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API Reference

Ryan Slominski edited this page Mar 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

Get Usage

Submit one or more parameters of name "pv" to the epics2web/caget URL. The response is a JSON object of the form:


{data: [{name: <name>, value: <value>},...]}


{error: <error-reason>}

Note: You can optionally provide a parameter named "n" (the value can be anything) and it will be treated like "caget -n", which results in enum type PVs returning the numeric value instead of the string label.

Monitor Usage


var options = {},
    monitoredPvs = ['mypvname1', 'mypvname2'],
    con = new jlab.epics2web.ClientConnection(options);

con.onopen = function (e) {
    console.log('Socket Connected');

con.onupdate = function (e) {
    console.log('PV Name: ' + e.detail.pv);
    console.log('Date: ' +;
    console.log('PV Value: ' + e.detail.value);

con.oninfo = function (e) {
    console.log('PV Name: ' + e.detail.pv);
    console.log('Connected: ' + e.detail.connected);
    console.log('PV Type: ' + e.detail.datatype);
    if (typeof e.detail['enum-labels'] !== 'undefined') {
        console.log('Enum Labels: ' + e.detail['enum-labels']);

Client Library


Create a new ClientConnection.
Input: options - see Options
Output: ClientConnection

Monitor a set of PVs.
Input: pvs - array of pv names

Stop monitoring a set of PVs.
Input: pvs - array of pv names
Ping the server.
Open the websocket connection.

Close the websocket connection.

jlab.epics2web.ClientConnection.addEventListener(name, function)
Add a callback function on a named event.
Input: name - the event name; see Events
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for open event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for close event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for connecting event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for closing event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for error event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for update event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for info event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call

Convenience function for pong event. If more than one callback is needed use ClientConnection.addEventListener instead.
Input: function - the function to call


  • open - This event is triggered after the socket is open
  • close - This event is triggered after the socket is closed
  • connecting - This event is triggered as the socket is connecting
  • closing - This event is triggered as the socket is closing
  • error - This event is triggered upon socket error
  • message - This event is triggered upon message (update/info/pong)
    • Param: event.type - One of 'update', 'info', 'pong'
    • Param: event.* - Contents based on type, see info, update, pong events
  • info - This event is triggered upon an info message
    • Param: event.detail.pv - PV name
    • Param: event.detail.connected - true if an EPICS monitor was created
    • Param: event.detail.datatype - one of Datatypes
    • Param: event.detail['enum-labels'] - Array of enum labels or undefined if not of type DBR_ENUM
  • update - This event is triggered upon an update message
    • Param: event.detail.pv - PV name
    • Param: event.detail.value - the updated value
    • Param: - the update date
  • pong - This event is triggered upon a pong message


  • DBR_DOUBLE (64-bit)
  • DBR_FLOAT (32-bit)
  • DBR_INT (32-bit - EPICS DBR_LONG)
  • DBR_ENUM (This is the only compound type: includes both the integer value and the String label)

Note: EPICS Compound types are not supported (DBR_STS, DBR_TIME, DBR_GR, and DBR_CTRL).


Name Description Default
url Path to epics2web web socket monitor "ws://" + + "/epics2web/monitor"
autoOpen Whether to automatically connect to socket immediately instead of waiting for open function to be called true
autoReconnect If socket is closed, will automatically reconnect after reconnectWaitMillis true
autoLivenessPingAndTimeout Will ping the server every pingIntervalMillis and if no response in livenessTimeoutMillis then will close the socket as invalid true
autoDisplayClasses As connect state changes will hide and show elements with corresponding state classes: ws-disconnected, ws-connecting, ws-connected true
pingIntervalMillis Milliseconds to wait between pings 3000
livenessTimoutMillis Max milliseconds allowed for server to respond to a ping (via any message) 2000
reconnectWaitMillis Milliseconds to wait after socket closed before attempting reconnect 1000
chunkedRequestPvsCount Max number of PV names to transmit in a monitor or clear command; 0 to disable chunking 400
clientName Name of client application window.location.href
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