang
I hate updating resumes, It's not so much writing the content that I dislike. Instead, it's messing with Word and other tools to adjust margins, dealing with columns, page breaks and just formatting in general. So, why not use a data structure language like YAML
and let programming deal with all of the formating. Plus, the portability and rapid deployments are a big upshot as well.
Now I can store all my expierence, certifications, skills, and projects in kubernetes manifests and let the code handle the rest. I work with Kubernetes and Kuberentes Operators quite a bit, why not practice what I preach?
Absolutely not, but it was a fun exercise and a neat talking point. Additionally with the other tools I've built and worked on (yot and operator-builder) I was able to create a fully functional operator in about 30 minutes.
To install the custom resource/s for this operator, make sure you have a kubeconfig set up for a test cluster, then run:
make install
To run the controller locally against a test cluster:
make run
You can then test the operator by creating the sample manifest/s:
kubectl apply -f config/samples
To clean up:
make uninstall
First, set the image:
export IMG=myrepo/myproject:v0.1.0
Now you can build and push the image:
make docker-build
make docker-push
Then deploy:
make deploy
To clean up:
make undeploy
To build the companion CLI:
make build-cli
The CLI binary will get saved to the bin directory. You can see the help message with:
./bin/resumectl help