+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
▼NJMovies | |
▼NIMDb | |
▼NIMDb | |
▼NCommon | |
▼NConstants | |
▼NConstants | |
CGeneralRegexConstants | Class responsible for holding the Regex definitions that are commonly used |
CIMDbConstants | Class that holds constant definitions that are related to IMDb |
CIMDbConstants | Class that holds constant definitions that are related to IMDb |
▼NEntities | |
▼NCommon | |
▼NCommon | |
CAmount | Class definition of Money related Amounts |
CImage | Class definition for basic online image |
CLength | Class definition of Length that contains both Imperial and Metric length information |
▼NInterfaces | |
CImage | Class definition for basic online image |
CLength | Class definition of Length that contains both Imperial and Metric length information |
▼NInterfaces | |
CIIMDbDataProvider | Data provider interface that Scraper implements. This interface can be safely used for Dependency Injection |
▼NMisc | |
▼NMisc | |
CDataSource | Class Definition of a data source |
▼NMovies | |
CActingCredit | Class definition of an Acting Credit |
CAKA | Class definition for other names of the title |
CBudget | Class definition of Budget of a Title |
CCharacter | Class definition of a character in a title |
▼NMovies | |
CActingCredit | Class definition of an Acting Credit |
CAKA | Class definition for other names of the title |
CBudget | Class definition of Budget of a Title |
CCharacter | Class definition of a character in a title |
CCompany | Class definition of a company related to the industry |
CCountry | Class definition of a country |
CCountry | Class definition of a country |
CCredit | Class definition of a credit in a title |
CGenre | Class definition of a genre |
CGenre | Class definition of a genre |
CKeyword | Class definition of a keyword related to a title |
CLanguage | Class definition of a language |
CLanguage | Class definition of a language |
CMovie | Class definition of a movie |
COfficialSite | Class definition of an Official Site |
COfficialSite | Class definition of an Official Site |
CProduction | Base class of any production |
CProductionCountry | Class definition that handles country to production mapping |
CProductionCountry | Class definition that handles country to production mapping |
CProductionLanguage | Class definition that handles language to production mapping |
CRating | Class definition of Ratings |
CRating | Class definition of Ratings |
CReleaseDate | Class definition of release dates |
CTagLine | Tag line of the production |
CTVCharacter | Class definition of a TV Character |
CTVSeries | Class definition of TV Series |
CTagLine | Tag line of the production |
CTVCharacter | Class definition of a TV Character |
CTVSeries | Class definition of TV Series |
▼NPeople | |
CActor | Class definition of an actor |
CActor | Class definition of an actor |
CPerson | Class definition of a person |
CProductionCredit | Credit of a person in a specific production |
▼NSettings | |
▼NPresets | |
CBasicPersonDataFetchSettings | A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data |
CBasicProductionDataFetchSettings | A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data |
CFullPersonDataFetchSettings | A preset of data fetch settings that fetches all the data available for persons |
CFullProductionDataFetchSettings | A preset of data fetch settings that fetches all the data available for productions |
CBaseDataFetchSettings | Base settings class common to both productions and persons |
CPersonDataFetchSettings | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching |
CPersonFetchSettingsBuilder | Builder for person fetching settings |
CProductionDataFetchSettings | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Production data fetching |
CProductionFetchSettingsBuilder | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Production data fetching |
▼NFactories | |
CCreditFactory | Factory class that is responsible for building credits based on the role type |
CProductionFactory | Factory class that is responsible for building productions based on the type |
▼NHelpers | |
▼NPeople | |
CPhotoGalleryPageHelper | Class responsible for parsing the Media Images |
CHtmlHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations |
CHttpHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods for HTTP Operations |
CIMDBIDHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to IMDB ID related operations |
CIMDBImageHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb |
▼NProviders | |
CIMDbScraperDataProvider | Data provider that fetches the data real-time on IMDb website using Screen Scraping and returns it as per defined in IIMDbDataProvider |
▼NTests | |
▼NPerson | |
CBasicPersonScrapingTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons |
CPersonAsyncTests | Test suite designed to test asnyc operations |
CPersonGalleryTests | Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons |
▼NProduction | |
CAKATests | Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests |
CBasicProductionScrapingTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic scraping scenarios for productions |
CProductionAsyncTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions |
CProductionGalleryTests | Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions |
CScrapingCultureTests | Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests |
CTVShowTests | Test class that contains the tests dedicated for TV Show specific information |
CAutoGeneratedProgram | |
CProductionCredit | Credit of a person in a specific production |
▼NPrivateAPI | |
▼NProduction | |
CAKAData | Class Definition of a private Production AKA Data |
CAKANode | Class Definition of a private Production AKA Node |
CAKAsEdge | Class Definition of a private Production AKAs Edge |
CCountryInfo | Class Definition of a private API Country Info |
CAPIData | Class Definition of a private API Response |
CAPIResponse | Class Definition of a private API Response |
CDisplayableProperty | Class Definition of a private Displayable Property |
CDisplayablePropertyValue | Class Definition of a private Displayable Property Value |
CProductionData | Class Definition of a private Production Data |
▼NSettings | |
▼NPresets | |
CBasicPersonDataFetchSettings | A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data |
CBasicProductionDataFetchSettings | A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data |
CFullPersonDataFetchSettings | A preset of data fetch settings that fetches all the data available for persons |
CFullProductionDataFetchSettings | A preset of data fetch settings that fetches all the data available for productions |
CBaseDataFetchSettings | Base settings class common to both productions and persons |
CPersonDataFetchSettings | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching |
CPersonFetchSettingsBuilder | Builder for person fetching settings |
CProductionDataFetchSettings | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Production data fetching |
CProductionFetchSettingsBuilder | Class that is responsible for holding settings for Production data fetching |
▼NFactories | |
CCreditFactory | Factory class that is responsible for building credits based on the role type |
CProductionFactory | Factory class that is responsible for building productions based on the type |
▼NHelpers | |
▼NPeople | |
CPhotoGalleryPageHelper | Class responsible for parsing the Media Images |
CHtmlHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations |
CHttpHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods for HTTP Operations |
CIMDBIDHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to IMDB ID related operations |
CIMDBImageHelper | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb |
▼NProviders | |
CIMDbScraperDataProvider | Data provider that fetches the data real-time on IMDb website using Screen Scraping and returns it as per defined in IIMDbDataProvider |
▼NTests | |
▼NPerson | |
CBasicPersonScrapingTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons |
CPersonAsyncTests | Test suite designed to test asnyc operations |
CPersonGalleryTests | Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons |
▼NProduction | |
CAKATests | Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests |
CBasicProductionScrapingTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic scraping scenarios for productions |
CProductionAsyncTests | Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions |
CProductionGalleryTests | Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions |
CScrapingCultureTests | Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests |
CTVShowTests | Test class that contains the tests dedicated for TV Show specific information |
CAutoGeneratedProgram |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+Classes | Class definition of Money related Amounts. More... | | | Class definition for basic online image. More... | | | Class definition of Length that contains both Imperial and Metric length information. More... | | |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.OfficialSite, including all inherited members.
Title | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.OfficialSite | |
URL | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.OfficialSite | |
URL | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.OfficialSite |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of a movie +
Class definition of a movie. More...
-Public Attributes | |
override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType => ProductionTypeEnum.Movie |
Type of the production More... | |
+Propertiesstring | OriginalTitle | [get, set] | Original Title of the movie More... |
+string | OriginalTitle | [get, set] | string | PlotSummary | [get, set] | Plot Summary of the movie More... |
+string | PlotSummary | [get, set] | string | StoryLine | [get, set] | Story Line of the movie More... |
+string | StoryLine | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Credit > | Credits | [get, set] | Credits of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Credit > | Credits | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< TagLine > | TagLines | [get, set] | Tag Lines of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< TagLine > | TagLines | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Keyword > | Keywords | [get, set] | Keywords of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Keyword > | Keywords | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Genre > | Genres | [get, set] | Genres of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Genre > | Genres | [get, set] | ICollection< OfficialSite > | OfficialSites | [get, set] | Official Sites of the movie More... |
+ICollection< OfficialSite > | OfficialSites | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ProductionCountry > | Countries | [get, set] | Countries of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ProductionCountry > | Countries | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ProductionLanguage > | Languages | [get, set] | Languages of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ProductionLanguage > | Languages | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ReleaseDate > | ReleaseDates | [get, set] | Release dates of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ReleaseDate > | ReleaseDates | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< AKA > | AKAs | [get, set] | Alternative names of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< AKA > | AKAs | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< string > | FilmingLocations | [get, set] | Filming Locations of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< string > | FilmingLocations | [get, set] | Budget | Budget | [get, set] | Budget of the movie More... |
+Budget | Budget | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Company > | ProductionCompanies | [get, set] | Production Companies of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Company > | ProductionCompanies | [get, set] | TimeSpan | Runtime | [get, set] | Length of the movie More... |
+TimeSpan | Runtime | [get, set] |
+override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get] | Type of the production. | Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | long | ID | [get, set] | Primary key of a production More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | long | IMDbID | [get, set] | IMDb ID of the production More... |
+long | IMDbID | [get, set] | string | Title | [get, set] | Title of the production More... |
+string | Title | [get, set] | int | Year | [get, set] | Production Year More... |
+int | Year | [get, set] | virtual Rating | Rating | [get, set] | Current Rating of the production More... |
+virtual Rating | Rating | [get, set] | virtual Image | Poster | [get, set] | Poster of the production More... |
+virtual Image | Poster | [get, set] | long? | PosterID | [get, set] | Reference field for the Poster More... |
+long? | PosterID | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Image > | MediaImages | [get, set] | Media images related with the production More... |
+virtual ICollection< Image > | MediaImages | [get, set] | virtual ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get, set] | Type of the Production More... |
+virtual ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get, set] | Original Title of the movie. | Plot Summary of the movie. | Story Line of the movie. | Credits of the movie. | Tag Lines of the movie. | Keywords of the movie. | Genres of the movie. | Official Sites of the movie. | Countries of the movie. | Languages of the movie. | Release dates of the movie. | Alternative names of the movie. | Filming Locations of the movie. | Budget of the movie. | Production Companies of the movie. | Length of the movie. | Primary key of a production. | IMDb ID of the production. | Title of the production. | Production Year. | Current Rating of the production. | Poster of the production. | Reference field for the Poster. | Media images related with the production. | Type of the Production. |
Class definition of a movie
-override ProductionTypeEnum JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Movie.ProductionType => ProductionTypeEnum.Movie | -
Type of the production
- -
- -getset | -
Alternative names of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Budget of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Countries of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Credits of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Filming Locations of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Genres of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Keywords of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Languages of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Official Sites of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Original Title of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Plot Summary of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Production Companies of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Release dates of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Length of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Story Line of the movie
- -
- -getset | -
Tag Lines of the movie
- -Class definition of a movie.
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
Class Definition of a private API Response. + More...
++Properties | |
+APIData | Data [get, set] |
Main Data property. | |
Class Definition of a private API Response.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests, including all inherited members.
FetchingLimitedImages() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests | |
FetchingWithPagination() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests | |
FetchingWithPagination() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests |
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
Class Definition of a private Production AKAs Edge. + More...
++Properties | |
+AKANode | AKANode [get, set] |
Node property. | |
Class Definition of a private Production AKAs Edge.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.TVShowTests, including all inherited members.
SummaryTVShowTest() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.TVShowTests | |
TVShowWithNoEndTest() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.TVShowTests | |
TVShowWithNoEndTest() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.TVShowTests |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of TV Series +
Class definition of TV Series. More...
-Public Attributes | |
override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType => ProductionTypeEnum.TVSeries |
Type of the production More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Movie | |
override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType => ProductionTypeEnum.Movie |
Type of the production More... | |
+Propertiesint? | EndYear | [get, set] | End Year of the series More... |
+int? | EndYear | [get, set] |
+override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get] | Type of the production. | Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Movie | string | OriginalTitle | [get, set] | Original Title of the movie More... |
+string | OriginalTitle | [get, set] | string | PlotSummary | [get, set] | Plot Summary of the movie More... |
+string | PlotSummary | [get, set] | string | StoryLine | [get, set] | Story Line of the movie More... |
+string | StoryLine | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Credit > | Credits | [get, set] | Credits of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Credit > | Credits | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< TagLine > | TagLines | [get, set] | Tag Lines of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< TagLine > | TagLines | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Keyword > | Keywords | [get, set] | Keywords of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Keyword > | Keywords | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Genre > | Genres | [get, set] | Genres of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Genre > | Genres | [get, set] | ICollection< OfficialSite > | OfficialSites | [get, set] | Official Sites of the movie More... |
+ICollection< OfficialSite > | OfficialSites | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ProductionCountry > | Countries | [get, set] | Countries of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ProductionCountry > | Countries | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ProductionLanguage > | Languages | [get, set] | Languages of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ProductionLanguage > | Languages | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< ReleaseDate > | ReleaseDates | [get, set] | Release dates of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< ReleaseDate > | ReleaseDates | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< AKA > | AKAs | [get, set] | Alternative names of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< AKA > | AKAs | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< string > | FilmingLocations | [get, set] | Filming Locations of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< string > | FilmingLocations | [get, set] | Budget | Budget | [get, set] | Budget of the movie More... |
+Budget | Budget | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Company > | ProductionCompanies | [get, set] | Production Companies of the movie More... |
+virtual ICollection< Company > | ProductionCompanies | [get, set] | TimeSpan | Runtime | [get, set] | Length of the movie More... |
+TimeSpan | Runtime | [get, set] |
+override ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get] | Type of the production. | Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | long | ID | [get, set] | Primary key of a production More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | long | IMDbID | [get, set] | IMDb ID of the production More... |
+long | IMDbID | [get, set] | string | Title | [get, set] | Title of the production More... |
+string | Title | [get, set] | int | Year | [get, set] | Production Year More... |
+int | Year | [get, set] | virtual Rating | Rating | [get, set] | Current Rating of the production More... |
+virtual Rating | Rating | [get, set] | virtual Image | Poster | [get, set] | Poster of the production More... |
+virtual Image | Poster | [get, set] | long? | PosterID | [get, set] | Reference field for the Poster More... |
+long? | PosterID | [get, set] | virtual ICollection< Image > | MediaImages | [get, set] | Media images related with the production More... |
+virtual ICollection< Image > | MediaImages | [get, set] | virtual ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get, set] | Type of the Production More... |
+virtual ProductionTypeEnum | ProductionType | [get, set] | End Year of the series. | Original Title of the movie. | Plot Summary of the movie. | Story Line of the movie. | Credits of the movie. | Tag Lines of the movie. | Keywords of the movie. | Genres of the movie. | Official Sites of the movie. | Countries of the movie. | Languages of the movie. | Release dates of the movie. | Alternative names of the movie. | Filming Locations of the movie. | Budget of the movie. | Production Companies of the movie. | Length of the movie. | Primary key of a production. | IMDb ID of the production. | Title of the production. | Production Year. | Current Rating of the production. | Poster of the production. | Reference field for the Poster. | Media images related with the production. | Type of the Production. |
Class definition of TV Series
-override ProductionTypeEnum JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TVSeries.ProductionType => ProductionTypeEnum.TVSeries | -
Type of the production
- -
- -getset | -
End Year of the series
- -Class definition of TV Series.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data +
A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data. More...
+Propertiesoverride bool | FetchDetailedCast | [get] | Do not fetch detailed cast More... |
+override bool | FetchDetailedCast | [get] | override bool | FetchImageContents | [get] | Do not fetch image contents More... |
+override bool | FetchImageContents | [get] | override int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get] | Do not fetch media images More... |
+override int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get] | override int | CastFetchCount | [get] | Do not fetch the cast More... |
+override int | CastFetchCount | [get] |
+override bool | FetchPrivateData | [get] | Do not fetch private data. | Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.ProductionDataFetchSettings | virtual bool | FetchDetailedCast | [get, set] | Should the detailed cast info be fetched? This effects the response time. More... |
+virtual bool | FetchDetailedCast | [get, set] | virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs More... |
+virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] | Number of media images to be fetched along with the production More... |
+virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] | virtual int | CastFetchCount | [get, set] | Number of cast to be fetched along with the production More... |
+virtual int | CastFetchCount | [get, set] Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) More... |
+virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] |
+virtual bool | FetchPrivateData | [get, set] | Toggles fetching private data available through normally user-click on the website. DISCLAIMER: Use this only on private projects. Usage of these APIs are not allowed for non-private purposes. | | Do not fetch detailed cast. | Do not fetch image contents. | Do not fetch media images. | Do not fetch the cast. | Should the detailed cast info be fetched? This effects the response time. | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs. | Number of media images to be fetched along with the production. | Number of cast to be fetched along with the production. | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) |
A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data
- -get | -
Do not fetch the cast
- -
- -get | -
Do not fetch detailed cast
- -
- -get | -
Do not fetch image contents
- -
- -get | -
Do not fetch media images
- -A preset of settings to fetch only basic production data.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production, including all inherited members.
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
IMDbID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
IMDbID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
MediaImages | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Poster | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Poster | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
PosterID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
ProductionType | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
ProductionType | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Rating | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Title | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Title | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production | |
Year | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Production |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ActingCredit, including all inherited members.
ActingCredit() | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ActingCredit | |
Characters | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ActingCredit | |
Characters | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ActingCredit | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
Person | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
Person | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
PersonID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | |
RoleType | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit |
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+Classes | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations. More... | | | Class responsible for providing utility methods for HTTP Operations. More... | | | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to IMDB ID related operations. More... | | | Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb. More... | | |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class responsible for parsing the Media Images +
Class responsible for parsing the Media Images. More...
+Static Public Member Functions | Main Parse method of the Photo Gallery Page. | | |
Class responsible for parsing the Media Images
+Class responsible for parsing the Media Images.
Main Parse method of the Photo Gallery Page
+Main Parse method of the Photo Gallery Page.
person | Person instance that is populated |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of a company related to the industry +
Class definition of a company related to the industry. More...
+Propertieslong | ID | [get, set] | ID of the company More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | string | Name | [get, set] | Name of the company More... |
+string | Name | [get, set] | long | ProductionID | [get, set] | Reference field for Production More... |
+long | ProductionID | [get, set] | ID of the company. | Name of the company. | Reference field for Production. |
Class definition of a company related to the industry
- -getset | -
ID of the company
- -
- -getset | -
Name of the company
- -
- -getset | -
Reference field for Production
- -Class definition of a company related to the industry.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings, including all inherited members.
CastFetchCount | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
FetchDetailedCast | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
FetchDetailedCast | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
FetchImageContents | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
MediaImagesFetchCount | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | |
FetchPrivateData | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
MediaImagesFetchCount | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.Presets.BasicProductionDataFetchSettings | |
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations +
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations. More...
+Static Public Member Functions | Method responsible to initialize and configure a new Html Document. | | |
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations
+Class responsible for providing utility methods related to HTML related operations.
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Company, including all inherited members.
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Company | |
Name | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Company | |
Name | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Company | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Company |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings, including all inherited members.
FetchBioPage | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | |
FetchImageContents | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | |
MediaImagesFetchCount | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | |
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | |
FetchImageContents | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | |
FetchPrivateData | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | |
MediaImagesFetchCount | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | |
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions +
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions. More...
+Public Member Functions | Test that checks if the code is running correctly in async mode. | | Test that checks if the code is running without blocking. | | |
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions
+Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for productions.
void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.ProductionAsyncTests.NonBlockingTest | -( | -) | -- |
Test that checks if the code is running without blocking
-+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of Budget of a Title +
Class definition of Budget of a Title. More...
+Propertiesstring | Description | [get, set] | Description related to the budget information More... |
+string | Description | [get, set] | Amount | Amount | [get, set] | Amount of the budget of the title More... |
+Amount | Amount | [get, set] | Description related to the budget information. | Amount of the budget of the title. |
Class definition of Budget of a Title
- -getset | -
Amount of the budget of the title
- -
- -getset | -
Description related to the budget information
- -Class definition of Budget of a Title.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+Classes | Class definition of an Acting Credit. More... | | | Class definition for other names of the title. More... | | | Class definition of Budget of a Title. More... | | | Class definition of a character in a title. More... | | | Class definition of a company related to the industry. More... | | | Class definition of a country. More... | | | Class definition of a credit in a title. More... | | | Class definition of a genre. More... | | | Class definition of a keyword related to a title. More... | | | Class definition of a language. More... | | | Class definition of a movie. More... | | | Class definition of an Official Site. More... | | | Base class of any production. More... | | | Class definition that handles country to production mapping. More... | | | Class definition that handles language to production mapping. More... | | | Class definition of Ratings. More... | | | Class definition of release dates. More... | | | Tag line of the production. More... | | | Class definition of a TV Character. More... | | | Class definition of TV Series. More... | | |
+Enumerationsenum | CharacterTypeEnum { Character
+, TVCharacter
} | | Class definition of a character type More... | enum | CreditRoleType { | - CreditRoleType.Undefined, -CreditRoleType.Director, -CreditRoleType.Acting, -CreditRoleType.Writer, - - CreditRoleType.Creator, -CreditRoleType.Producer, -CreditRoleType.Composer, -CreditRoleType.MusicDepartment, - - CreditRoleType.Actor, -CreditRoleType.Actress + Undefined +, Director +, Acting +, Writer +, + Creator +, Producer +, Composer +, MusicDepartment +, + Actor +, Actress } | Enumeration of Role Types in a credit More... | | enum | ProductionTypeEnum { Undefined
+, Movie
+, TVSeries
} | | Enumeration of Production Types More... | | enum | CharacterTypeEnum { CharacterTypeEnum.Character, -CharacterTypeEnum.TVCharacter + | Class definition of a character type. More... | Enumeration of Role Types in a credit. More... | enum | ProductionTypeEnum { ProductionTypeEnum.Undefined, -ProductionTypeEnum.Movie, -ProductionTypeEnum.TVSeries + | Enumeration of Production Types. More... |
- -strong | -
Class definition of a character type
+Class definition of a character type.
Enumerator | |
Character | A generic character + |
Enumerator | |
Character | A generic character. |
TVCharacter | A TV Character + |
TVCharacter | A TV Character. |
- -strong | -
Enumeration of Role Types in a credit
+Enumeration of Role Types in a credit.
Enumerator | |
Undefined | Default Value of Credit Role + |
Enumerator | |
Undefined | Default Value of Credit Role. |
Director | Director role in a title + |
Director | Director role in a title. |
Acting | Acting role in a title + |
Acting | Acting role in a title. |
Writer | Writer role in a title + |
Writer | Writer role in a title. |
Creator | Creator role in a title + |
Creator | Creator role in a title. |
Producer | Producer role in a title + |
Producer | Producer role in a title. |
Composer | Composer role in a title + |
Composer | Composer role in a title. |
MusicDepartment | Part of a Music Department + |
MusicDepartment | Part of a Music Department. |
Actor | Actor role in a title + |
Actor | Actor role in a title. |
Actress | Actress role in a title + |
Actress | Actress role in a title. |
- -strong | -
Enumeration of Production Types
+Enumeration of Production Types.
Enumerator | |
Undefined | Default Production Type + |
Enumerator | |
Undefined | Default Production Type. |
Movie | + |
Movie | Movie. |
TVSeries | TV Series + |
TVSeries | TV Series. |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider, including all inherited members.
GetMovie(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovie(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovie(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeries(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeries(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeries(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of a country +
Class definition of a country. More...
+Propertieslong | ID | [get, set] | Primary Key More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | string | Name | [get, set] | Name of the country More... |
+string | Name | [get, set] | string | Identifier | [get, set] | Unique identifier of the country More... |
+string | Identifier | [get, set] | Primary Key. | Name of the country. | Unique identifier of the country. |
Class definition of a country
- -getset | -
Primary Key
- -
- -getset | -
Unique identifier of the country
- -
- -getset | -
Name of the country
- -Class definition of a country.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of a credit in a title +
Class definition of a credit in a title. More...
+Propertieslong | ID | [get, set] | Primary key More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | virtual Person | Person | [get, set] | Person related to the credit More... |
+virtual Person | Person | [get, set] | long | PersonID | [get, set] | Reference id for Person More... |
+long | PersonID | [get, set] | CreditRoleType | RoleType | [get, set] | Role of the person in the title More... |
+CreditRoleType | RoleType | [get, set] | long | ProductionID | [get, set] | Reference field for Production More... |
+long | ProductionID | [get, set] | Primary key. | Person related to the credit. | Reference id for Person. | Role of the person in the title. | Reference field for Production. |
Class definition of a credit in a title
- -getset | -
Primary key
- -
- -getset | -
Person related to the credit
- -
- -getset | -
Reference id for Person
- -
- -getset | -
Reference field for Production
- -
- -getset | -
Role of the person in the title
- -Class definition of a credit in a title.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings, including all inherited members.
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | |
FetchPrivateData | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | |
PreferredCulture | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb +
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb. More...
+Static Public Member Functions | Class responsible for normalizing image urls within IMDb. By default IMDb uses a handler to return cropped versions of the images. This method ensures it returns the raw image. | | |
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb
+Class responsible for providing utility methods related to Image related operations for IMDb.
static byte [] JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper.GetImageContent | +static byte[] JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper.GetImageContent | ( | string | url | ) | @@ -132,7 +135,7 @@
url | URL of the image to be fetched |
url | URL of the image |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider, including all inherited members.
AsyncGetPerson(long id, Person person, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovie(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
AsyncGetPerson(long id, Person person, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovie(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovie(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetMovieAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPerson(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id, PersonDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetPersonAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProduction(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeries(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetProductionAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeries(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id, ProductionDataFetchSettings settings) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider | |
GetTvSeriesAsync(long id) | JMovies.IMDb.Providers.IMDbScraperDataProvider |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+Public Member Functions | Gets Production Information iresspective of type using the default settings. | | | Gets Movie information using the default settings. | | | Gets TV Series information using the default settings. | | | Gets Production Information iresspective of type. | | | Gets Movie information. | | | Gets TV Series information. | | | Gets Person information. | | | Gets Person information using the default settings. | | |
Data provider interface that Scraper implements. This interface can be safely used for Dependency Injection.
Gets Movie information using the default settings
+Gets Movie information using the default settings.
id | ID of the movie |
id | ID of the movie |
Task<Movie> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetMovieAsync | +Task< Movie > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetMovieAsync | ( | long | id | ) | @@ -244,7 +247,7 @@
id | ID of the movie |
Task<Movie> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetMovieAsync | +Task< Movie > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetMovieAsync | ( | long | id, | @@ -283,7 +286,7 @@
id | ID of the movie |
id | ID of the Person |
id | ID of the Person |
Task<Person> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetPersonAsync | +Task< Person > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetPersonAsync | ( | long | id | ) | @@ -382,7 +385,7 @@
id | ID of the Person |
Task<Person> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetPersonAsync | +Task< Person > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetPersonAsync | ( | long | id, | @@ -421,7 +424,7 @@
id | ID of the Person |
id | ID of the production |
id | ID of the production |
Task<Production> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetProductionAsync | +Task< Production > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetProductionAsync | ( | long | id | ) | @@ -520,7 +523,7 @@
id | ID of the production |
Task<Production> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetProductionAsync | +Task< Production > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetProductionAsync | ( | long | id, | @@ -559,7 +562,7 @@
id | ID of the production |
id | ID of the TV Series |
id | ID of the TV Series |
Task<TVSeries> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetTvSeriesAsync | +Task< TVSeries > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetTvSeriesAsync | ( | long | id | ) | @@ -656,7 +659,7 @@
id | ID of the TV Series |
Task<TVSeries> JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetTvSeriesAsync | +Task< TVSeries > JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Interfaces.IIMDbDataProvider.GetTvSeriesAsync | ( | long | id, | @@ -695,7 +698,7 @@
id | ID of the TV Series |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class responsible for holding the Regex definitions that are commonly used +
Class responsible for holding the Regex definitions that are commonly used. More...
+Static Public Attributesstatic readonly Regex | AmountStringRegex = new Regex(@"^([^a-zA-Z0-9_\s\n]*\s?|[a-zA-Z]{2,3}\s?)([\d\.,]+)(\s?[^a-zA-Z0-9_\s\n]*|\s?[a-zA-Z]{2,3})$", RegexOptions.Multiline) | | Regex that captures any money string More... |
+static readonly Regex | AmountStringRegex = new Regex(@"^([^a-zA-Z0-9_\s\n]*\s?|[a-zA-Z]{2,3}\s?)([\d\.,]+)(\s?[^a-zA-Z0-9_\s\n]*|\s?[a-zA-Z]{2,3})\((.+)\)") | | static readonly Regex | PharantesisRegex = new Regex(@"\((.+)\)") | | Basic Regex that captures text inside pharantesis More... | | static readonly Regex | HtmlDatetimeTagRegex = new Regex(@"PT(\d*D)?(\d*H)?(\d*M)?(\d*S)?") | | Regex that captures and groups the HTML Datetime attribute details More... |
+static readonly Regex | HtmlDatetimeTagRegex = new Regex(@"PT(\d*D)?(\d*H)?(\d*M)?(\d*S)?") | | static readonly Regex | AllNumericRegex = new Regex(@"^(\d+)$") | | Regex that captures all numeric strings More... | | Regex that captures any money string. | Regex that captures and groups the HTML Datetime attribute details. |
Class responsible for holding the Regex definitions that are commonly used
- -static | -
Regex that captures all numeric strings
- -
- -static | -
Regex that captures any money string
- -
- -static | -
Regex that captures and groups the HTML Datetime attribute details
- -
- -static | -
Basic Regex that captures text inside pharantesis
- -Class responsible for holding the Regex definitions that are commonly used.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+Public Member Functions | ActingCredit () | | Default constructor More... |
+ | ActingCredit () | | Default constructor. |
+Propertiesvirtual ICollection< Character > | Characters | [get, set] | Characters played by the actor/actress More... |
+virtual ICollection< Character > | Characters | [get, set] Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Credit | long | ID | [get, set] | Primary key More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | virtual Person | Person | [get, set] | Person related to the credit More... |
+virtual Person | Person | [get, set] | long | PersonID | [get, set] | Reference id for Person More... |
+long | PersonID | [get, set] | CreditRoleType | RoleType | [get, set] | Role of the person in the title More... |
+CreditRoleType | RoleType | [get, set] | long | ProductionID | [get, set] | Reference field for Production More... |
+long | ProductionID | [get, set] | Characters played by the actor/actress. | Primary key. | Person related to the credit. | Reference id for Person. | Role of the person in the title. | Reference field for Production. |
Class definition of an Acting Credit
-JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ActingCredit.ActingCredit | -( | -) | -- |
Default constructor
- -
- -getset | -
Characters played by the actor/actress
- -Class definition of an Acting Credit.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper, including all inherited members.
GetImageContent(string url) | JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper | static |
NormalizeImageUrl(string url) | JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper | static |
GetImageContent(string url) | JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper | static |
NormalizeImageUrl(string url) | JMovies.IMDb.Helpers.IMDBImageHelper | static |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons +
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons. More...
+Public Member Functionsvoid | PersonScraping () | | Method that tests scraping of person pages More... |
+void | PersonScraping () | | void | DetailedPersonScraping () | | Method that tests detailed scraping of person pages More... |
+void | DetailedPersonScraping () | | Method that tests scraping of person pages. | Method that tests detailed scraping of person pages. |
Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons
-void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests.DetailedPersonScraping | -( | -) | -- |
Method that tests detailed scraping of person pages
- -void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests.PersonScraping | -( | -) | -- |
Method that tests scraping of person pages
- -Test class that contains the tests for basic async scraping scenarios for persons.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons +
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons. More...
+Public Member Functionsvoid | FetchingLimitedImages () | | Fetches the person data with 5 images More... |
+void | FetchingLimitedImages () | | void | FetchingWithPagination () | | Fetches the person data with 55 images More... |
+void | FetchingWithPagination () | | Fetches the person data with 5 images. | Fetches the person data with 55 images. |
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons
-void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests.FetchingLimitedImages | -( | -) | -- |
Fetches the person data with 5 images
- -void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.PersonGalleryTests.FetchingWithPagination | -( | -) | -- |
Fetches the person data with 55 images
- -Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the persons.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
Class Definition of a private Displayable Property Value. + More...
++Properties | |
+string | PlainText [get, set] |
Plain Text Value of a displayable property. | |
Class Definition of a private Displayable Property Value.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests +
Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests. More...
+Public Member Functionsvoid | TestAKAsOfSongOfTheSouth () | | Test Method that tests AKAs of the movie "Song of the South" More... |
+void | TestAKAsOfSongOfTheSouth () | | Test Method that tests AKAs of the movie "Song of the South". |
Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests
-void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.AKATests.TestAKAsOfSongOfTheSouth | -( | -) | -- |
Test Method that tests AKAs of the movie "Song of the South"
- -Test class that contains the tests which are targeted for scraping culture related tests.
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.PrivateAPI.DisplayablePropertyValue, including all inherited members.
+PlainText | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.PrivateAPI.DisplayablePropertyValue |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Language, including all inherited members.
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Language | |
Identifier | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Language | |
Identifier | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Language | |
Name | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Language |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions +
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions. More...
+Public Member Functionsvoid | FetchingLimitedImages () | | Fetches the production data with 5 images More... |
+void | FetchingLimitedImages () | | void | FetchingWithPagination () | | Fetches the production data with 55 images More... |
+void | FetchingWithPagination () | | Fetches the production data with 5 images. | Fetches the production data with 55 images. |
Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions
-void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.ProductionGalleryTests.FetchingLimitedImages | -( | -) | -- |
Fetches the production data with 5 images
- -void JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Production.ProductionGalleryTests.FetchingWithPagination | -( | -) | -- |
Fetches the production data with 55 images
- -Test suite for tests related to fetching of the gallery page of the productions.
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
+Classes | |
class | APIData |
Class Definition of a private API Response. More... | |
class | APIResponse |
Class Definition of a private API Response. More... | |
class | DisplayableProperty |
Class Definition of a private Displayable Property. More... | |
class | DisplayablePropertyValue |
Class Definition of a private Displayable Property Value. More... | |
class | ProductionData |
Class Definition of a private Production Data. More... | |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate, including all inherited members.
Country | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
CountryID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
CountryID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
Date | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
Description | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
Description | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.ReleaseDate |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests, including all inherited members.
DetailedPersonScraping() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests | |
PersonScraping() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests | |
PersonScraping() | JMovies.IMDb.Tests.Person.BasicPersonScrapingTests |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource, including all inherited members.
DataSource() | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
DataSource(DataSourceTypeEnum dataSourceType) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
DataSource(DataSourceTypeEnum dataSourceType) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
DataSourceType | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
Identifier | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
Name | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
Identifier (defined in JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource) | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource | |
Name | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Misc.DataSource |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data +
A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data. More...
+Propertiesoverride bool | FetchBioPage | [get] | Do not fetch the bio page More... |
+override bool | FetchBioPage | [get] | override bool | FetchImageContents | [get] | Do not fetch image contents More... |
+override bool | FetchImageContents | [get] |
+override bool | FetchPrivateData | [get] | Do not fetch private data. | Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.PersonDataFetchSettings | virtual bool | FetchBioPage | [get, set] | Should the Bio Page details be also fetched? This effects the response time More... |
+virtual bool | FetchBioPage | [get, set] | virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs More... |
+virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] | Number of media images to be fetched along with the person More... |
+virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) More... |
+virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] |
+virtual bool | FetchPrivateData | [get, set] | Toggles fetching private data available through normally user-click on the website. DISCLAIMER: Use this only on private projects. Usage of these APIs are not allowed for non-private purposes. | | Do not fetch the bio page. | Do not fetch image contents. | Should the Bio Page details be also fetched? This effects the response time. | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs. | Number of media images to be fetched along with the person. | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) |
A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data
- -get | -
Do not fetch the bio page
- -
- -get | -
Do not fetch image contents
- -A preset of settings to fetch only basic person data.
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.PrivateAPI.ProductionData, including all inherited members.
+AKAsData | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.PrivateAPI.ProductionData |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching +
Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching. More...
+Propertiesvirtual bool | FetchBioPage | [get, set] | Should the Bio Page details be also fetched? This effects the response time More... |
+virtual bool | FetchBioPage | [get, set] | virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs More... |
+virtual bool | FetchImageContents | [get, set] | virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] | Number of media images to be fetched along with the person More... |
+virtual int | MediaImagesFetchCount | [get, set] Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Settings.BaseDataFetchSettings | virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) More... |
+virtual string | PreferredCulture | [get, set] |
+virtual bool | FetchPrivateData | [get, set] | Toggles fetching private data available through normally user-click on the website. DISCLAIMER: Use this only on private projects. Usage of these APIs are not allowed for non-private purposes. | | Should the Bio Page details be also fetched? This effects the response time. | Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs. | Number of media images to be fetched along with the person. | Preferred culture for fetching data (where applicable) |
Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching
- -getset | -
Should the Bio Page details be also fetched? This effects the response time
- -
- -getset | -
Should the byte array content of the images be fetched along with URLs
- -
- -getset | -
Number of media images to be fetched along with the person
- -Class that is responsible for holding settings for Person data fetching.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class definition of a TV Character +
Class definition of a TV Character. More...
+Propertiesint | EpisodeCount | [get, set] | Count of episodes the character was in More... |
+int | EpisodeCount | [get, set] | int? | StartYear | [get, set] | Character first appereance year More... |
+int? | StartYear | [get, set] | int? | EndYear | [get, set] | Character last appereance year More... |
+int? | EndYear | [get, set] | override CharacterTypeEnum | CharacterType | [get] | Overridden character type property to return always TVCharacter More... |
+override CharacterTypeEnum | CharacterType | [get] Properties inherited from JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.Character | long | ID | [get, set] | Primary key of a character More... |
+long | ID | [get, set] | virtual CharacterTypeEnum | CharacterType | [get, set] | Underlining Character Type More... |
+virtual CharacterTypeEnum | CharacterType | [get, set] | long? | IMDbID | [get, set] | IMDb ID More... |
+long? | IMDbID | [get, set] | string | Name | [get, set] | Name of the character More... |
+string | Name | [get, set] | long | CreditID | [get, set] | Reference ID of related credit More... |
+long | CreditID | [get, set] | Count of episodes the character was in. | Character first appereance year. | Character last appereance year. | Overridden character type property to return always TVCharacter. | Primary key of a character. | Underlining Character Type. | IMDb ID. | Name of the character. | Reference ID of related credit. |
Class definition of a TV Character
- -get | -
Overridden character type property to return always TVCharacter
- -
- -getset | -
Character last appereance year
- -
- -getset | -
Count of episodes the character was in
- -
- -getset | -
Character first appereance year
- -Class definition of a TV Character.
+ JMovies.IMDb
+ |
Class Definition of a private Production Data. + More...
++Properties | |
+AKAData | AKAsData [get, set] |
AKAs property. | |
Class Definition of a private Production Data.
++ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TagLine, including all inherited members.
Content | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TagLine | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TagLine | |
ID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TagLine | |
ProductionID | JMovies.IMDb.Entities.Movies.TagLine |
+ |
@@ -37,21 +33,22 @@
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to IMDB ID related operations +
Class responsible for providing utility methods related to IMDB ID related operations. More...
+Static Public Member Functions | Method responsible for getting IMDb ID from a URL. | | | Returns 7 or 8 digit padded IMDB ID. | | |