version 1.6 with qsub compatibility
There have been several large changes and many smaller changes/additions:
qsub support is in! simply set BATCH_SYSTEM=qsub. The limited tests show it functioning but users should be aware that there may be bugs with individual usage. Bugs should be reported and hopefully dealt with swiftly.
--Because of the needs of qsub several configuration parameters in MC.config have been added/modified. Additions include "BATCH_SYSTEM" and "RUNNING_DIRECTORY". BATCH_SYSTEM tells the wrapper what submission style you are targeting. Currently this can be set to "swif" and "qsub"; hopefully with "condor" on the way
--NCORES and TIME_LIMIT have been modified. In the case of NCORES you may, besides providing the number of cores to request provide NODES:NODE_ID:PPN. Do NOT put in the equal signs xxxx:xxx:ppn=4; the wrapper is smart enough to put those in for you. For institutions not using the above style NODES:PPN is also supported. Additionally, TIME_LIMIT can be set in the qsub style xx:xx:xx.
--The command line option for the wrapper "swif=1" has been superseded by "batch=1". This should provide a better user experience for those not using swif.
--additionally batch=2 can be provided. In the case of swif batch=2 will not only create the workflow if needed and add jobs to it but it will also run that workflow so you don't have to remember. If batch=1 is provided to the wrapper in a BATCH_SYSTEM=swif job then the workflow will be created (if needed) and jobs added to it. Instead of running the workflow it will, instead, print out a reminder for the user which can be copied.
--updated default radiator thickness.
--random trigger skims are now portable; use: BKG=loc:/path/to/folder outside JLAB
--error check to prevent a specific kind of auger submit error for swif