This is the frontend of the following backend:
Before reaching the login or registration page, users are guided through a series of walkthrough screens that introduce them to the app's journey and features.
Walkthrough Screen 1 | Walkthrough Screen 2 | Walkthrough Screen 3 |
Designer App is a platform where henna designers can showcase their designs, set their availability, and connect with customers.
Selecting Day | Selecting Time |
Deleting Time Slot | Designers can upload their henna designs to showcase their portfolio and capabilities. |
Leftbar Menu | Designers can view their bookings with customers from the left sidebar, allowing them to manage their appointments effectively. |
Customer App is a platform where customers can search for nearby henna designers, view their profiles, and book appointments for henna services.
Customers can register and log in to access the app's features and functionalities. | Customers can see all the designers here and book appointments. |
Customers can book an appointment with a designer of their choice, selecting a date and viewing available time slots for that date. | Selected Time Slot |
Customers can provide their contact details while booking an appointment. The designer will contact the customer to provide home service at the specified time and location. | Leftbar for customers |
Customers can view their bookings with designers, keeping track of their upcoming appointments. | App about page |
- nodejs
- npm
- react
- react native
git clone
cd henna-tale
npm install
# Run this command in one terminal
npx react-native start
# Run this command in another terminal
npx react-native run-android
# Make sure you've opened at least one emulator or device connected
# to see the connected device list
adb devices
# Copy the repository into your local pc
git clone <repository_url>
# see project status whether you have any changes or not
git status
# see local branches
git branch
# see local and remote branches
git branch -a
# switch to a new branch
git checkout -b <branch_name>
# switch to an existing branch
git checkout <branch_name>
# stage all your changes
git add .
# commit your changes
git commit -m "your commit message"
# after pushing to your branch, switch to development branch and merge your branch with development branch
git checkout development
git merge jenisha
git push origin development
# pull from remote branch
git pull origin development
- Open android-studio.
npx react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
npx react-native run-android