Docker files for geant4 installation
- ostype: fedora36, ubuntu24, almalinux9
- geant4_version: examples: 10.6.2, 10.7.4, 11.3.0
- gemc_version: examples: 4.4.2, 5.7, dev
- install_dir: software installation directory label.
It corresponds to the following paths:
- local: /usr/local
- cvmfs: /cvmfs/
- jeffersonlab/base:fedora36
- jeffersonlab/sim:g4v10.6.2-fedora36-local
- jeffersonlab/sim:g4v10.7.4-ubuntu24-cvmfs
- jeffersonlab/sim:g4v11.3.0-almalinux9-cvmfs
- jeffersonlab/gemc:prod1-fedora36-local
- jeffersonlab/gemc:dev-ubuntu24-cvmfs
- source: JeffersonLab/geant4-docker
- source type: branch, main
- You can specify the Dockerfile location as a path relative to the build context.
- The build context is the path to the files needed for the build, relative to the root of the repository. Enter the path to these files in the Build context field. Enter / to set the build context as the root of the source code repository.
Use the script to copy the images to cvmfs. The option 'gemc' will only pack the clas12Tag directory as opposed to all the libraries.
- gemc
Manually tar the files. Make sure tar is an alias to gtar or use gtar directly.
cd /opt/jlab_software
gtar cvfz 1.1-macos.tar.gz 1.1
mv 1.1-macos.tar.gz ~/mywork
scp *.tar.gz ifarm:/work/clas12/ungaro/images
- Currently used:
which is an autobuild based onjeffersonlab/gemc:dev-g4v10.7.4-fedora36-cvmfs
First make a tag of the current version:
docker pull jeffersonlab/clas12software:production
docker tag jeffersonlab/clas12software:production jeffersonlab/clas12software:tag_sept_24
docker push jeffersonlab/clas12software:tag_sept_24
Then make a new tag for the new version:
docker pull jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-almalinux93
docker tag jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-almalinux93 jeffersonlab/clas12software:devel
docker push jeffersonlab/clas12software:devel
docker tag jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-almalinux93 jeffersonlab/clas12software:production
docker push jeffersonlab/clas12software:production
docker pull jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-fedora36
docker tag jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-fedora36 jeffersonlab/clas12software:devel
docker push jeffersonlab/clas12software:devel
docker tag jeffersonlab/base:cvmfs-fedora36 jeffersonlab/clas12software:production
docker push jeffersonlab/clas12software:production
After testing, can use the tag production
docker_run_image jeffersonlab/clas12software:devel cvmfs
source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh
set cvmfsPath = /cvmfs/
set cvmfsSetupFile = $cvmfsPath/setup.csh
source $cvmfsSetupFile $cvmfsPath
module load sqlite/5.7
setenv SIM_HOME /cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/
module load gemc/5.9
setenv RCDB_CONNECTION mysql://null
module avail
module load coatjava/10.0.2
module load jdk/17.0.2
module load mcgen/3.02 generate
set seed = ` read --row 1`
clasdis --trig 100 --docker --t 20 25 --seed $seed
gemc -USE_GUI=0 -N=100 /cvmfs/ -INPUT_GEN_FILE='lund, clasdis.dat' -RANDOMIZE_LUND_VZ='-3.0*cm, 2.5*cm, reset ' -BEAM_SPOT='0.0*mm, 0.0*mm, 0.0*mm, 0.0*mm, 0*deg, reset ' -RASTER_VERTEX='0.0*cm, 0.0*cm, reset ' -SCALE_FIELD='binary_torus, +1.00' -SCALE_FIELD='binary_solenoid, -1.00' -OUTPUT='hipo, gemc.hipo' -INTEGRATEDRAW='*' | sed '/G4Exception-START/,/G4Exception-END/d'
$DRIFTCHAMBERS/install/bin/denoise2.exe -i gemc.hipo -o gemc_denoised.hipo -t 1 -n $DRIFTCHAMBERS/denoising/code/network/cnn_autoenc_0f_112.json
recon-util -y /cvmfs/ -i gemc_denoised.hipo -o recon.hipo
ls -l
module load singularity
singularity shell --bind /cvmfs --contain --ipc --pid --cleanenv /cvmfs/
singularity shell --home ${PWD}:/srv --pwd /srv --bind /cvmfs --contain --ipc --pid --cleanenv /cvmfs/