I am Jiangyue Wang (王江月), currently a first-year graduate student of the Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management (QERM) program at University of Washington, Seattle.
My research is centered around the study of large carnivores, with a particular focus on understanding their movement patterns, seasonal dietary preferences, spatial utilization patterns, and interactions with human-related activities. Over the past several months, my work has encompassed diverse aspects of wildlife ecology, including habitat classification through remote sensing techniques, individual identification and population estimation of snow leopards using the Spatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) framework, animal movement modeling, and an investigation into the changes in pheasant habitat over the past decade in response to the presence and removal of free-ranging livestock.
If you share an interest in any of these research or simply wish to connect and discuss, I am eager to engage in conversations. Please feel free to reach out!