A Fully Configurable Instagram Downloader! To Download Instagram Storys from every User
- Download the repository
- Run
npm install
inside of your terminal! - Rename the file .env.example to .env!
- Insert your specific ig data into the .env at the marked positions!
- Choose if you want Authorization by changing USE_AUTH from true for Authorization to false for no Authorization
- Change the port if needed.
- Run
npm run start
inside of your terminal! To Start the Programm
Make sure that when you have auth enabled that you specify the auth_token from the .env file in the request headers under token
Story | Make a simple GET request to the URL http://example.com:9090/download/storys/USERNAME and Replace the Username with the account username from instagram you wanna download!
Reels | Make a simple GET request to the URL http://example.com:9090/download/reels/USERNAME and Replace the Username with the account username from instagram you wanna download!
Particular Reel | Make a simple GET request to the URL http://example.com:9090/download/reels/USERNAME/CODE and Replace the Username with the account username from instagram you wanna download! and replace the code with the particualr reel you wanna download
You can also make a GET request to the URL http://example.com:9090/cache/USERNAME When you only want to pre cache the userID
- Implement my command system
- Commands:
- download : Downloads the story from a username
- info : info prints informations
- Commands:
- Implement an ffmpeg video copresser to download every story and compress them into one Video
- Figure out some way to visualize the previous downloaded infos