Python binding for SRT3D: Region-Based 6DoF Object Tracking
You don't need to specify max_body_diameter
manually, just as M3T.
If the predicted pose is good (close to the reality), the mean value of each correspondence line will be zero (at the center, without offset). We calculate KL divergence for each correspondence line and the optimal one:
We define thresholds for initialization and tracking (you can manually set them), so that you can easily align the object to the virtual one before starting tracking.
The confidences are calculated independently. You can easily add models and get their information (pose, conf., etc.).
Make sure that you have installed the following packages:
- glfw3
- Eigen3
- OpenCV 3/4
- OpenMP (may have already installed on your system)
Your compilation environment should support C++ 17
[method 1] Through system path
$ sudo apt install libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libeigen3-dev # BUILD opencv from source code:
[method 2] Under conda env
$ conda activate ${YOUR_ENV_NAME} $ conda install glew glfw eigen libopencv
Other dependencies for
pip install numpy pip install opencv-python
cd ${repo_root}
pip install .
* The demo data is from DeepAC.
cd ${repo_root}/example
Just follow example/
or source/pysrt3d/pysrt3d.cpp
This algorithm is for object tracking only, without global pose estimation. In consequence, an initial pose (4 by 4 matrix under opencv coordinate) must be provided before you start tracking.