Trusted sources identify and flag terrorist and violent extremist content (TVEC) using their own methods:
Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) by Tech Against Terrorism
Hash-Sharing Database (HSDB) by Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
Altitude integrates with each of the trusted sources, and consolidates their TVEC signals into one view.
Platforms install Altitude, instead of checking each individual source separately.
Platforms use Altitude to check whether any content on their platform matches the flagged content that’s been consolidated into Altitude.
When there’s a match that needs review, small platform moderators click for more detail, review and choose what action they want to take on the content.
The thing that clients are concerned about and want to “target”, i.e. bring in scope of the system. For example, an image.
Targets are represented as a collection of features. Some of those features are provided by the client (e.g. the raw bytes), while others are fetched or calculated later (e.g. OCR'ed text from an image).
An input from an external or an internal source that can be used to identify new content for review.
An external source could be URLs provided by TCAP or an ML model that detects violent content. An internal source could be a previously reviewed piece of “bad” content.
A request for a human to visualize a target and its features, and to generate a review.
A single action taken by a human on a case.