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ScottD edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 1 revision

The LED class constructs objects that represent a single LED attached to the physical Jewelbot. There are 4 LEDs total that are connected to the Jewelbot.

See Also:


LED led;
//naming the variable type and then the name of variable.


Property Type Value/Description
LED_Pos number Digital Pin. The Number address of the pin the led is attached to. The number address is referred to by cardinal directions SE=3, SW=0, NW=1, NE=2
ColorLabel char Preset RGB values. RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE

LED_Pos Diagram


  • .turn_on_single(LED_Pos led, ColorLabel color)

    This function turns on a single LED of the Jewelbot.

    LED led;
    led.turn_on_single(SW, GREEN);
  • .turn_on_all(ColorLabel color)

    This function turns on all the LEDs of the Jewelbot.

    LED led;
  • .turn_off_single(LED_Pos led)

    This function turns off a single LED of the Jewelbot.

    LED led;
  • .turn_off_all()

    This function turns off all the LEDs of the Jewelbot.

    LED led;
  • .flash_single(LED_Pos led, ColorLabel color, uint8_t milliseconds)

    This function turns on the LED for a set amount of time and then turns off.

    LED led;
    led.flash_single(SE, BLUE, 1000);
  • .flash_all(ColorLabel color, uint8_t milliseconds)

    This function turns all the LEDs for a set amount of time and then turns them off.

    LED led;
    led.flash_all(BLUE, 1000);
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