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Date: 2017-09-29
How to use Jackson to deserialise an array of objects
tags: java, json, jackson
406 votes, 5 answers and 282651 views
\r\n The Jackson data binding documentation indicates that Jackson supports deserialising "Arrays of all supported types" but I can't figure out the exact syntax for this.\n\nFor a single object I would do ...\r\n
tags: node.js, npm
1108 votes, 7 answers and 262451 views
\r\n This documentation answers my question very poorly. I didn't understand those explanations. Can someone say in simpler words? Maybe with examples if it's hard to choose simple words?\n\nEDIT also added ...\r\n
How to make HTTP POST web request
tags: c#, .net, post, httpwebrequest, httprequest
569 votes, 6 answers and 680377 views
\r\n How can I make an HTTP request and send some data using the POST method?\nI can do GET request but have no idea how to make a POST.\r\n
You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists)
tags: git
480 votes, 8 answers and 374871 views
\r\n I made a branch called 'f' and did a checkout to master. When I tried the git pull command I got this message:\n\nYou have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists).\nPlease, commit your changes ...\r\n
Python join: why is it string.join(list) instead of list.join(string)?
tags: python, string, list, join
1180 votes, 8 answers and 834563 views
\r\n This has always confused me. It seems like this would be nicer:\n\nmy_list = ["Hello", "world"]\nprint my_list.join("-")\n# Produce: "Hello-world"\r\nThan this:\n\nmy_list = ["Hello", "world"]\nprint "-".join(...\r\n
Is List a subclass of List? Why aren't Java's generics implicitly polymorphic?
tags: java, generics, inheritance, polymorphism
505 votes, 13 answers and 75903 views
\r\n I'm a bit confused about how Java generics handle inheritance / polymorphism.\n\nAssume the following hierarchy -\n\nAnimal (Parent)\n\nDog - Cat (Children)\n\nSo suppose I have a method doSomething(List<...\r\n
How do I find my RSA key fingerprint?
tags: ssh, rsa, ssh-keys
531 votes, 12 answers and 338855 views
\r\n I need to do the ssh key audit for GitHub, but I am not sure how do find my RSA key fingerprint. I originally followed a guide to do the set up on a ubuntu 10.04 box hosted by linode. \n\nWhat is the ...\r\n
String concatenation: concat() vs “+” operator
tags: java, string, concatenation
359 votes, 11 answers and 670950 views
\r\n Assuming String a and b:\n\na += b\na = a.concat(b)\r\nUnder the hood, are they the same thing?\n\nHere is concat decompiled as reference. I'd like to be able to decompile the + operator as well to see what ...\r\n
What is the difference between ++i and i++?
tags: c, for-loop, post-increment, pre-increment
556 votes, 16 answers and 557522 views
\r\n In C, what is the difference between using ++i and i++, and which should be used in the incrementation block of a for loop?\r\n
tags: javascript, google-chrome, console
483 votes, 12 answers and 151133 views
\r\n Can Chrome's built-in JavaScript console display colors?\n\nI want errors in red, warnings in orange and console.log's in green. Is that possible?\r\n